Trailer Trash


Wet Weekender (Read 20 times)


Faster Than Your Couch!

    6 miles on the trail, and 6 miles on the bike.


    I saw something new (to me) today: people stopping along the bike path everywhere, but not getting off the path.

    It’s a paved trail, approx 4 ft wide, and these people left their bikes lying flat on the side on (not off) the trail, sitting on the trail (on the pavement, not in the grass) across from their bike. Or just pedestrians, sitting on the path, taking a break. Families with kids, adults with and without dogs,  college kids, seemingly picnicking, or women changing their baby’s diapers en route. WTF?? It narrows down the path to 1 or 2 ft width, forcing everyone else to slow down to walking speed in order to get by. I have never seen this before, let alone as a mass phenomenon.

    I also saw numerous families with kids on bikes, clearly under 12 years old, not wearing a helmet (which is the law in PA).


    Now it’s not my business, but overall, the masses of people, and their obvious negligence of any etiquette or the law were quite frustrating.

    Run for fun.



      Rainy Sat and again Sunday...did 15 miles on the TM wanted 20 but my damn thighs are sore.
