Trailer Trash


Thawed Out Thursday (Read 7 times)


    We went from sleet, freezing rain, and a few flurries last week to torrential downpours and 70's this week. I think we have about 4 inches of rain so far with more coming. I guess the drought is over. I managed to run 2.5 miles this morning, very easy, very slow.


    QOTD: How is your running/training going so far this year?


    I have been a little off because I have been fighting a cold for a week or so. I have been trying to get my forearm back in good working order, which I have been fighting for about 2 weeks. Both seem to be improving, so I hope to be back on track next month.



      Thawing here too.. most all of the snow from last week is gone. Still patches here and there but grassy areas are mostly clear. I have not been in the woods yet, but expect the trails will be a slushy muddy mess. Not sure I will take the dogs out there today as Birdie especially would need a bath or hose down. Might just run solo or get out on the road today.


      QOTD: My jogging is way down so far this year. I have not had much motivation to run in the dark or cold. It used to never be a problem, getting out in the cold muck rain or snow. In fact I relished it. This year not so much. I doubt if I will hit 100 miles this month. Maybe brighter day ahead as we get more daylight.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


      running under the BigSky

        4 miles with DW and TE yesterday


        will got out pretty soon for 4-5 miles, if we go before the temps get above freezing the trails are nice and solid- wait too long and they get mushy- definitely the need for spikes the last week or so


        qotd: no running, not even jogging  but hiking is going well, I'm a little ahead of "schedule" in large part due to my four day trip into the Bob Marshall earlier in the month



        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √