UK Ultra Runners


Now that is a target (Read 365 times)

    How is this for a nice little challenge, Mark Cooper who ran 50 marathons in 56 days is going for the world record of 560 miles in 120 hours...


    There are a few people on the circuit (you guys know who pump up their running ability and don't pull it off) but Mark Cooper is one person who I know will pull this little monster off


    You can follow him on Twitter @runwithmark if you are that way inclined

    A runners blog-updated daily


    Self anointed title

      If there were a spread on this... I would sell a big short. Maybe £10 a mile.

      I don't want to knock the guy - I've never met him - but to maintain an average pace of 12:51 per mile for 5 days is not easy.

      If he only takes 10hrs rest (for sleeping, changing shoes, socks, eating) during the whole event, he would have to average 11:47 pace.

      Now I just have to find the spread betting firm who will take the bet.



        Knowing Mark he will give it all he has got. It's a big ask but I wish him all the best. Rather him than me :-)


        Good to see you running again Purdey. You running much this weekend?


        Self anointed title

          Hi Rich, I'm going to try to get out at least once!


          How are you?


          I didn't want my post to come across as immediately dismissive - I really wish Mark all the best - but running 50 marathons in 56 days is an awful lot easier than 560 miles in 120 hrs.


          I remember the great William Sichel running 536 miles in a 6 day race to set a World Record (AG).  Of course that is "only" 89.3 miles per day.  Mark Cooper is aiming for 112 miles.


          My best guess is that he will fall off schedule after the second day, if not before.



            I know you weren't being dismissive. It's an almighty task, one that needs so many factors to be come off perfectly (pacing, nutrition etc). Mr Sichel is a world class ultrarunner and his efforts you quote below show clearly the task being asked of Mark. Whether he succeeds or not it takes balls to even think about it :-)


            I am ok (I think) having recovered from the Flu and back out running. Got Bob Graham attempt in June (21 weeks to go) so am lining up some key milestones in timeline from now until then. Recce dates almost there. Just cannot wait to get upto the Lakes.  I am doing what I can when running wise focusing on lots of aerobic running (not slow) and tuning the workouts according to how I feel that given day.


            A lot of potential races are out of the window as I cannot spend any more time away from home other than the recces etc. Only exception will be the Kinder 12 run at the end of Februay. 24 miler with 10,000 ft.


            The lack of races though is a price worth paying whilst I train for BGR..