Trailer Trash


Sunny Thursday (Read 19 times)



    Finally seeing Mr Golden Sun today.  It's supposed to get to 65 but windy.  Horses are shedding something awful and my allergies are going nuts but hell I'm happy to see sun.


    qotd: Does anyone know how rowing compares to say traditional strength training such as with weights? I know it works you whole body but one thing I'm trying to incorporate is what is called Functional Training...the things that help a person in everyday life...I've seen things like pull ups (which I can't do, yet) push ups (still doing them against the bench), squats, lunges, one arm deadlifts. I have lost a lot of upper body strength and I'm hoping the rowing will help with getting me close to doing the pullups and pushups eventually. I want to be able to lift up and carry the 50 lb bag of horse feed or dog food...and pick up Sylvia if needed. Thanks to the ultras I have plenty of lower body strength.


      No workout yet today as I don't count the morning dog wog as a workout. More of a routine now. I will do gym stuff later and a short trail run this evening with the dogs. The weather has been rather mild and nice this week though a bit of a colder snap tomorrow and Saturday. Sunny here today as well but only a high in the 50's.


      QOTD: Not really sure about the rowing. Seems to me while it works out a lot of muscles for the most part is cardio in nature but don't quote me as I am no expert. Many of the exercises you mention seem to focus on core, so maybe you can find exercises with dumbbells for upper body strength.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


        I plan to run after work today.  Probably 4 or 5 miles.


        QoN - I’m totally confused by your calendar, what day is it today? 

        qotd: I have no idea about rowing. Although when I was a kid I used to row our boat’s dinghy to the dock or shore every once in a while.



        running under the BigSky

          strength trained yesterday evening- winds were steady at 30-35 mph w/ gusts to 55 mph, was an easy choice to go to the gym Smile


          much better today and it's a day off, so will hit the trails w/ Tiny E


          qotd: rowers are mostly for aerobic use- an alternative to biking/stairs/treadmill/etc- they will work your back muscles (lats) some, but wouldn't put them in the category of strength training.  stick with pull ups and pushups (and any other strength exercises you're doing)- there are a ton of videos that detail how to get to where you're doing actual pull-ups (and pushups)- it will take some time, but guarantee it will be worth your time Smile


          there are a ton of guys, big guys, in gyms that can't do a single pull-up- it's something you have to work on to do them



          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √


            Morning!  Ran 8 yesterday, including some tempo intervals. Rest day today. Taking tomorrow off so today is my Friday!  And who knows what day it is for Queen. 


            QOTD: no idea. I don’t think I’ve ever rowed even a rowboat. I do (girly) push-ups a couple times a week and some simple core stuff.

            5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

            Ultra Cowboy

              I really like rowing as a low impact exercise.  I consider it more cardio than strength.  It is my choice of a warm up to get my pulse rate up before a HIIT class.  It sure isn't going to hurt the strength part. might actually help with soreness from any bodyweight or free weight work.




              Le professeur de trail

                No run yesterday as I suspected would happen.  Today I will run.


                AT: bball is winding down.  Not quite over.  DD's travel team added a tourney in Chester county next week.  I am hoping it is done after that although the head coach always seems to be scheming about additions to the schedule.  Soon I will get weekends back.


                QOTD: The few times I tried a rowing machine it sucked.  So it must be good exercise (if done right) 


                Have a great day!

                My favorite day of the week is RUNday





                  Just finished up some work and a quick bite and I'm heading out to the trails. DS wanted to get some work done early on TH. He's ready to move in this weekend (still a few items to finish).  Trails might be a bit wet, and I hear lots of tress down from Tuesday nights gale force windstorm.


                  Just finished "sofa". We need some throw pillow (not a line I ever thought I'd say).


                  QOTD:  Used to row in the Chesapeake Bay when crabbing. Only kayak now. Agree, more cardio workout, and a great one at that. DC and NH can chime in since they are both rowing now.

                  “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                    Hi all. Dentist this morning, then met my sister and niece at the holocaust museum as they are down here for a school trip. In short, no run yet today. Got in 6 dog wogs on the trails last night with Chowder. His first real trail run. It was probably harder for me, trying to manage a dog, plus avoid roots, rocks and mud.  Probably no run today, but a quick row.


                    qotd: I've never been terribly consistent with the rower, but I think it is good to have in the repertoire. Form is really important, in order to work the body effectively. I definitely feel it in my core, legs, butt and back when my form is correct. I like the low impact aspect as well.  Minute for minute, rowing is definitely harder for me than running.

                    Queen of Nothing


                      No run...we git poison oak in all the wrong places .  DH is much worse than mine but when I get warm the it h really kicks in.  So that is a semi reasonable excuse. .  Hate forvit to get worse! 


                      Today is my Sunday.  Sunday is my Friday.  


                      Qotd:  i know nothing.


                      AT:  so is this tiny house going to be parked on your property?  So you now h@ve two kids and a boyfriend living on the compound.

                       05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                       08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                        Wasn't gonna post but just lurk as this was the first chance today to go on-line but have to answer the QOTD. Spent the morning meeting with a realtor team then work, etc. Not motivated to now go run as it is a windy blustery evening so....I'm just gonna hop on the elliptical and then the rower and have a bourbon. 


                        QOTD-Well I've now got a few weeks experience on our Concept 2 so take that fwiw but from my viewpoint if done PROPERLY it generates and builds power in your legs and to a slightly lesser extent arms, shoulders, pecs, back, etc. Great aerobic and anaerobic exercise depending on your workout. And it also helps work the core and improves posture.   Watch you tube videos. I highly recommend Dark horse rowing--this guy is great. Lots of guidance on form and process. I have that going on the monitor right next to me so I can mirror his technique as I do it.  Like I mentioned the other day I just love this machine and the workouts you can do. I have been mostly focusing on intervals to try to generate more power but also doing some pretty vanilla workouts that focus on the technique and proper form.


                        Funny that everyone thinks arms and I did too until you watch videos on how to do it right and you see how the legs work and the arms follow.


                        Again watch a few videos by dark horse rowing and see what I mean. I'm still learning and trying to get things right but s far it's been awesome.


                        Adding--as runtrail said it is awesome to do a workout like this and it is zero impact on the body. Anyone who has suffered impacted related injuries would/can appreciate that.




                          AT:  so is this tiny house going to be parked on your property?  So you now h@ve two kids and a boyfriend living on the compound.


                          Yes, in winter. Campgrounds for him the rest of the time.
                          We have 10 acres, so all are welcome. We even have room for an Airstream or two. Haha.

                          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                          Queen of Nothing


                            Well I thought about buying a Van and having you help me make it into a camper can 



                            Yes, in winter. Campgrounds for him the rest of the time.
                            We have 10 acres, so all are welcome. We even have room for an Airstream or two. Haha.

                             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