Trailer Trash


Wicked cold wednesdaily (Read 44 times)

Trail Monster

    10-12 today including 8 x 800m repeats. Hoping the leg holds up. I may just strangle my Graston guy if it still hurts tomorrow.


    QOTD: I've done everything wrong at some point. Run races under trained, tried to run through injury and illness, not eaten/drank enough, over ate/drank, went out too fast, went out too slow, gone off course, etc. I should be a pro at what not to do for this racing season.

    2013 races:

    3/17 Shamrock Marathon

    4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

    7/27 Burning RIver 100M

    8/24 Baker 50M

    10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


    My Blog


    Brands I Heart:



    Altra Zero Drop


    Faster Than Your Couch!

      Just about to head out and brave the cold, all on a still achy and nauseous stomach. Dead


      QOTD: On a 25k, I started out too fast, considering the hot and humid conditions. About 3 miles in, I was knocked in the head by heat exhaustion, got terribly dizzy and nauseous. For the remaining 13 miles, I could hardly keep myself upright, fighting vertigo, nausea and weakness. I dragged myself over the two loops of the race, not willing to recognize what had happened, and was more than happy to cross the finish line. Most miserable race in my career so far, but another lesson learned, the hard way.

      Run for fun.



        AT-runner:  Can you insulate your pipes?  


        Old plumbing is fun.  The pipes run in an outside wall, that in order to get at, would require some demolition.  So a morning without water is easiest solution for now.  They never burst, only freeze up, then when sun hits outside wall all is well again.


        Banshee - nice repeats!

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

          Still fighting off this damn chest cold, but got in 4 1/2 easy miles this morning.  (Thankfully I'm tapering so it's not crucial I get in a ton of miles over the next week.  Better to not run and get rid of the cold).


          qotd: like others, I've made plenty of mistakes I hope to not make again.  But there's one that stands out: wasting FAR too much time at the aid stations -- particularly the main one -- at Rocky Raccoon.  Because the weather was so horrid, I decided to thoroughly clean my feet/socks/shoes after the first few laps.  While my feet definitely felt better, I ended up running into cutoffs toward the end of the race and had to pull out after 90 miles.  This year, while I still want to nip any issues in the bud, I won't waste precious minutes.


          flashlight and sidewalk

            I got out of work early yesterday so I could get some intervals in at the local track (closes at dark).  I stopped to turn around 3 times on the way there (19F and windy) but forced myself to get to the track.  I got in 8 of 12 400m intervals before chaffing sent me home.  I was frozen through by the time I got home.  I took a quick shower then went to REI.  I was like a starving man shopping at a grocery store and I ended up buying way too much stuff, most of which I will be returning today (2 pairs tights, longsleeve shirt, windproof gloves).  Anyways, I let my GF know her training run was cancelled because it was too cold (totally selfish, i didn't want to go back out there...she's never been a runner but doing a great job training for a 5k).  She really surprised me and told me I could wait in the car while she got her run in (which my pride would not allow).  I normally think of her as a dainty flower, but she showed me how tough she was...doing hill sprints on a cold windy day is badass.  Anyways, I was really proud of her and I'm looking at her with new eyes (after 7 years of relationship).


            QOTD: At my first race I made the mistake of getting intimidated by all the "real" runners with their matching gear, high end shoes, etc.  Now I always remind myself that looking fast doesn't mean anything.


            question: I picked up a pair of Solomon XA windstopper tights for $85 (normally $125)...I read some mixed reviews and I still have sticker shock on them.  Does anyone here have an opinion on them?


            **Ask me about streaking**


            under a rock

              Good afternoon! Got in 6 chilly trail miles this morning, chilly for us, it was about 28F when I started my run. What made me happiest about this run is that I actually managed to dress perfectly for my run this morning. This is a rare accomplishment for me in freezing temps.


              QOTD: I've only ever made one mistake that I remember well enough to not repeat again and that was actually at the finish line. I grabbed a cup of sports drink at the end of a 5k where I went all out and my stomach cramped up like mad. I now always drink water when done racing and use electrolytes that don't have sugar.


                 She really surprised me and told me I could wait in the car while she got her run in (which my pride would not allow).  I normally think of her as a dainty flower, but she showed me how tough she was...doing hill sprints on a cold windy day is badass.  Anyways, I was really proud of her and I'm looking at her with new eyes (after 7 years of relationship). 

