Half Marathon Trainers

September is here! (Read 30 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Morning!  Back to the grind with 7 miles tonight.


    Barbs, great job under tough conditions!


    Cyberic, glad to hear the toe is feeling good.


    Meg, morning!


      Feeling better today.  Still tired as I have been sleeping like crap.  Did 2.5 reocvery this morning. 43F and no humidity actually had to pull out long sleeves..Gotta love New England.


      Thanks everyone for the kind words.  I think I just wanted it so bad, it made it hurt more to lose it.  But hey it was just a race with myself anyway.


      Cyber - I am sure the back pain had something to do with form and humidity for sure, just never experienced that before - kind of like spasms.  Still a bit sore so just taking it easy this week.


      Meg - I hear you and I know I will probably not give up the distance.  I just have to let it go and move on.  Can't change it.   Besides I got a really cool medal


      Funny how it can be great running weathe and then the race comes and back to summer like conditions.  Same type of weather forcast for this weekend.  Only in New England..


      Have a wonderful day everyone!

      Run, Walk, Crawl, just Finish.

      HF # 1189


        Barb, I am with you on the humidity, it sucks.


        Cyber, glad to hear your toe is better.


        I'm back from anniversary/vacation/race trip and will get some pics and details up tonight.

          4 more recovery miles this morning.  Finally got a decent night sleep and felt so much better this morning.  43F and no humidity.  One of those morning I felt like I could keep going, but had to go to work.  I am coming back I think

          Run, Walk, Crawl, just Finish.

          HF # 1189



            We're in a heat wave here. It's crazy! Normal high for this time of year is about 16*C or 61*F. Yesterday, we hit 29*C or 85*F. Today we are supposed to hit the same today and hotter tomorrow. Yuck! It's a struggle to get the miles in. I cut yesterday's run a mile short and suspect a hills workout won't happen today. I struggle with a tough workout in the heat.

            Half Fanatic #9292. 

            Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

              Meg - 85*C in September! Wow, I was thinking that the 75 predicted for this Saturday was way too warm.

              Barb - I'm glad you feeling rested - is the back better as well?


              I had a good 90 minute run yesterday. Beautiful crisp 45 degree dark and starry morning. Got home at sunrise. I tried to run at pace for the first 45 minutes (a bit of a slow start for warm up) and run easy on the way back. It's looking like my race pace won't be in the high 10s, definitely in the 11s. Resting today, the in-laws, who are great, have been here for a week so I'm tired, not getting as much sleep as usual.






              Former Bad Ass

                Morning!  Work has been crazy with someone requesting documents in discovery to our agency that basically includes everything but the stationary in the last 10 years.  *head meets desk*.  Anyway, 6 tough miles with asthma last night and instead of 14 this morning, only had time for 11 with 2 easy, 4 at MP, 1 easy, 4 from MP to HMP.  It was 87F at the start (6am), 90F at the finish.  The 3 that are left, I'll run after Pilates tonight.


                Barbs, glad to hear you feel better.


                Mitch, hope you enjoyed your vacation.


                Meg, tell me about it.  I hate heat and humidity.  Why do I live where I live, ugh?  Hoping you get some Fall weather soon.


                ayola, nice run.




                  Today is supposed to be another record breaker! High of 32*C or 90*F plus humidity. I'm not loving how training is going this week. Honestly I don't see myself being uber prepared for my race om 10/04, but it's not my goal race so expectations are different. D, I don't know how you do such a long run in that heat. I'm struggling with getting out for 6.5 today.




                  A, it sounds like we could run well together. I wish you were coming to TO, but I get why you aren't. Jealous of your run yesterday!

                  Half Fanatic #9292. 

                  Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


                    I've been totally slacking since my race, but I hope to get out for a few miles tonight. I put a RR up in the top sticky thread.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Morning.  Ran 3 last night after Pilates. Tonight, it's Pilates and 6-7 miles.


                      Meg, ugh, hope you get some relief soon!


                      Mitch, enjoy the run tonight.




                        Yesterday I waited until 6 to run and did 7.12 instead of the 6.5 miles on the schedule. I slowed my pace a bit to deal with heat in the first half of the run and the last two miles were  rather buggy, I must say. Today it's just an easy 2 whenever I get to it. Then long run on Saturday instead of Sunday. I needed the mental lift of a good mid-range run yesterday. Smile

                        Half Fanatic #9292. 

                        Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

                          Meg - Yowza. I saw 30*C and 4*C in a 48 hour period in that forcast... Wish I could have gotten to Toronto for the race as well, but I'll be in better shape mentally and physically for the next meet up. Running long tomorrow too - last 11-12 miler before my local HM in two weeks.


                          Docket - you are a machine. I still don't feel really recovered working with my 25 mile week. Next two weeks are running and resting only, no more fun for me and staying up late. Ha!


                          Mitch - have a great run tonight.


                          TGIF,  A




                            Taper madness mode here. Running less than my plan says, because Hansons doesn't have much of a taper at all and I felt like I needed more. Already my hips feel less tight, although the one that hurts still hurts a bit. But I have a range of motion that I haven't had in months. One more week to go!


                            And the weather forecast calls for summer temps to be back by race day. 


                            Former Bad Ass

                              We had to cancel Pilates because my instructor was stuck in rush hour traffic (and so was I!), so 7 miles done.


                              Meg, hope your 2 went well.


                              ayola, I stay up late a lot and I pay for it with a zombie run.  Ha.


                              Zelanie, enjoy the taper!



                                Zel, hang in there.


                                6 miles tonight. I've signed up for a 15k on Oct 11