Trailer Trash


Monday, Monday, so good to me....... (Read 20 times)


    GO BEARS !!!!!Playing Hockey animated emoticon    The Hershey Bears that is. They made it into the playoffs yesterday based off another team losing.


    For you non-PA peeps, The Bears are our local hockey team.  They play in the AHL so a lot of up and coming players come through there on their way to the NHL.


    Hell night at work last night. Came home feeling . Got two hours of sleep then crawled out of bed feeling all miserable.


    Ended up going for about 25 miles on the bikes. Good stiff breeze from the west for the first 11 miles. Had somewhat of a tailwind on the way back.


    AT & DC - Thanks for the tips on Washington.  After looking at the Metro I think we'll leave early and get a parking spot at Shady Grove then figure out the system from there. Looks like a 1 day pass with one transfer should do it for us.


    QOTD: Nothing really.  I watch so little TV that if their revenue depended on me seeing the adds TV would shut down in a week.


    Faster Than Your Couch!

      I had a nice weekend with good runs. Today was supposed to be my day off, but of course, I got called in for a few hours. Still managed to get a nice mountain run in this morning, very enjoyable!


      QOTD: Not much lately, just random movies or shows every once in a while when I can't fall asleep at night. Nothing worth to write home about.

      Run for fun.
