Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)

    Hey, I bought a pair for DH too!!


    What a nice spouse.


    I noticed the Pure Connect on sale for $59. Went back to get them the next day and.....gone. Bogus(ness)

    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




    Three Martini Lunch

      Evening all. 10 @ 8:24 for me this evening.  I did these a bit faster than I wanted to, but it was crowded and I was constantly speeding up to get by knots of tourists.  I think it was in the high 80s today, so we had our first summer day...


      Good running all.


      I hear you about the shoes.  I still have two fresh pair of WR15s in my closet that I bought on liquidation earlier this winter, so I don't reallyneed more shoes, but my pair of Precision 12s are about to be binned because I'm sick of messing with them and I want another neutral shoe that is more of a performance trainer so I'll see what they have that might fit that niche.  (I think I just have a lemon pair of Precisions--there is a rough edge to the plastic stiffener under the eyelets that mulches my toes on my left foot each time I wear it...Two band-aids or duct tape usually works to protect my toes but I don't want to fool with that for shorter runs).  See how I can talk myself into new shoes?  Off I go...

      M: 3:31:56

      HM: 1:37:33


        Docket - thanks so much for the dew point data - I printed out the picture and will study this as I get into my training. Dewpoint makes sense but I also am curious how humidity is impacted (or the difference between that and dewpoint) I'll try that Wikipedia link.


        Ami - thanks - my interval the other day was avg 7:54/mile for the fast loop (so a little under 2:00 for the loop?) and avg 10:03/mile on the recovery segment. I'm pleased since its about 30 seconds faster than where I was last year at this time.  I'm trying to figure out if I need to push my paces a tad bit more to see if i'm capable of doing better - next track session I may try it out - it sounds like the Hansons book says your 400 time will be valid as long as the recovery can be done in 100-50% of the time for at least 3 miles?  i'm using 100% of the time for now as i'm just starting my training, but I may be able to get away with more or maybe I stick with 2:00 loops and try a shorter recovery time. I'll have to think about that one


        Simon - thanks for checking my data - yeah, you'll laugh at this -  the couple long segments recovery at 2:30 you noted were simply my fault - this workout I ran based on recovery time goals of 2:00 minutes or 100% of my fast loop time of 2:00.  My issue that messed me up was my GPS - when you hit the lap button for the loop a little box comes up with my pace and obscures the time (which I need to glance at to determine my "budget" for 2:00 min recoveries)  By the time the box went away a few times I started the 2 minutes from that time.  So operator error Smile

        PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

        Running Blog


        Former Bad Ass

          Hi, guys.  Still no internet until now.  Bah.


          Finished with 5.12 divided between Hokas and my other trail shoes.  Not sure what I'll use yet for next week's ultra.  Bah!  I also did weights.



            Docket - thanks so much for the dew point data - I printed out the picture and will study this as I get into my training. Dewpoint makes sense but I also am curious how humidity is impacted (or the difference between that and dewpoint) I'll try that Wikipedia link.


            If I'm understanding it right, dew point is related to humidity.


            When they report humidity, they report "relative humidity", so they're just telling us how much water is in the air relative to the maximum amount of water that the air can possibly hold.  Since cold air holds a lot less water than hot air, high humidity feels a lot crappier in the summer.


            Dewpoint is basically: for x amount of humidity in the air, the air has to stay above the dewpoint temperature to hold it all, or else it will condense.  So it's an absolute amount of water in the air, rather than a relative value like % humidity is.   Because of how it is defined, the highest the dewpoint can be is the actual air temperature - you can only hold 100% of what the current temperature can support.


            /removes nerd cap

            My wildly inconsistent PRs:

            5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

            10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

            HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

            Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


            Former Bad Ass

              ^^ What she says.


              As an example, our worst months are August and September.  I could be running in 99F with 65% humidity, but the dewpoint is 77 (I'm just making some numbers for % of humidity since I barely look at it but I know it's "low").  Trust me, that % humidity does not feel low.


              Rusk Runner



                About half way into the video clip (link above) the guy wearing bib 121 is me.  I have no idea how to post a photo or video into the forum.

                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                Just Run!!!


                Former Bad Ass

                  Nice, indi!


                  Morning!  I have 7 recovery miles tonight.  For now, I have internet.  We'll see.


                  Ball of Fury

                    Ugh...did not have a good run this morning!  Started off great, legs a little tired, but not bad.  And then at mile 6, my left knee started hurting so badly, I ended up having to wog/limp my way home for the last 0.25 miles!  I am super frustrated!!!  I did go to PT yesterday and had Graston done on both sides.  He was more aggressive this time and I do have bruising on both legs, so hopefully, there will be some progress.  My hope was to finish this HM in May, take it easy for a week or two, then build to 50 mpw for 6 weeks (just easy running) before starting Hanson advanced July 1, but truthfully, if I don't get the ITBS under control, I may not be able to do a fall marathon!!  I am trying not to whine or be upset, but it just sucks to have the drive to train and my body not cooperate, ya know?

