Trailer Trash


Movin' On Up Mondailies (Read 344 times)


Refurbished Hip

    Mandy...once he knows you're here, he'll definitely show up. 


    Pretty sure he's lusting after some new lady now.  <sigh>  Cry  Cry  Cry

    Running is dumb.

    Occasional Runner

      I think he's over on FB flirting with them all. Especially Amy.


        I saw boobs and a yes please from Howland

        nc tam

          Back to the work thing after a very nice week off.


          Spent 3 hours on the Mountains to Sea Trail with the family yesterday.  We managed to turn it into a loop hike by realizing we were just on the other side of the ridge from the neighborhood.  So we went as far up as the road would let us and then tromped through a backyard for a short cut.  I think this will be a nice loop for a run, complete with long steep hill!


          Plan to run this afternoon.  Cloudless sky right now.  Hope it holds out.


          qotd: Aack. I don't know how to go back to the earlier posts on this thread.  Another thing to figure out when I get a minute.  I don't mind renaming the group but agree that it should wait a bit to give everyone a change to find the group. 


          eta: I was close with the qotd.  I don't mind the change.  I wasn't a fan of the ungrade. It was loading so slowly at work that I couldn't pop in when there was a lull and then the spam descended...



            Can I play?  I never posted in the dailies before, but feel like this is as good a time as any.


            SRD today.  Yesterday nice run with DW before we got forced out of the PA trials for deer season.  Did one of those "I think we're lost" runs that I love.  Found a new trail and followed it as long as we could and it dumped out on an old logging road.  Found our way back to car, and DW said she had a good time so win-win.


            QOTD: I left RWOL once before for about 3 years, so I probably won't miss it too much.  I was there from 2002-2004 and left when they changed all the groups up and split some of the forums.  Came back in 2007 when I was looking for some training advice.

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            Dirty Girl

              Headed out for an unknown number of miles. Probably 4-6. Looking to get 40miles in this week for my 40th bday on Wed. No I cant do them all on one day currently so I will spread them out over a week.

              This also starts my next training cycle for a spring 50 miler.


              QOTD: I forget now what it was. Something about RWOL. Im glad to be over here and facebook mainly because RW was always so slow and I have little patience. 


               4/13 Bull Run Run 50 miler- DONE!

              Queen of Nothing


                I am going to run 6 on the treadmill tonight.  First day on a new trail forum and I am running treadmill. Blush  Ran Thursday, Nothing Friday, Mt Biked Saturday, and went jeeping (beer) Sunday.  Although while jeeping I ran ahead for at least a mile to pull the bushes back as Hubby drove by. 


                QOTD:  I am cool with this.  I just hope everyone comes.  I do the FB and just couldn't give up on RW because some of my favorite posters were there.  I can't handle 3 sites. I like the reports where it will show everyone's miles if they add.  Was going to change QON to SueP becuase names are nice.  Except Junkie and Northern will always be.

                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                  Good afternoon everyone!  Today was a XT day.  One mile treadmill, 6.5 biking and weights.  Had blood tests last week, one was to see if I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Right now the consensus it is just Osteo but I have cysts behind my knee and now my ankle, don't know why.  The one behind my ankle can be removed, don't know if I should though.  Hence the light running and light posting.  Trying to wrap my mind around how to (and if I should) run with arthritis.  After saying all of this I plan on running tomorrow Undecided


                  QOTD- I don't mind leaving RW.  Changing the RWOL name may be a good idea in the future. Also don't mind merging if the current member don't mind us.


                    7.1 at lunch.


                    qotd:  whatever.  I'm down with it.  as long as I have somewhere to go to talk about running with other runners.  


                    You'd think an IT guy could figure out how to load an avatar.  Is this jpg only?  WTF

                    Do we get a signature here too?  OOh fancy.

                    Where's the post count?  Or are we all on the same level now?

                    1/8/22 - Frosty 50k - 5:21:19 (strava)

                    3/26/22 - Blackbeard's Revenge 100 - 27:27:06 (strava)

                    9/30/22 - Yeti 100 - Abingdon, VA - 25:46:01 (strava)

                    4/1/23 - Umstead 100 - Raleigh, NC


                    Endless trails

                      7.1 at lunch.


                      qotd:  whatever.  I'm down with it.  as long as I have somewhere to go to talk about running with other runners.  


                      You'd think an IT guy could figure out how to load an avatar.  Is this jpg only?  WTF

                      Do we get a signature here too?  OOh fancy.

                      Where's the post count?  Or are we all on the same level now?


                      Hey, if a knucklehead like me can figure it out so can you.

                      Queen of Nothing


                        7.1 at lunch.


                        qotd:  whatever.  I'm down with it.  as long as I have somewhere to go to talk about running with other runners.  


                        You'd think an IT guy could figure out how to load an avatar.  Is this jpg only?  WTF

                        Do we get a signature here too?  OOh fancy.

                        Where's the post count?  Or are we all on the same level now?

                         You upload your avatar in the "My Forum Preferences" section where you can also add a signature line.  It took me awhile but then I am not IT.  I am one of those idiots you must help.  Wink

                         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                           You upload your avatar in the "My Forum Preferences" section where you can also add a signature line.  It took me awhile but then I am not IT.  I am one of those idiots you must help.  Wink

                           Thank you very much.  I was putting in the 'profile' section.  Apparently that didn't work.  I have a picture now and you can forever see my smiling face after finishing my first 100k.

                          1/8/22 - Frosty 50k - 5:21:19 (strava)

                          3/26/22 - Blackbeard's Revenge 100 - 27:27:06 (strava)

                          9/30/22 - Yeti 100 - Abingdon, VA - 25:46:01 (strava)

                          4/1/23 - Umstead 100 - Raleigh, NC


                            Hi everyone! SRD and yoga for me tonight. I did 4 on Friday, 20 Saturday, and yoga and 5 on Sunday, so I'm ready for some rest. I'm ok with moving, though since I don't post much, I don't know if I get much of a say in the matter. I mostly just lurk since I only get 5 or 10 minutes at work every once and awhile. I'll have to figure out if using the log here is worth it or just transferring once and for all to an excel spreadsheet.


                            I hope everyones' runs/rest go well.

                            03/23/13: Clinton Lake 10 miler

                            04/07/13: Chicago's Shamrock Shuffle 8k

                            05/11/13: DWD Gnaw Bone 50k

                              DD2 has basketball practice tonight so I'll do my Monday run on the road for about 45 minutes.  Yesterday I ran in the state park for the first time in MONTHS, and cut it short of the intended distance.  Right now I'm just trying to run 5x a week consistently and then I'll lengthen out the long runs. 



                                SRD here - but wanted to post to say hello to Rocky my neighbor to the North!

                                never give up elevation until you have to
