Trailer Trash


Tempo Tuesday (Read 22 times)


    Not really a tempo Tuesday, more like a temp drop Tuesday. Day 22 of the streak was successful. I only ran a short 2.25 mile loop this morning, but that was the plan anyway. It was 72 this morning. The humidity was only 86% and the dew point was 69*. That dew point should be in the "uncomfortable" range, but it felt good to me. I guess it is all relative.


    QOTD: I am sure this question has been asked before, but I can't think of anything else. Fee free to add another QOTD to this one.

    What is your favorite time of year to run and why?


    I like fall all the way through winter because those are really the only times you can comfortably run here. The heat is oppressive.



    Go figure

      Good morning!


      So I guess the tethered run caused some confusion yesterday - it definitely was just what it sounded like...running hooked to two others on a 3ft lead. Bungee would definitely be a better system as someone else brought up, but these are just a stiff rope tether. One of our other two actually did go down pretty hard, which probably wouldn't have happened if he hadn't been tethered, so there is absolutely some unnecessary danger involved in it. It kinda pulled me down on top of him when he fell, but I managed hold myself up without really adding to his misery. Regardless, we did have a good time and didn't get too competitive with it. It was nice to be solo and not worried about the other two for the last loop though 


      After a big two miler last night, I may shoot for 3 tonight; these legs are going to be fresh!


      LB2...Glad you had a nice run to and were able to keep your streak moving along. I'm working on one as well, and sometimes you just need those little days to keep it going, either for recovery or just because that's all there is time for.


      QOTD...I actually prefer running in summer. The heat has never bothered me too much, and I love the way that my body feels loose and limber from the start, as opposed to stiff and restricted when the temps are colder. There's something about sweat just pouring out of every inch of me that I enjoy, and even feeling that oppressive heat in my lungs is mildly enjoyable. I can't stand having to run through the winter (even though I do), so I'll take the temps that are as far away from that as possible.

      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


      I lost my rama

        LB - Nice to keep that streak going!


        SIAR - Yeah, a 3 foot static rope can make things rather interesting on a tethered run. 


        QOTD:  While I don't enjoy running in the summer at all, I appreciate the humility (not humidity) it brings.  I know the slower sweaty slogs will bring speedy crisp runs in the fall.  I don't think winter training is as effective (unless you're training for the Bob), but that's just my stinky opinion.


        Planning for another warm and muggy run tonight.  Hope for 7 on trail.

        3/17 - NYC Half

        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



          Waiting for the heavy rain to let up a bit and then looks like I'll go to a logging road in the woods for my run. Trails are swamped and we have a lot of local flooding. 10"+ of rain since Saturday, after a long dry spell.


          Badwater is underway.  GPS Map or Spreadsheet Format.  Harvey Lewis decided to start in the second wave at 2130 hours since he was worried about his legs after the AT run.  2300 is when the contenders started, in third wave.


          SIaR - where are you from, and where do you like to run (as in trail system)?


          QOTD:  Fall is my favorite, then Winter, Spring and lastly Summer.  I love the Fall colors and no can't wait until I can run with no more spider webs and snakes (haven't seen any copper heads this year, but at lest 9 rattlers so far).

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            Planning on 5 or 6 after work today.  Gonna be about 95 deg, so that'll feel nice and cool compared to the last few days.


            qotd: any time except now.



              Got in 4.5 miles last night on the paved trail, in between thunderstorms. Made it one block away from my house when the skies opened.  This rain we've been having is not a 'good running rain'. Today is more of the same, but I'll be heading  to the gym.


              qotd: Fall, then winter, then spring. I've been struggling with running this summer and the weather has been a much bigger deterrent than it usually is for me.  I cannot wait until October.


              Le professeur de trail

                5 slow miles last night between raindrops.  I took a while in the middle of my run )the turnaround) to admire the creek and how high it was.  Flooding all over our region due to the storms.  It doesn't look like it will let up for a couple of days.  It's amazing at how much damage water can do - not just locally but all these stories from around the world!


