Half Marathon Trainers

March (Read 43 times)


    a nice 3 miles on the treadmill (5k actually but y'all think in miles and the two posts before mine also did three so I thought I'd just keep it going).


    Hamstring is still a little wonky but no problems at all when running. Now it's mostly sore if I squat (like to clean the cat's litter box) or if it's extended out completely straight.


    Will aim for 6.5-8 km tomorrow slow and easy and then see about my long run on Sunday. Supposed to do 16km but PT suggested I limit it to 10 if it's still sore. BUT it's not sore when I'm running hmmmm

    First or last...it's the same finish line

    HF #4362


      Getting buried in snow today - again. Actually not that bad, should be about 6 inches. It's just that I thought I'd be able to get my run in before the snow started, but about 5 minutes into my run it started snowing and all the ice patches on the sidewalks became invisible. I was either going to run a test 5k race, as my plan prescribed a tune-up 5k race today, or a longer that usual long run, but it was too dangerous to do either so I ran easy for less than 90 minutes.


      Not saying much lately on the forum, I'm just running my 30 miles/week and not much worth mentioning is happening. But I do read all your race reports, and each of them gives me small motivation boosts. Keep'em coming Smile


        Hey guys, I'm back.  Finally made it to spring break!  After my race last weekend, I really felt like I needed more recovery than I've been taking lately, so I took it really easy this week.  Then next week I hop back into my plan for one more week to push hard before the taper begins in earnest.  The miles really start to drop with about 4 weeks to go, but the quality work continues.  Hopefully that, plus the rest I took this week, gets me to my goal race with legs that feel a little fresher than they did last weekend!


          Well, I ended up with a 15.1 mile LR last night to finish off a 40 mile week. My legs are feeling beat up, so, I'll try to taper this next week a little. Oak Barrel HM in 2 weeks, not sure of any specific goal. I've been using the Ryan Hall 10 week HM plan, and this is the 3rd time to use it. This cycle will rank 2nd in the successful category, so I don't think a PR is possible, but should be strong enough to get a course PR. Today will be a RD.


          Yesterday morning, my employer(Nucor), put on it's inaugural 5K Hero Dash. To sum things up, it was a huge success! Here's a link to an article in today's paper. If you watch the video(it's real short), I'm in the green shirt with the gray fuzzy stuff on my chin at the start line. I didn't run because I was kind of in charge of the timing. There were 5-6 of us on the "board" in getting this set up. I will have to say, that aside from racing, then to volunteer, being a co-race director and on the board to plan an event like this, takes a whole lot of work! We had a 7 month timeline in getting all this done, but we crammed it all into a little less than 3 months. Here's just a few things that you have to get done, and in no particular order; city permits, police, ordering t-shirts, getting sponsors, getting door prizes, recruiting volunteers, ordering finisher medals, bananas, water, Gatorade, post race planning, cleanup, setup, timing company, building the race in computer, assigning all the chips, packet stuffing, etc.

          Some of the ladies that don't run, that are on our Relay For Life committee, had big doubts about this event, but me and Kelly(runner friend and coworker), showed them how us runners can make it work. We had about 155 to register with 129 finishers. The final number isn't out yet, but we made about $8000 that will be donated to the American Cancer Society.




            Hog, that is very cool. Organizing a race, wow!


              5.5 miles with hills this morning and will get a few more this evening with our NOBO group. I'm on night shift this week, so will take a bit of a cutback. Here's the hill profile.



                ran 10 miles yesterday very very hungover. Need to watch that. But doing better today Wink planning on a short 3 km tonight after Q goes to bed - hoping to end March on the streak I wanted to start it with

                First or last...it's the same finish line

                HF #4362

                  Really low mileage last week - felt kind of beat up and so sick of this cold weather and wind.  Back to it this week - 3.75 on the TM this morning. , where I will be until the weekend - Big Nor'easter headed our way again..argh!!!


                  Hog - great on the race organizing and success.  Hills - wow - you are an animal.


                  Red - the hangover will make you tougher - 10 miles that is awesome - don't think I would've made it that far.

                  Run, Walk, Crawl, just Finish.

                  HF # 1189


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Hi, guys.  Had a blast and paced hubby at the PR Half Marathon.  Post surgery comeback is going well.


                    6 miles or a bike ride planned for tonight.


                    The surgeon just cleared me for everything, so weights, kickboxing, etc., are added.  I am officially out of recovery.


                    an amazing likeness

                      Just a brief 'drive-by' check-in for me. So many good things posted here that deserve congratulations and accolades -- Docket's getting cleared as all set, Hog4Life's RD stint and running mojo returning, Barbs595 and Rondog surviving the mile 12 climb at New Bedford, Zelanie powering through a solid 10-miler effort and really laying in solid training miles....I'm sure there's many more -- no slight intended to those I missed.


                      Not much to report for me...off to work, nightly 6.5mi run in the dark, watch some tv, then repeat next day, then repeat, then repeat...again. Despite the winter that wont go away, been able to keep most weeks up around 45 miles and mostly outdoors. I'm feeling like I could be creeping into fairly good half marathon shape, but definitely could use more longer runs of 90 - 120min....not enough medium-long runs will be my weakness for halfs early in the year.

                      Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Hi, guys  Busy week for me. Did 6 miles on Monday and pushups/situps.  Stomach still feels weird and not much elastic, which is normal and might take a while.  Yesterday, I did 7 miles and more pushups/situps.  Now the stomach is just sore, which is better, ha.


                        This used to be my normal short run mileage, 6-7.  I was tired by the end of the 7, but happy that I'm getting back on track.



                          MT, sounds like you're getting in some repeats. Those are some good miles for the tuff winter you been dealing with.


                          Docket, your recovery is coming along nicely.


                          Red, running with a hangover doesn't sound too pleasant.


                          My schedule called for a 6 mile tempo tonight, with the mile WU and CD, should have been 8 total. I ended up with 4 at tempo and a mile with the big training hill. Splits went like this; 9:17, 8:10, 8:07, 7:58, 10:39(hill), 8:27, 10:01. My upcoming half on April 5 has a big hill at the end of mile 5. If I don't go out too fast, crash and burn on the hill, I hope to pull an 8:25-8:35 pace for the entire race. I should easily get the sub 1:56 for a course PR. One more long run of 10 this weekend, then taper and easy miles most of next week with some 1/4 mile repeats to keep the legs popping.


                            Rested yesterday and got a massage this morning for my hamstring. It's still a bit wonky. Going to pick up a foam roller today and add that to the assault Smile

                            First or last...it's the same finish line

                            HF #4362

                              Rest day yesterday - crappy weather - so decided on rest.  3.5 on the TM this morning.


                              MT - those are crazy hours but you are rockig the miles..


                              Hog - I havea feeling you are going to kill that half - can't wait to read the report.


                              D_R - sounds like you are on the road to recovery and getting stronger everyday.


                              Lisa - rest and run easy.  You will love the foam roller..it will hurt at first, but stick with it and it will help.

                              Run, Walk, Crawl, just Finish.

                              HF # 1189


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Hi, guys.  I biked for 30 minutes yesterday and that was it.  I needed the rest.  Did 7 miles on the TM this morning and my cold is still around so I ran it slower than normal.  Overall, pretty good.


                                Mitch, hills are good substitutes for speedwork.


                                Barbs, nice job on the TM.