                    PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                      cmb- you definitely deserve a new running outfit. Or two or three!  I'm so picky about shoes these sales don't even tempt me. I feel like the only thing I can wear right now is the Adrenaline 13s and those are never on sale.


                      Amik - I've dealt with ITBS forever so I know how frustrating it can be. Have you tried to do any core strengthening (planks?)  Those are the only strengthening thing that seemed to help me.  And Graston helped a lot - I'm glad your PT is being more aggressive.


                      D - enjoy the 7


                      indi - very cool you ended up in the video!


                      Flinders - speedy 10


                      Got my last Hansons workout done last night. Whew.  I cut the wu/cd short because I'm ready to be done.  So I guess I am officially tapering now.  My mileage doesn't really start cutting back from the usual schedule though until Sunday.  10 days til race day!

                      Ball of Fury

               made it!!  Enjoy the taper and don't go nuts!  I do core strengthening at least 3x a week and have been really trying to do hip strengthening every day, but only on the right since I have never had problems with the left!  Starting work on the left this week.  I know a few people who swear by Myrtle so I am going to look that up and try those exercises as well.

                        cmb- you definitely deserve a new running outfit. Or two or three!  I'm so picky about shoes these sales don't even tempt me. I feel like the only thing I can wear right now is the Adrenaline 13s and those are never on sale.


                        Amik - I've dealt with ITBS forever so I know how frustrating it can be. Have you tried to do any core strengthening (planks?)  Those are the only strengthening thing that seemed to help me.  And Graston helped a lot - I'm glad your PT is being more aggressive.


                        D - enjoy the 7


                        indi - very cool you ended up in the video!


                        Flinders - speedy 10


                        Got my last Hansons workout done last night. Whew.  I cut the wu/cd short because I'm ready to be done.  So I guess I am officially tapering now.  My mileage doesn't really start cutting back from the usual schedule though until Sunday.  10 days til race day!

                        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                          Good morning!  7 TM miles at the gym this morning.  Getting a massage tonight and I can't wait.  It's been a while and I can really use it.  Strong storms expected in the ATL this afternoon.  I'm hoping to sneak out of work a little early to avoid the monsoon traffic nightmare.  I was very good last night and did not go to the RW sale.  I'm sure I could've done some damage had I caved and logged on.


                          Dew point related:  As an example, I went to Scottsdale in July a couple of years ago.  I was running in higher temps than were in Atlanta and was more comfortable.  I couldn't believe it, but the lack of humidity in Arizona was definitely refreshing despite the heat.


                          AmiK:  Are you still doing the Insanity/P90X workouts?  If so, could those be aggravating your issues?  I ask because the high impact work I was doing a couple of years ago really did me in with marathon training.


                          cmb:  Forget a new outfit, you deserve a new running wardrobe.

                          PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                            Myrtl never seemed to help me either.  But it sure doesn't hurt to try it.  I think Hansons is a good plan for ITBS-prone people and that's part of why I picked it.  I don't know if I would have held up to a lot of long slow 20 milers.  The moderate paced running and lack of long runs is better for ITBS.  My left ITB gets tight sometimes and that hip can get sore but I have mostly been fine.  My right side was the bad side and that side has held up pretty well this time around.


                            And so far I'm not freaking out yet but ask me in a couple days Joking

                   made it!!  Enjoy the taper and don't go nuts!  I do core strengthening at least 3x a week and have been really trying to do hip strengthening every day, but only on the right since I have never had problems with the left!  Starting work on the left this week.  I know a few people who swear by Myrtle so I am going to look that up and try those exercises as well.


                              Temp on the drive home was 88F.  Ran 4 at HMP and it was way harder than the 8 @ HMP I did a couple of weeks ago when it was 45F.  Dew point was not even that high yet.... which all leads me to today's nerd lesson:  Civil twilight.


                              So, if you are coming upon some hot weather and you need to run as early as possible in the morning to avoid the heat & humidity (pollution levels are usually lower in the morning too, which is definitely something you should keep up on), here's something I just learned that might help.  There's this thing called sunrise, which is when the sun comes over the horizon.  But there's also nautical sunrise, astronomical sunrise and civil twilight.  All these things can be as far apart as over an hour.  But if you want to know when its going to be light enough to run, pay attention to civil twilight, which is specifically defined as the time of day when it becomes light enough out to perform outdoor activities without artificial lighting.  In my area, where there are lots of hills and trees, usually its about 5 minutes after civil twilight that I feel comfortable running.  You can't use official sunrise, because the duration of twilight varies throughout the year.  Civil twilight is the only one of the many measures that is tied specifically to perceptible light.  And, BTW, there are apps for android (and iOS I assume) that will give you today's civil twilight.


                              Please resume un-nerdy activities.....

                              Ball of Fury

                                MDawg:  I have not been doing any other workouts besides running, core work, and a few push-ups.  Nice TM workout!


                                Onemile:  It's funny you say that about the pace, because the slower I run, the more it seems to hurt!  I don't know if my gait changes or what, but it's definitely noticeable.  I have been trying to really concentrate on good form and short strides though.

                                PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15