Half Marathon Trainers


November = Cold (Read 27 times)

    Hi guys,

    This week: garden-spin-60-90-60...

    On Tuesday which was Rememberance Day, I spent the morning getting the final garden clean up done, composting, raking, planting bulbs - a pretty good workout, then back to the regular workouts. This weekend we dipped below the minus sign. It's been fairly clear, no ice just a few flurries, so I'm getting some winter adjustment time (unlike Meg!) but I'm off to the running room to look for some warm pants. I'm a weather wimp so I won't be outside below -10*C but that's pretty rare here.

    have a great week! A




    queen of headlamps

      I'm a newbie, and getting over a bad cold, but I ran a slow ~6 miles today in the 21F cold.  It wasn't bad!  Gorgeously sunny day otherwise.


      My next half isn't until March but I am going to try to ease up to 30 miles total this week.  Have a great week everyone!


        Hi emmbee



          Welcome from frozen Canada, emmbee! Where are you from? Nice run. I'm fighting off a cold to get back to decent miles; I wish I could've done 6 today.

          Half Fanatic #9292. 

          Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

            Hello emmbee!




              Hello emmbee, welcome.


              I put in my highest mileage week of the year last week with 46 miles. Training seems to be going pretty well, yet I don't have any half marathons planned in the near future. What I do have though, are some plans looking into 2015.



              Jan 10 - Xterra 15k trail

              March 1 - Little Rock Marathon, planning on the full, but will drop back to the half if I need to.

              March 28 - McKay Hollow 25k trail

              April 25-27 - Grand Viduta, 3 day stage race of 13, 16, 14 miles on trails.

              Sept 12 - Smoky Mountains Half, I will probably target this as a goal race included in training for Detroit

              Oct 19 - Detroit Free Press Full, hoping my dad is well enough to come see me finish. He's been bed ridden for 4 years with MS, but can sit in wheel chair for a few hours at a time.


                8 miles this evening in a feels like 26.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Eeek, MIA again!  Too much work!


                  Managed to fall on Sunday night while running, scraping and bloodying my knee.  Still managed to continue running back home then and have not taken an RD until today.  5 miles on Monday (and weights), 3 with hubby last night, weights and Pilates tonight.


                  milktruck, effortless runs are awesome.


                  Cyberic, nice 12.


                  Mitch, that was a great week of running for you.



                  Former Bad Ass

                    ayola, enjoy the gardening.


                    emmbee, welcome!



                      Hello emmbee!


                      Never sure if I should be posting in here until I figure out my running lol


                      The half in Vegas was horrible. My PW by a long shot. I have come to some conclusions though:


                      (a) just because I know I CAN run 21.1 km doesn't mean I can do it at the drop of a hat; twice in a month; on very little consistent training

                      (b) a long weekend in Las Vegas can be a lot of fun. A half-marathon can be a lot of fun. Putting the two in one weekend means the half is likely NOT going to be a lot of fun.


                      My next big goal is a 30k race at the end of March. I'm taking a mental break this week - lots of yoga, some easy easy kms starting tomorrow. 18 week plan for the 30k will start on Monday Big grin

                      First or last...it's the same finish line

                      HF #4362



                        You learned something. That's important, Lisa! Smile


                        I'm still slugging away on single and double mile runs in the warmth of my basement on the treadmill instead of outside in the 35+ kph wind and high teen/low twenties*C windchill while I try to shake this darn cold or should I say cough. It's not getting worse by running and I often feel better post run.

                        Half Fanatic #9292. 

                        Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

                        an amazing likeness

                          I usually aim to 'close' my fall training season with 10 miles in shorts...so in the name of tradition ran 10mi last night in 30F w/15 mph winds, gusting to 25. Ok, that was a bit chilly...

                          Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                            I usually aim to 'close' my fall training season with 10 miles in shorts...so in the name of tradition ran 10mi last night in 30F w/15 mph winds, gusting to 25. Ok, that was a bit chilly...


                            LOL, the tradition lives on!


                              I usually aim to 'close' my fall training season with 10 miles in shorts...so in the name of tradition ran 10mi last night in 30F w/15 mph winds, gusting to 25. Ok, that was a bit chilly...


                              Hahaha, hope you weren't wearing a short sleeves T-Shirt Smile


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Morning!  I managed 15 miles last night, after weights and Pilates.  I have not run long since the Chicago Marathon and with a marathon next weekend I needed to get my butt moving.


                                redleaf, sorry about your experience in LV.  I had a huge asthma attack in that race and for some reason I think of it as the devil!


                                Meg, glad to hear you're still moving, even in the cold.


                                milktruck, 30F is still shorts weather.


                                Have a great day!

