Trailer Trash


The Wednesdaily (11/28) (Read 373 times)


Faster Than Your Couch!

    6 miles at faster-than-race-pace. Am I good at adjusting my training to the latest scientific knowledge, or what? Now just don't ask what my race pace is... Wink


    snail: Hope the cleaning goes well. Remember, it counts as a cross-training workout!


    Tmo: I have noticed that I have lost a lot of strength over the years - or, well, decades. I wouldn't mind taking some time off running in order to get the strength back through cross-training, but I'm a wimp, so I rather run.


    lace: Have a good flight! I'm doing the Nittany Valley half, my annual "benchmark race".


    Harrier: Take it easy, there's more days for cruising and speeding!


    jonfer: Sounds like you have found your 2013 goal race?


    smith: You'll bounce back in no time!


    Flyer: Take it easy with that chest congestion. I guess you don't want to hear my story, so I just say two words: Ten weeks!


    Jamie: Glad you like the XT. You'll be back at running soon again!


    EDRW: Yay for that extra trail day! Lucky you!


    Mandy: I'm not getting sick of you. Hope you'll bounce back soon again! I'm just not sure what Harrier's comment "lonely - perfect" is telling us...


    RFA: A race without GU's?? How do you survive the first few miles, until you get sick of the sweety stuff? I have a right to get sick in a race, right?

    Run for fun.

    Irish Luck

      Headed to the [place we do not speak of] to do some weightlifting and cardio--maybe the stair-mill. 

      QOTD: At minimum, 36 hours of rest before a race, but this past holiday weekend, I rested for 5 whole days before my 15K. I felt a little "rusty" at the start, but had some really great splits throughout the race. So, maybe more rest should be in my plans.

      BT survivor since 2003. Trail runner since 2009.

      I think brain surgery stimulated my running nerve and made me into a trail runner. I'm grateful for both.

        I'm solo in the store today with the rain coming down, I'll expect less traffic.   I'll do 4 tonight easy after dark.  Might make it late to the shoe store for the Brooks fun run.  I'll be in time for beer after. 




        The plan is 2 days of no running before my March 50 K. My highest mileage run will be 2 weeks before, and taper starts 1 week before on paper, but many times the mid week runs 2 weeks before suffer from the big weekend prior.   




          Tempo Tuesday got moved to Wednesday.  Today I ventured outside instead of the treadmill.  Wind and hills made the pace a little slower than normal but still a good run.  7.65 miles in 56:53.  


          QOTD:  I usually only take off the day before.

          1/8/22 - Frosty 50k - 5:21:19 (strava)

          3/26/22 - Blackbeard's Revenge 100 - 27:27:06 (strava)

          9/30/22 - Yeti 100 - Abingdon, VA - 25:46:01 (strava)

          4/1/23 - Umstead 100 - Raleigh, NC


            I'm only half way through the work day, and already it's been one of those days.  I can't wait to hop on my bike, get home, and get out for a run.  It will be dark along the riverfront trail, but that's how winter is.  Tonight's run will be about 3 or 4 miles as I'm getting ready for the fake 10 mile race I'm hosting on Sunday.


            QOTD:  Usually 2 days, but sometimes 1 or 3.  I guess I don't stick to an exact plan or schedule.

            Queen of Nothing


              Slept in.  May TFM (Prairie Runner made this up.  TreadFuckingMill) tonight.  Like Andie they are calling for 8 inches of rain next few days. 


              QOTD:  Definitely two days but have been known to take a week off and do very well at the race. 

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                So I did some tempo. First good endorphin rush in awhile. Hee-Ha.  Did a series of halves and each one a little quicker. Have to relearn pace and effort but it is a start and I like it. 


                Sounds like a lot of rain for you guys on the left coast. Wow.


                Headed to the Badger game now. 

                  An easy 3 trail miles for the pooch and me.


                  Tallahassee, Florida


                  running under the BigSky

                    wonderful weather is holding, sunny 40 degrees and no wind- perfect running weather- a nice hilly 6 miles this afternoon


                    I've only run in one race Smile and took 2 full days prior (w/ a gradual 2 week taper prior), I'll probably stick with that plan on my next one


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                      4 miles this morning. The last three weeks have been a bit of a time of reflection on this year and looking toward next year in terms of running. So, I have been looking for a race that was pretty soon to get the bad taste out of my mouth from the DNF at Pinhoti. I was wanting to get into Cajun Coyote, but that isn't going to fit into my schedule this year. But, I found a trail half to run in a couple of weeks, all single track. From what I am told, it is pretty gnarly. We'll see. I hope to end the year on a good note there. Although, a half marathon doesn't even come close to making up for a 100. Nothing compares, in my mind, to a 100 (miler or kilometer), just a totally different feel to them.


                      QOTD: It definitely depends on the distance. 1/2 marathon, marathon, or 50K probably two days. If a 50M, 100K, or 100M is on a Saturday, I will take probably run 3 miles on Monday, walk 3 miles on Tuesday and nothing until the race. BUT, that last week will be part of a three week taper. 



                      Dirty Girl

                        6 miles around the hood again today.

                        They seemed long and slow. Oh wait, they were!


                        I have been doing strength training for a month now. Still waiting to see the returns. No knee pain or even tightness for several days though. I guess that speaks for something!


                        QOTD: Idk. Two or three days maybe.


                         4/13 Bull Run Run 50 miler- DONE!


                          FTYC - I have a feeling it maybe some type of asthma. It feels different than the regular chest congestion. More like I'm standing in a room full of paint fumes and breathing. I should probably be smart and go to the doctor but I can be somewhat of a dumb animal sometimes. But if its not better by week's end then I will be going to see my PCM.
