Trailer Trash


Tuesdailies (Read 32 times)

    After conking my noggin on the ground Sunday I was dizzy and had a headache. Monday just a headache and sore neck muscles. Today just a sore neck.  Any way I had a great 5 mile trail run with the pooch this morning.


    QOTD: How bad are the spider webs where you run?  They get pretty annoying here this time of year.  Any tips for dealing with them?


    Tallahassee, Florida


    flashlight and sidewalk

      Morning trailers


      I've been a bit MIA on the board here and in my training.  Work has been getting in the way yadda yadda yadda.  Anyways, I brought my trail stuff to work today and I'll get some miles in after work.


      TT: rough deal on bonking the noggin.  Glad it's starting to feel better.


      QOTD: I had been running right through them and enjoying the fact that I was the first one through...until last night.  I saw 2 large orb spiders outside of my GF's house, each with a body as large as a quarter sitting in the middle of their webs.  I'm not generally squeemish about those kind of things, but all I could think about was how many spider webs I have ran through and how I don't want one of those on my face.


      **Ask me about streaking**



        Morning trailers!

        I skipped last night's strength workout for a massage instead. Some serious kneading worked out a few knots and kinks that have been nagging me for a bit.   Tonight's plan is for 6 with the running group.  Or the trail, if I get our car back from the shop.


        TT- glad to hear you're on the mend.


        qotd:  Webs getting worse, especially the giant ones near the beach (with the giant spiders),  I usually am not the first person out on the trails so I rarely have to run thru them.  I have tried hanging on to a stick to break them when I do, but I don't like running with things in my hands, usually.


          Ran 10 miles last night on the trails on the northshore of Green Lane. Sort of an out/back/loop, but using the lakeside trails on the way out and the meadow trails on the way back. This was convenient as it was well past sunset on the way back so we had more light. We saw tons of deer last night. A dozen or more. The deer are always out in the meadows at dusk over there. Also came upon a young couple laid out on a blanket right smack dab next to the trail in the meadow just before finishing up my run. I suspect the young man was hoping to get some under the moonlit sky. Coming into the parking lot, a jeep pulled in. The guy jumped out, said "how's it going dude" (or something similar), checked his headlights, hopped back into the jeep and then a few minutes later as I was pulling out there was an aroma of weed. Full moon out there. Yep.


          Today, not sure. Another 8 miles or so I think after work.


          QOTD: Webs are somewhat bad this time of year and many trails I run are not frequented that often. Tips? Run with a partner. Let them run ahead of you! Unfortunately my partner is a gsp who is not tall enough to knock down the webs.

          In dog beers, I've only had one.


          Le professeur de trail

            5.5 on the foggy and dark trails this morning with a couple other runners.  This was the last of my mid week early morning trail runs for the summer since my boys start school next week which means I will be in get them ready for school mode.  My morning is usually packed and driving to a trail and taking my time getting ready for work isn't an option when I have make sure they get on th ebus in time.


            TT: I missed the weekend dailies.  I guess I will have to go back and read them.  Did you fall or hit another tree branch?

            Jamezilla - get back on it you slacker!

            DC - skipping a workout for a massage? Now that sounds like a great idea!


            QOTD: They are bad here.  I usually just run through them.  I have in the past carried a trekking pole and held that out in front of me.  Looks funny but then again I am usually first out on the trails so it's worth it.  Normally I forget the pole and end up covered by the time I am done.


            Have a great day!

            My favorite day of the week is RUNday



              Got in 6 miles last night after a very lazy week. I am planning to get in a lot of miles this week to make up for the last couple of down weeks.


              QOTD: Yes, spiderwebs are pretty bad around here. However, I am immune to spiders after spending 8 nights with them while camping. Besides the hundreds seen crawling around my campsite, I found one crawling in my bed on the last night, and then as I took down my tent, I saw the biggest spider I've ever seen in real life (it was hairy too).  Pretty sure that guy is still in the tent. So after that, I'm pretty sure anything short of a tarantula wouldn't faze me.

              Occasional Runner

                I slept in this morning after a long weekend and a late night of travel. I plan to run some WI trails tomorrow.