                Sounds like you'd better get that lady a ring.


                flashlight and sidewalk

                  She certainly deserves it and I'm socking away money when I can...believe me, I want to...her grandma told me the only reason she was hanging on was to see us get married...sheesh


                  Can anyone verify that sugnim is not my gf catfishing me Big grin


                  **Ask me about streaking**



                    Started out my day with a biology class. Found out we have to be able to draw pictures of tissue when viewed through a microscope. The big problem with this? I can't draw to save my life!! Angry. Oh well, it's not a big portion of the grade so I should be alright. Anyway on to the important things in life, like running. So it's 18 and windy and I don't have my gym card. Guess this means I'll be heading out for 4.5 miles here in a little. I need the miles so why let a little weather get in the way?


                    QOTD: With only 4 races under my belt it's too early to tell if I'll repeat any mistakes. At this point I'm trying to learn yet.


                    Faster Than Your Couch!

                      6.5 miles in the cold. After 2.5 miles, I found out it was not so bad after all. My face had warmed up, my hands were still warm, thanks to my new mittens, and I had chosen my clothes just right for the wind (10 deg, wind chill -6). Woohoo!

                      Only thing that stopped me was my stomach - it was ok, but I felt weak and did not want to give it all just to be puking the whole night again...


                      Jamezilla: Tough girlfriend, seems like she's evolving into quite a runner! Keep her!

                      What are your concerns about the tights? Windproof sounds good to me.


                      DD1: I have the same non-existing talent of not being able to draw. My first grader beats me at that... Shocked  However, drawing tissues (or material samples) from a microscope image is a different thing, there it is all about abstract shapes and some details. Perhaps this is more up your alley.

                      Run for fun.


                        Afternoon, all!


                        Debating going for a run or snuggling up for a nap.  Was on the bike longer than usual last night, and I'm kinda sleepy.  :yawn:  Little kids are with their dad tonight, so maybe I will squeeze in a bit of both before taking the oldest out for his celebration dinner (HS scholarship offer and being named a merit scholar)...


                        QOTD:  I've never learned well enough from my mistakes to keep from repeating them.  LOL.  I go out too fast, I forget to eat and drink, I don't pay attention to my potassium, blah blah blah.  My stbx once told me that I was just a bad runner, and since that wasn't ever going to change, I should just hang it up.  Meh.


                          After reading all the answers to the QOTD about racing mistakes, I remembered one that turned out to be kind of funny so I thought I'd share.


                          I was running my first 50K, Sunmart.  Since this was my first, I had diligently planned EVERYTHING!!!!!  Well, somehow I had left my ponytail holder elastic thingies at home and didn't realize this until race morning.  Having really long hair, i knew I couldn't run the whole race with my hair down, so I had to improvise since this was before the day of 24 hour Wally World.  I dug through everything I had and low and behold the only thing I could find that just might work was a pair on stretchy thong panties.  You would be amazed how well they worked.  I felt kind of funny knowing I ran the whole way with underwear on my head.  Thank goodness noone noticed.....I would have died!



                             I dug through everything I had and low and behold the only thing I could find that just might work was a pair on stretchy thong panties.  You would be amazed how well they worked.  I felt kind of funny knowing I ran the whole way with underwear on my head.  Thank goodness noone noticed.....I would have died!


                            Was this the pair.


                            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                              Just rainy here ... not cold


                              I did just under five miles fighting darkness on "trails," well mostly dirt horse/multi-use paths along rural roads (at least for Silicon Valley). At first very tight from the 20 miles Monday, which shows how far I have to go if I want to run a 50-miler, but the pace ended up being decent given the effort:




                              QOTD: Too many fueling mistakes to mention ...


                              Hey, can we get a Strava group together?


                                I was running my first 50K, Sunmart.  Since this was my first, I had diligently planned EVERYTHING!!!!!  Well, somehow I had left my ponytail holder elastic thingies at home and didn't realize this until race morning.  Having really long hair, i knew I couldn't run the whole race with my hair down, so I had to improvise since this was before the day of 24 hour Wally World.  I dug through everything I had and low and behold the only thing I could find that just might work was a pair on stretchy thong panties.  You would be amazed how well they worked.  I felt kind of funny knowing I ran the whole way with underwear on my head.  Thank goodness noone noticed.....I would have died!


                                Hahaha!  That's a great story!  Do you have a finisher's pic from this race?
