Trailer Trash


No Sweat Thursday (Read 25 times)


    No run today, just some gym stuff and lawn mowing.


    Good run last night out at the lake, the more difficult/technical side. 7 miles, decent time. Despite the heat/humidity this week I've feeling good and running pretty well. Some of the trickier spots on the trail slowed me down but I was able to get back to a nice pace when the trail/surface eased up. Almost felt normal again. A month or so ago I ran this route almost 15 minutes slower. Crazy.


    QOTD: Hmm. Since it's been so hot and muggy (at least here) how about the coldest race you've ever done.


    For me, it was the Chilly Cheeks race (Reading PA) about ten years ago. Real temperature was right at 0 degrees. It was in January of course. One of those calm still frozen frigid days. Race was only 7 miles, pretty tough course. Water was frozen at the aid stations but no the beer. I ran in shorts to be goofy and it was sort of cold standing around but fine for racing. Can't remember how I did.. it was all about the cold. No sweat, or perhaps frozen sweat.

    In dog beers, I've only had one.


      This morning was really tough, I was struggling...  should I push it?, get going?, or lay off?  My brain was going in two different directions at the same time...  then I got my ass outta bed.  Did 5 miles, felt ok but kinda tired.  Conditions were a spec better than yesterday, a slight zephyr of a breeze, slightly cooler and slightly less humidity.


      Planning on meeting the DW at the gym tonight, will do the stair climber and some core junk followed by dunks in the hot tub and cool pool.


      qotd: I had added a question, but deleted since XT added one.


      qotd: I guess it was last December during the Brazos Bend 100 miler, it was 29 deg at the start, went up to the 50s and 60s during the afternoon and then plunged back down to 29 again the next night. I guess that's cold for a 100 miler where it's hard to move to generate heat after a while.  I will add that when the temps are that low in Texas it’s still humid, so the temps feel especially cold, bone-chillingly cold.   I could use a little bit of that right about now.



      Refurbished Hip

        I rode a little over 20 miles last night on the bike.  I'll do a shorter 3-4 mile run after work today.


        QOTD: I did a "New Year's Day Dash" race a while back that was around 0 degrees.  It was only 5 miles, but I had a friend running with me who is NOT a runner.  I was super proud of her for still doing it with those temps!

        Running is dumb.


        running under the BigSky

          3.5 miles with a 40 lb pack, Tiny Elvis no pack


          DW joining us this evening


          qotd: have never run a race outside of summer, I loath the cold




          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √




            QOTD: Coldest was 45 with constant rain so it felt colder.  I HATE the cold but am now having issues in the excessive heat this year.  I used to think I was a reptile given how much I enjoyed laying in the sun.


            Did 3 on the indoor track at lunch's 16 laps for a mile so thank goodness for an interesting podcast.  Trying to get the people I do the inventory observations of to move their counts earlier on Sat so I can still drive down to SE OK for the 50k on Sun.  I don't see well in the dark and after the deer incident last year am paranoid to drive after dark in an area I am unfamiliar with especially how rural it is.  The 5 am start isn't my idea of fun but given the hi temps for the day I can understand.  I hope to get there earlier enough to at least do one or two loops so I can be somewhat familiar.  At least being slow means no spider webs for me



              6 miles on one of my favorite creek trails. Very nice, but I was breaking spider webs the whole way out.  Water was down to normal level and lost of debris had been pushed up onto the trails from our storms. I took my time and moved some debris where it was bad. Also pushed over a tree that had started to fall but got was caught up in some branches.  Trail was clear on the way back, so that's one way to make sure you have a negative split.


              QOTD:  For coldest temperature race, I was also at Chilly Cheeks.  That was the year I first put screws in my shoes for traction. I did pretty well because there was so much ice, and people were really running tentatively in sections and I just bounded by.   I drank several Spaten's after that race (who an I kidding, I drink several Spaten's after all of Ron's races.)


              For the coldest I ever felt in a race, that was second year I did Sole Challenge 24hr.  It was warm during the day, and then a quick storm came through around 9-10pm getting me pretty soaked and dropping the temperature quickly.  Around 1am, I couldn't stop shivering, partly from the temperature change and partly from being low on fluid and calories.  It was probably in the upper 50's, but I just couldn't get warm. I had on extra layers and finally went to my car between laps and turned on the heated seats and blasted the heat for 10 minutes. That did the trick, but I was so happy to see the sun the next day.

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


              Go figure

                Just thought I'd share my MRI results - pretty large tear in the medial meniscus (inside left left knee). On the plus side, long tears are easier to repair. On the down side, it's pretty deep in, which may make repairing it impossible. They won't know until they're inside. If they repair it then I'll have a longer recover but better long term results, while if they cut it out, I'll recover more quickly but potentially face more trouble down the road. I honestly can't say what I'd prefer at the moment.