                SIAR - the teathered run sounded interesting - not my cup of tea as I would surely cause my teammates to fall I am sure.


                QOTD: Fall for similar reasons as the rest of you - the cooler temps (which feel incredible after the summer) and the colors.  There is a tendency for there to be some nice races in the fall too (most likely due to the cooler temps).


                Have a great day!

                My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                running under the BigSky

                  going to get some heat training this evening with Tiny Elvis


                  qotd: fall->spring->winter->->->->->->->->->->summer


                  2024 goal 2024 miles

                  2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                  2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                  2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                  Go figure


                    SIaR - where are you from, and where do you like to run (as in trail system)?



                    I'm in Ohio, so not exactly trail mecca. We have Cuyahoga Valley National Park though, which is actually really great. There's also Mohican State Park, and that has some great trails too. What's lacking around here is gains and descents of 1000ft/mi, but you can get pretty decent overall totals because the trails go up and down quite a bit. I'm also fortunate to have about 10 miles of trails that aren't more than 5 minutes from me (the other two spots I mentioned are about 50mins).


                    Your logging road run sounds nice - I'm always hoping to stumble across a long stretch of dirt road to run on, but have yet to find it.


                    Berto...I'm right with you on everything you said about the weather. Enjoy the trail miles.


                    Sandy...sounds like it will be a nice run with that cold front moving in! ha


                    Runtrail...It's funny how when you're a runner you can say things like "good rain." I get what you're saying though, sometimes it's actually pleasant to run in.

                    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                    Refurbished Hip

                      Hi! I may go for a bike ride after work today.


                      SIaR - welcome.  I think Cuyahoga is a nice park.  I ran there once while pacing at Burning River.


                      qotd: fall->spring->winter->->->->->->->->->->summer


                      QOTD:  summer->fall->spring->->->->->->->->->->winter    I love summer.  I was not meant to live here.

                      Running is dumb.


                      Refurbished Hip

                        Badwater is underway.  GPS Map or Spreadsheet Format.  Harvey Lewis decided to start in the second wave at 2130 hours since he was worried about his legs after the AT run.  2300 is when the contenders started, in third wave.



                        bhearn, whom has posted here on occasion, is running too.  #65

                        Running is dumb.


                        running under the BigSky




                          QOTD:  summer->fall->spring->->->->->->->->->->winter    I love summer.  I was not meant to live here.


                          at least we agree on two out of the four!  


                          2024 goal 2024 miles

                          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                            7.5 miles on the indoor track today. I don't run in the rain.


                            Favorite season to run: summer. Light outside earlier and later so more time to run. Heat doesn't bother me. This summer is the first summer in 12 years that I haven't been working in a tropical country for part of the summer. More consistent running this summer, but no exotic runs.


                            I lost my rama


                              Badwater is underway.  GPS Map or Spreadsheet Format.  Harvey Lewis decided to start in the second wave at 2130 hours since he was worried about his legs after the AT run.  2300 is when the contenders started, in third wave.



                              Thanks for providing the links AT!  Mandy mentioned bhearn, who also pops into the ultra forum.  He appears to be doing well thus far.

                              3/17 - NYC Half

                              4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                              6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                              8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                                A belated welcome, SIAR! I used to get to Cleveland for work often and the chain of parks around the city always impressed me. And of course, Cuyahoga is a stunning park.


                                 I'm in Ohio, so not exactly trail mecca. We have Cuyahoga Valley National Park though, which is actually really great. There's also Mohican State Park, and that has some great trails too. What's lacking around here is gains and descents of 1000ft/mi, but you can get pretty decent overall totals because the trails go up and down quite a bit. I'm also fortunate to have about 10 miles of trails that aren't more than 5 minutes from me (the other two spots I mentioned are about 50mins).

