Sub-4 Marathon Group

September 2013 (Read 44 times)


    I hear your pain Sprinkles.  My paces have definitely dropped off in the last week and I'm having a hard time hitting my intervals.  Three weeks before my taper.  I'm just trying to keep my mileage consistent with the schedule and keeping with the spirit of the workouts, even if I can't hit my 5K paces as prescribed.

      sprinkles and AP4, from the outside looking in, yall are rocking it. Not every single aspect will be perfect but its working.

      PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



      shadow runner

      The Shirtless Wonder

        Did 7 miles easy yesterday evening. i mowed grass about an hour before, so pushing the lawn mower sapped legs. As a result, the 7 miles felt really long, fortunately had a buddy who kept me motivated.


        Today easy 4 miles planned after work.  Still basically recovery running as I build mileage after marathon 2 wks ago and re-starting training for MCM in October. This year been injury prone so being extra conservative.

        Joe Suder

        Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 



        Former Bad Ass

          Hi, guys.  I have been too busy to visit!  Did 13 miles this morning and they went OK.  Lots of asthma issues since my allergy shot yesterday but this shall pass.


          Hope everybody is doing well.


          Rusk Runner

            Nice running everyone.


            SRD yesterday and planning on 6 easy tonight.

            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

            Just Run!!!

              Hi, guys.  I have been too busy to visit!  Did 13 miles this morning and they went OK.  Lots of asthma issues since my allergy shot yesterday but this shall pass.


              Hope everybody is doing well.

              Is your current avatar meant to highlight your bust?  Big grin

                Just an update since I haven't run since two weeks ago today.  Still have that calf strain.  My past experience is that a calf strain is a six week injury and Chicago is six weeks from Sunday.  Cry  If I try to start back too soon I'll just reset the clock and it will have to start over.  Plus I have a 10k six days after Chicago, and the Silver Comet Marathon 13 days after Chicago.  Wonder if I have to just consider Chicago a fun run and give up on trying a PR or BQ.


                I'm walking slowly with a short stride to minimize the amount of toe off on that leg to try to minimize the stress to the calf.  I'm icing (in the evening when at home) wearing a compression sleeve and munching on ibuprofen.  Don't know anything else I can do.  I do still feel it.  I wish there was some kind of self administered test I could do that could tell me when I could do what.  In the past I would wait until I couldn't feel the injury any more and then give myself three to five days before trying a slow run.


                In the meantime I guess I'll just keep watching my fitness decline.  Sigh.....

                  Sorry to hear the bad news RVD. Smart move on taking it SLOOOW. Does it help to foam roll?

                  PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                    Sorry to hear the bad news RVD. Smart move on taking it SLOOOW. Does it help to foam roll?

                    I don't know that any kind of foam rolling, the Stick, or massage would help a strain.  Guess it just needs time.

                    Rusk Runner

                      Well crap RVD.  Thats a freaking bummer.  I hope you didnt get it from me.  And I cant say that I agree with you more on timeline because that is how long it took for me.  It just couldnt have happened at a worse time for you.  I hope you have a speedy recovery!


                      I am starting to think my wife is correct about me being nuts.  I headed out the door for an easy 5 just awhile ago.  GPS was kind of wonky and didnt want to catch a signal till about .80 miles into the run and gave me a 8:56 on the mile marker (a tad long on the marker).  Next thing I know I start feeling spry.  Mind you it is a 90 deg heat index and the sun is bright.  Next mile splits are 7:07, 6:53, 6:49.  Cooled down with a final mile at 8:35 and thanking God that the run was over cuz I needed a drink of water.  Avg HR 171, Max 193 ( I calculate my max at 195).  I enjoyed the workout but I dont think I should do that very often in those types of temperatures.

                      PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                      Just Run!!!


                        Sorry to hear about the strain, RVDowning.  I'm sure at this point, you know your body pretty well and how it heals.  Hope your recovery is speedier than expected though.


                          RVD:  That sounds very similar to the first calf injury I had last year.  It was 5 weeks before Chicago.  I was able to start running again after 3 weeks, but I had to take it slowly.  I cross trained my tail off to try and keep my fitness up.  It worked pretty well as I felt good fitness wise on race day.  However, my calf DID NOT like the faster pace and I was forced to slow it down at the 3 mile mark.  You will have to judge how you feel on race day.  Sending healing mojo your way.

                          PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                            RVD, sorry to hear about your injury.  When I hurt my calf last Dec, Graston helped a ton.

                            Rusk Runner

                              I had Graston on my calf/soleus as well but I am not totally sure if the healing was from the time off or the Graston.


                              5 recovery miles this morning @ 9:00 avg pace.  61 deg felt nice.  Avg HR in recovery range.

                              PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                              Just Run!!!

                                Hey DTF: I have been lazy not posting over here with the Facebook thing, maybe too late, but I saw that there is a 18 mile practice run on the Detroit Marathon course tomorrow morning at 9:00AM. I know you had mentioned wanting to run part of the course, so I thought I would let you know (even though it is last minute.) They are having water and GU stations for like $10 donation or something.



                                PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)