                Also, I'm actually getting around fairly well right now, and will probably start running a little on Monday. I can't hurt it any more really, so I'll just go as tolerated while I'm on vacation. If for some reason I'm not in much pain and my running isn't hampered, then I actually don't have to rush to do the surgery. While I don't expect that to be the case, I at least want to give it a chance.


                Hope you guys will all put in the big miles on my behalf!


                QOTD...Did a 50K in January that was in 2 feet of snow and absolutely frigid. A lot of people were dropping and struggling because they couldn't get fluids in since their packs were freezing. I had filled mine with hot water and added lots of salt, and I was able to drink throughout the race. I'm pretty sure that was the biggest reason for getting a podium that day.

                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                  Played hooky and ran 22 miles this morning.


                  QOTD: Haven't done any cold races, The 50k I did this spring started with temps in the 50s I think. Cold starting out in shorts and t-shirt, but about perfect once I got warmed up.


                    Warden - Ha. I will raise you my sweatsicles photo. Are there many winter races in your area?


                    In dog beers, I've only had one.


                      I ran my 2.5 mile loop this morning at 4:15. I ended up doing a tempo run and finished it in 17:50, about 7:08 per mile. It felt good to run like that. I could have taken a little off of it in the daylight, but no more than about 1:30 right now. I'd like to get it down to a flat 15 minutes on that loop by January. Maybe with cold temps and daylight, I could get close to it.


                      QOTD: Coldest race would be a tie between two races. The 2009 Baton Rouge Beach Half Marathon found the night before with sleet and blowing snow flurries. Temps were mid-20's at the start and never really warmed up before the end of the race, so you are only looking at around 2 hours of running.


                      The other one was the 2012 Pinhoti 100. At the start, it was low-20's and howling wind. It never warmed up above about 50 degrees during the day. That night, it dropped into the mid-20's, and the wind up on the ridges was tough. A good many folks had issues with hypothermia and just bad reactions to the cold weather in general. However, I breezed through the race that year. I never had a cramp; I never got behind on my nutrition; I never got tired; I never got cold. I dumped my pacer right after I picked him up at mile 41, and had to wait on him at the bottom of the mountain. Then, I totally dumped it at mile 50 or so when he twisted his ankle. Looking back, I am pretty sure he was drunk, but it really gave me a boost of confidence for a course that really has my number. That was such a fun race that year. I enjoy running in cold weather.



                        SIaR - Sorry about the diagnosis, but at least you can move forward now.

                        In dog beers, I've only had one.

                        Queen of Nothing


                          No run today...need to make a decision.  My number has come up on the Mountain Lakes 100.  It's an 11 hour drive and my friend who was going to go with me is catching a plane at 1PM on Monday.  I just felt it wasn't doable, as in not safe to pull an all nighter and than drive 11 hours.    Plan B was to ask if I could hitch a ride with 4 very tight knit group that makes everyone else feel like an outsider.  They are bringing a large truck with a camper on the back.  Her response was she would need to find out how much weight the truck and trailer could take before taking me on!  WTF!!   Me and my bag would probably be no more than 150 pounds.  Soooo may just blow this race off...or may head up myself. 


                          QOTD:  My cold would never equal some of your colds so nothing really pops in my head.  Maybe the Vasa Trail race I Traverse City in November.


                          SLAIR:  So sorry to hear about your knee








                          running under the BigSky

                            SIAR here’s to a speedy recovery regardless what route you go


                            Sue- hope it works out one way or the other


                            XT- not really, they run a local fatass 50k here in January that I’ve yet to do; my guess is that the lack of races is that  temps/conditions could be so extreme that it would be unwise (unsafe) to do from a liability standpoint


                            2024 goal 2024 miles

                            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                              Spending a day at work.  Really need the time in out of the heat, but not at all in the mood to work .  So far I've put in 112.7 miles on the bike this week including just over 30 miles on the mountain bike.  Next year I really, really need to get out and do some trail maintenance so people can see where they are riding.  Ran over the tail of one of them rattly snakes .  Just a little one, I'd say about 2 foot or so.  Only had a short rattle. Tail was laying out into the trail which was only about 8-10 inches wide. Quite certain I hit it. Heard it start to buzz behind me. Didn't turn around to look at it as I doubt we would have been on a first name basis after that.  Also ripped the roof off of a shed and reshingled it.  Only burnt my hands 4 or 5  times .


                              SAIR - Sorry to hear you're having knee problems.


                              AT - Glad to hear your running better again.


                              QOTD: That would have to be this springs Montour 24 hour.  Got hypothermic at least twice.  Not sure what the temp really was but it wasn't all that cold. It was more the fact that it was raining.


                                SIAR: Bummer. Take it easy while figuring out what to do, I'm guessing the doc told you that some light running is ok as long as it's not too painful?  I hope that you can get fixed up and back to "normal" asap.


                                QoN:  Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!  However, I do know first had that travel logistics can be daunting.  If you drive, on the way back just plan lots of rest stops and coffee, even an overnight stop if needed.  On the truck & weight situation, perhaps they saw your packing list from last weekend's backpacking trip.  

