Trailer Trash


HUMPdaily (Read 21 times)


    Walked about 8-9 miles in D.C. yesterday. Really nice day, but the cherry blossoms were pretty much a bust. Won't be anything nice left for the parade this weekend.    Thanks again AT and DC, for suggesting the Metro. It went really well once we got on it. Getting to it was a different story.......................Lets just say that there is a reason that I always avoided that area when I was driving truck.  Back then I would rather have went to New York city then the Washington area.


    Had a visit with the periodontist today.  Good lord their prices are ridiculous .  Unfortunately I do have two teeth that obviously need some gum work so I guess I gotta get with the insurance company to find one that works better with them.


    Came home and ran/walked 5 miles with DW.


    Oh, BTW, it's been nice knowing you all, but I'm probably going to jail.  I keep getting phone calls about some federal violation that I've committed with a number to talk to a officer.  If I don't call back soon the matter will be" released to the court" and I'll get 'rested.  Kind of interesting how many people with heavy foreign accents are working in our court system these days .


    QOTD:  I watch so few movies it's difficult to have a favorite actor or actress. On top of that I tend to get irritated by most of their personal lives and put that in the mix. All that being said, I do like how Sam Elliott plays most of his roles. Robert Duvall was another one that I thought was good at the roles he played.  


    Refurbished Hip


      Mandy - I saw the True Detective show and now am trying to remember back to any major nakedness. If it was Matthew McC's behind maybe I blocked it out. Now I should go back to on demand and see what I missed. I've been watching GOT from the beginning and there are naked people/scenes everywhere it seems.


      Oh no, I was being most sincere about a set of nice boobs in True Detective.  One of the secondary characters has quite a nice pair.  Now in terms of GoT, I am always happy to see Jon Snow missing clothing.  

      Running is dumb.



        We had a surprise cash count in the casino vault today so I didn't get up to get any miles in.  Not sure if I will tonight or not since the gym in the hotel is busy at night.


        qotd: Val Kilmer in Tombstone and Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy.  But yes once they go on about their personal life I could care less.  I watch movies to escape reality not to see some over paid actor's drama. Judy Dench was my favorite actress in the James Bond movies. I like Benedict Cumberbatch in the Sherlock Holmes series and as Khan.

        Queen of Nothing


          Yes I am wanted in Florida.   Maybe head down there and visit my brother and turn myself in.




          Oh, BTW, it's been nice knowing you all, but I'm probably going to jail.  I keep getting phone calls about some federal violation that I've committed with a number to talk to a officer.  If I don't call back soon the matter will be" released to the court" and I'll get 'rested.  Kind of interesting how many people with heavy foreign accents are working in our court system these days .


           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







          Faster Than Your Couch!

            Work ruined my life today - again - so no run. Coworker not showing up, so I could not leave because "our minor" (17-year old coworker) can't be left alone with the big oven. Sounds comical, but I'm serious - workplace safety rules.

            Maybe I'll go for a walk later.



            After work, I had to take the cat to the vet (she has some GI issue), and then take care of my youngest DS, who is sick, too. Some kind of cough, maybe a bronchitis. Our family is not very strong these days. Hope it will be better soon.


            DD1: Nasty scam, but great comedy.

            The other day, someone texted to my son's phone, out of the blue, "Who is this?", so I answered (the classic) "It's me, who is this?", and got showered with bad names and allegations for being "rude" and "a jerk". Really? People these days... Just glad it was not DS himself who responded to the text.


            QOTD: Kate Hudson ("How to lose a guy in ten days"), Antonio Banderas ("Two much"). Great comedians. And Robert Redford, of course.

            Run for fun.



              My favorite scam or whatever right now is the douchebags that call and say my extended warranty is expiring and if I give them the make and model (shouldn't they know this) then I can extend my warranty.  I'm sure it's the dealership that sold my phone number to them but when they call I play around sometimes before telling them never to call again, they agree or hang up and 2 weeks later they call again.


                My favorite scam or whatever right now is the douchebags that call and say my extended warranty is expiring and if I give them the make and model (shouldn't they know this) then I can extend my warranty.  I'm sure it's the dealership that sold my phone number to them but when they call I play around sometimes before telling them never to call again, they agree or hang up and 2 weeks later they call again.


                Yup. I get the extended warranty call all the time.  I also get the nice guy who kindly informs me that my Social Security activities have been suspended.