                QOTD: I travel to a lot of different areas and I find them to be bad in the areas with high humidity. The dryer regions aren't as bad.


                Endless trails

                  Great 5 miler this morning, sunny and warm. Got a new pair of NB 1010's last night,

                  gonna check them out tomorrow morning.


                  TT: You gotta be more careful out there, retirement is all about taking it easy.


                  QOTD: They are bad here, and I'm usually out there before the mountain bikers clear

                  them away. Last week I ran through one and I swear the spider had bones in it when I

                  crushed him/her. Sometimes I run through the first loop w/ a long stick, other than that I

                  don't know what the hell to do.


                    Good morning.  Rest day today, I suppose.  I may end up having to head to the indoor track at the gym this week.  A big fire has blown up near our town, and there is a lot of smoke in the area.  The highway is closed, trails are closed, and homes are evacuated.  Pics below.


                    QOTD: I come across an occasional spider string, but never a full web.  My best tip for dealing with them would be to have your dog run ahead of you & break them up before you get there.


                    Here is the smoke billowing off of Blue Mountain and heading for town.  There will be no trail runs in that area for a little while.


                    Here is a look at the size of the ash that is raining down on us.



                      Out to the Arb fairly early this morn. Did some 800 intervals on my measured trail. Wasn't too bad temp wise yet and my legs actually were working for it being early. So as I was wrapping it up my boss called and said I didn't have to come in so I turned back into the woods and got a couple more miles. Nice.


                      So now that I am free I stop at Panera bread on my way home--after I work my way to the counter:


                      Me-I'd like 3 cinnamon crunch bagels, please

                      Clerk-Would you like them sliced?

                      Me-No thanks.

                      Clerk-Are you sure?




                      Clerk-Have you ever had them sliced?


                      Clerk-Well we have this new way...

                      Me-No thanks, I just want them whole.



                      And then he just stares at me and I stare back, finally-

                      Me-Could I have 3 unsliced cinnamon bagels, PLEEEZE!

                      Good frigging god!

                      And then when it comes to pay it all starts over with the "do you have a Panera card?..... I felt like Michael Douglas in the movie Falling Down.


                      And BTW-- A 12 year old girl was attacked by a Black bear on Thursday night up near Traverse City, Mi. while jogging a trail at dusk coming home from her Grandpa's cabin. I'd post a link but just can't get it done on this site. Something about old people and technology! Smile


                      QOTD--Never a problem for me running, no big deal but these early mountain bike rides are another thing. Need both hands on the bars and can't easily wipe them away.



                        I didn't get out as early as I had hoped, so got pretty hot humid by the end to my run today.  I think i got in about 7 miles.


                        QOTD: I'm an early morning runner, so usually end up clearing the trails of webs for everyone else.  They have been very bad this year.  I've run with a stick in front of me a few times, including today.  The AT isn't as bad due to the hikers, but all my other trails are spiderville.


                        Good timing on QOTD, because I took this today on my run.  The main web is about 3' across and right at head height.  Easy to spot today because I was running into the sunlight.


                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                          So now that I am free I stop at Panera bread on my way home--after I work my way to the counter:


                          Me-I'd like 3 cinnamon crunch bagels, please

                          Clerk-Would you like them sliced?

                          Me-No thanks.

                          Clerk-Are you sure?




                          Clerk-Have you ever had them sliced?


                          Clerk-Well we have this new way...

                          Me-No thanks, I just want them whole.



                          And then he just stares at me and I stare back, finally-

                          Me-Could I have 3 unsliced cinnamon bagels, PLEEEZE!

                          Good frigging god!

                          And then when it comes to pay it all starts over with the "do you have a Panera card?..... I felt like Michael Douglas in the movie Falling Down.


                          First World Problems?

                          Brian Runner

                            Final week of the year for our club's Tuesday summer group run / cookout out at the State Park, so that is where I'll be running this evening. Days are getting shorter and everybody has their big fall goal races coming up,



                                Doing 6 miles somewhere tonight.


                                QOTD: There might be a thread or two, but nothing even remotely close to AT's pic.

                                3/8 Way Too Cool 50k WNS

                                4/19 Tehama Wildflowers 50k

