Trailer Trash


Wild Water Weekender!! (Read 11 times)


    I wasn't going to run today, but I left my keys at my parent's house when we dropped my truck at the pick up spot for the river float. So, I ran, soaking wet with sand in my shoes, the 1.5 miles back to where my keys were when we left the river. Overall, I walked and ran about 4 miles today. Some of that involved dragging a kayak through shallow water and up steep banks. It was way more adventure than I expected.


    5 easy miles this morning in an hour. Legs were a little sore; back was a little sore; shoulders were a little sore, etc. I need to change my workout up a little bit to make it more specific to my activities. I see the value in crossfit, but I am not looking to join a cult. I'll just do my own thing. I have some ideas.


    QOTD: What is the craziest thing you can remember seeing on an adventure?


    I don't know if this is the craziest because I have seen and been a part of some crazy stuff outside. But just before we left the river today I wanted to catch one more fish. I cast my spinner bait into a back eddy of water just before I got to the bridge, hoping for one more bite on my last cast. A fish hit the lure hard; I set the hook, grinning like a fool. Suddenly, I thought maybe I had hooked a big turtle or a submerged log. I reeled; my rod bent hard. I saw my fish, a decent sized bass. He looked a little odd under the water, like he was suspended and not fighting. It still felt like I had a huge fish on, and he wasn't that big. As I reeled him closer, I saw that my fish was in the mouth of gar that was about 3 feet long. I got him right up to the kayak, and the gar suddenly turned and went the other way, stripping line like he was a blue marlin. My rod bent more, and he went around the bow of the kayak. I knew that wasn't a good angle, and he popped the line. I was going to let the bass go to be caught by someone else, but it was not to be. I have heard of things like that in big water, but it was the last thing I expected on a little 2 hour fishing float down my local river.



    running under the BigSky

      5 miles yesterday, 4 today with TE.


      qotw: of late, when we were backpacking this Spring in AZ, we were in a beautiful deep canyon soaking in the views when something blasted overhead. A fighter jet on the deck right over our heads. We looked at each other in disbelief, when another big boom followed- a fighter jet on his tail, full bore- turned on its side. Was like watching Top Gun up close and personal 



      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √


        Volunteered at a local trail race yesterday and visited my dad. Today, walked 5 miles. Beautiful sunny day. 

        QOTD: there was that time, driving from Salmon, ID to Bozeman, MT after Beaverhead, when my friend and I decided to take a different road back, based on Google maps. It was an unpaved road, in the middle of nowhere, I mean, really nothing there at all. Then a bear loped across the dirt road in front of us. That trip was good for some stories.

        5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR