Trailer Trash


Thanksgiving Thursdaily (Read 15 times)



    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


    I've been walking and hiking and every once in a while legs let me run.  Life is good. I'm thankful for what I can do and don't stress about what I can't.  Working part time seems to be all my body (legs) can handle, so I tell people I'm semi-retired (sounds better than partially-disabled )


    DW and I out for a hike.


    Stopped in and see the place had let in a few scammers, in my absence, so I used my "superpowers" and kicked them out of the group.  If anyone needs financial or writing advice, guess you'll have to go elsewhere.  Any takers on a second Admin for the group (LB)? (Mandy is still the owner).


    Hope everyone is well. Queen (of Michigan) keeps me up to date and texts me when I've been away too long.


    QOTD:  Light or dark meat?  Bonus - real or canned cranberries?  Bonus #2 - pie choice?


    White, canned, pecan.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

    Queen of Nothing


      Turkey is in the oven....finish coffee and will take Jack for a 4 mile walk. No run today.  

      qotd:  dark, real, and blackberry.  

      qotd2: What am I thankful for?  My I can enjoy my friends, family, and the great outdoors.

       05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

       08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






        Enjoying a quiet Thanksgiving morning with coffee.  Maybe a walk later.  Then going up to my brother's house for Thanksgiving with his family, my dad, and my sister and her family.  My duties include bringing green bean casserole and beer, which aligns pretty well with my skillset.  


        AT, you and the missus are looking great. Glad to hear that you're getting out in the great outdoors.  Thanks for clearing out the riff raff from this group.


        Queen, from yesterday, yes that was my second hundo.  Nice that you are hosting turkey day.  Sounds like a lot of work.


        QOTD: yes / meh / anything but pumpkin.


        QOTD2: Friends, real and virtual.  Good health.  My hubs.  My family.  Being here in HMB.

        5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


          Happy Thanksgiving trailers! And good to hear from you, AT!


          I skipped the turkey trot this morning as I've been fighting a stomach bug this week. We started out to the race, but a couple miles from home I wimped out in fear that my stomach might not cooperate. It's about 99% fine, but.... So I just went out for a short 4 miles with my friend and chowder. Now to make pie.


          qotd: Light, real and blueberry rhubarb. Which I'm not making. I have some tart cherries to use, plus a pumpkin pie. My responsibility is pie and wine and we go to a friends.


            Got into Virginia late on Tues for some time at DD's. Did a nice hilly 8 miles on the trail yesterday but today will just be family, food, and football. I'll get after it again tomorrow.


            AT--the two of you are looking good.


            Congrats Gatsby!


            QOTD--white meat, real, and any kind.


              Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!


              Hay AT, you both are looking great.


              I grunted thru 9 mi this morning. It was a struggle since my lower back, butt and legs were just not happy.  I did an easy 3 mi with my DD late yesterday, so I should have been good to go. Oh well, it could have been the extreme humidity since we’re gonna get some crazy weather later today (extreme thunder and lightning is just starting).


              qotd: yes/yes/yes. But actually my preferences are white/real/apple(w/vanilla ice cream)


              qotd2: thankful we were able to launch the kiddos, put them thru school w/o debts and now they’re both married off to partners we like. Of course also thankful for health, family and friends (IRL and virtual).



                Hey AT, looking good. Glad to read you are out and about on the trails.


                Ran the local turkey trot yesterday and pretty much spot on what I predicted. 25:09 which is 8:06 pace. Fastest I've run in a while, probably since 2018 or 2019. Course was 2 loops starting and ending at the local Boyertown park. First loop, shorter, a little over a mile then a longer loop through more of the town. Thought I was toast that first mile but settled in to a good tempo/pace and felt pretty solid to the finish. Had a bit of fun in the last half mile reeling in small pack and what looked to be a guy in my AG. Turned out I "knew" him, well have seen him multiple times on the trails at the lake. Chatted him up as I went by but he sort of stuck with me as he thought I was in his AG and I was. Kept pushing and he did not have the gear to pass me and I ended up 3rd in 60-99 AG. Beat him just by a second or two. Felt good to run hard and sort of "race".


                QOTD: White meat, no cranberries, pumpkin.


                Gatsby - Belated congrats on your 100!! Good week to be recovering from a 100.. lots to eat!

                In dog beers, I've only had one.