UK Ultra Runners

Thames Trot 5th Feb 2011 (Read 2579 times)


Cider IS carb loading

    I'm in too.

      Excellent news. I can also finally give you back your running vest.


      1mile: 5:36 - 20/06/2012 - Arethusa Mile (Bushy Park)

      5K: 18:55 - 24/07/11 - Bushy Park

      10K: 39:15 - 19/03/11 - 2nd 10k of below race

      Half Mara: 1:26.50 - 19/03/11 - Dorney Lake 1:26.50)

      Mara: 3:12.50 - 04/062012 - Kent Roadrunner

      50k (Trail): 4:34.37 - 12/08/2012 - Salisbury 54321

      50miles (Trail): 7:27.43 - 04/02/2012 - Thames Trot 50

      100miles (Trail): 22:14.10 - 03/03/2012 - Thamespath 100 (102miles)


      Cider IS carb loading

        Only now I have gone into long sleeve mode!


        I should hopefully be up to speed by then. The Founders is a do-er for me although I fear eating your dust at Portsmouth as I am struggling to find the time to get in a run of over 12 miles, what with work (away again this w/end), weddings and the like. However I am planning on doing the Witham Boxing Day 5 (ultra you say????) and running the 22 miles back from the finish to my parents house on a belly full of turkey!!!

          So gentle men (and gentle ladies)you should have received your TT50 emails on Monday. The mandatory equipment seems pretty simple:


          1. Mobile Phone (Mandatory)
          2. Head Torch (if you think you will be running after 4 pm)Disapprove
          3. Map Book (supplied) and a Compass

          We just have to add:


          4. Run 50  miles with minimal height gain/loss as fast as you can



          A runners blog-updated daily

            Any ideas how i get there for the 8.30am start and have my car at the finish? Want to try and avoid an overnight stay if poss.

            How are you guys getting there, as the trains from me don't seem to get me there on time unless i get the 00:30 train and then

            have about 5hrs worth of waiting at various stations (not an option in the middle of winter),


            1mile: 5:36 - 20/06/2012 - Arethusa Mile (Bushy Park)

            5K: 18:55 - 24/07/11 - Bushy Park

            10K: 39:15 - 19/03/11 - 2nd 10k of below race

            Half Mara: 1:26.50 - 19/03/11 - Dorney Lake 1:26.50)

            Mara: 3:12.50 - 04/062012 - Kent Roadrunner

            50k (Trail): 4:34.37 - 12/08/2012 - Salisbury 54321

            50miles (Trail): 7:27.43 - 04/02/2012 - Thames Trot 50

            100miles (Trail): 22:14.10 - 03/03/2012 - Thamespath 100 (102miles)

              Any ideas how i get there for the 8.30am start and have my car at the finish? Want to try and avoid an overnight stay if poss.

              How are you guys getting there, as the trains from me don't seem to get me there on time unless i get the 00:30 train and then

              have about 5hrs worth of waiting at various stations (not an option in the middle of winter),


              Got the same challenge myself. Where you coming in from?


              Looking at how things are it probably will be an overnight stay due to the fact we kick off quite early on.


              Self anointed title

                Where are you chaps coming from?

                I reckon I can (just) make it by getting the first train from Andover, changing at Basingstoke and then getting picked up by the race organisers at Oxford station.



                  Coming in from Hampton Court Station (next to the palace) but have just seen that if i get the 5:34 train from Surbiton i get to Oxford at 7:15

                  so may have a 30min wait for the 7:45 pick up by the organisers but if others are there at 7:15 could share a taxi to the Race HQ which

                  i believe is 3miles away from Oxford Station. So it appears i have a plan of sorts, be interesting to see what price the train tickets are.


                  Managed to tweak my ankle last night, could feel my toes trying to grip from inside my trainers on the slippy bits, but didn't notice the sore ankle until i had cooled down from the run. Might have to be the dreaded treadmill this evening. Deep joy!!!


                  1mile: 5:36 - 20/06/2012 - Arethusa Mile (Bushy Park)

                  5K: 18:55 - 24/07/11 - Bushy Park

                  10K: 39:15 - 19/03/11 - 2nd 10k of below race

                  Half Mara: 1:26.50 - 19/03/11 - Dorney Lake 1:26.50)

                  Mara: 3:12.50 - 04/062012 - Kent Roadrunner

                  50k (Trail): 4:34.37 - 12/08/2012 - Salisbury 54321

                  50miles (Trail): 7:27.43 - 04/02/2012 - Thames Trot 50

                  100miles (Trail): 22:14.10 - 03/03/2012 - Thamespath 100 (102miles)


                  Self anointed title

                    Sounds like a plan Mr Immune!



                      Hornchurch Essex


                      No direct links means I would have to catch several trains hence the reason for staying overnight on the thursday otherwise I won't make it unless someone drove me down there.


                      5.34am!!!!! Immune, that is an early start.


                      Self anointed title





                          Knowing Richard he will be running that is an ideaBig grin


                          I have yet to discuss this with George but I think it maybe worth us taking two cars, dropping one at the end and then drive up together to the start. Run it and then drive back to collect the other car.


                          If you guys have got access to cars we can do a shuttle run but as some of you will be way faster than me you may have to wait an hour or so at the end.

                          A runners blog-updated daily

                            Knowing Richard he will be running that is an ideaBig grin


                            I have yet to discuss this with George but I think it maybe worth us taking two cars, dropping one at the end and then drive up together to the start. Run it and then drive back to collect the other car.


                            If you guys have got access to cars we can do a shuttle run but as some of you will be way faster than me you may have to wait an hour or so at the end.


                            Great idea although at 88 miles from my house I dont fancy it Cool


                            Oops I meant Friday night :-) Not a bad idea Jerry.


                            Self anointed title

                              Didn't Lee Chamberlain run it both ways last year? Nutter. Sad that his JOGLE record attempt didn't come off.

                              Of course, if we went up for the Thu night we could have a night on the beers first......




                                What happened to his JOGLE run in the end?


                                I have to admit that I was getting a bit bored with the build up so switched off a little and when I saw no news I assumed he got into trouble.

                                A runners blog-updated daily