Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)


    D, you've done so many marathons I'm sure your ultra will be just fine.


    Rollcast, hope you feel better!


    Indi - I know a couple people who are paying $35-40 per appt for Graston, which isn't bad.


    8 easy on my schedule for tonight.  All these easy runs for the next week - I don't know what I'm going to do with myself!


    Former Bad Ass

      indiana, I love Pfitz but because of the MLRs it takes a bit longer than other programs.  Hudson will have more miles but I think because of the shorter LR, you might not be out there for as long as Pfitz.  That would be my recommendation if you have time constraints.


      Morning!  I did 6 miles with 8 X 100m this morning.  Yes, this morning.  It was so humid, I kept getting wet.  It was not raining, it was the dew!  hair looks like Medusa.  Haha.  Weights and chiro later.


      I was very excited about my 5K tomorrow.  Then I saw the weather.  84F and 97% humidity at 7:30am. What was I thinking?



      Former Bad Ass

        I hope so.  Except this is a trail and will be the equivalent of a 40 miler run timewise.  Enjoy your 8.  Woot!  You're almost there!


        D, you've done so many marathons I'm sure your ultra will be just fine.


        Rollcast, hope you feel better!


        Indi - I know a couple people who are paying $35-40 per appt for Graston, which isn't bad.


        8 easy on my schedule for tonight.  All these easy runs for the next week - I don't know what I'm going to do with myself!



          The thing about Hudson and what made me not consider it, is he has you do a lot of hill sprints.  Which is fine if you live near hills. But I don't and I don't want to have to drive somewhere to run.



            Hey all- 2 mile warmup and lots of stretching this morning for me, gearing up for a fairly high mileage weekend.  I'm on a business trip in St. Louis and I want to move here so badly.  Actually, I just want out of NYC.  No one has yelled at me in 24 hours, it feels amazing.  I even went for dinner with other lawyers and no one was mean.  Started reading "Running with the Kenyans" and love the book already.  Can't wait to read more on the plane later.


            No time for personals right now - I am doing Pfitz next time for sure- it seems fairly uncomplicated, and the lighter/longer hours will make it doable.


            Found out that the Poconos Marathon is having a course change that means it has to be recertified by the USATF.  Ive never been happier t be too slow to have a BQ hanging in the balance.

            13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


              Good morning!  Strength training, cycling, and stretching at the gym this morning.  Really enjoyed my massage last night.  It was 90 minutes of hurt so good deep tissue work.  7 tomorrow and 10 easy on Sunday.  I'm undecided on whether to do some sort of tempo or just another progression run for the 7 miler.  It's the only day I don't run easy so I'd like to add some type of quicker pace in there.


              Roll:  Allergies maybe?  Pollen is ridiculous in Atlanta.  How about there?  Is it already over with in Houston?


              Indi:  It depends on what type of time constraints you have.  If it's certain days that don't vary you might could use any of the programs.  If it's all across the board, I'd choose the one with the shorter runs...aka Hansons.


              Docket:  Good luck on the 5K and ultra!


              onemile:  Just enjoy the easier pace.  You'll have plenty of time to suffer in about 10 days...which hopefully you won't because Hansons has conditioned you for it.  I really am looking forward to your analysis post race.

              PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                The thing about Hudson and what made me not consider it, is he has you do a lot of hill sprints.  Which is fine if you live near hills. But I don't and I don't want to have to drive somewhere to run.


                I'm doing Hudson right now for my HM.  I live near ... um ... on hills, but I've skipped some of the hill-specific stuff because of intermittent achilles tenderness.  Hudson's outlook is unlike Pfitz and some others.  You have a lot more flexibility to do what you need to work on.  It makes sense to do some hill work for strengthening purposes, but if you can do that in the gym instead, great.  and if you can't do it at all, I don't think that should deter you from trying Hudson's method.  (I think its more appropriate to call it a "method" rather than a "plan".)


                Personally, I am enjoying Hudson and will try it again over the summer for my fall marathon.  However, I would not recommend Hudson for anyone who has not done at least a couple of marathons, not because it's physically any more difficult than any other plan, but because it allows a lot of flexibility which probably is not the best thing for first or second timers.


                  Hey all,

                  I decided to make today a SRD. Driving down to Athens, OH to pick up my packet. Of course, I started getting a sore throat last night. I did a lot of yelling at my son's soccer game, so I'm hoping it's just that.


                  Happy running all!

                  PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                    Indi:  It depends on what type of time constraints you have.  If it's certain days that don't vary you might could use any of the programs.  If it's all across the board, I'd choose the one with the shorter runs...aka Hansons.


                    Shorter runs???  I'm going to use Hanson's 20 week, 60 - 80 mpw plan for Chicago and it has five 20 milers and six 18 milers.


                      D - good luck with the 5k. The weather sounds terrible.


                      Mdawg - thanks I am sort of looking forward to seeing how Hansons works for me too. And sort of scared. hahaha


                      Sprinkles - hope the weekend of miles goes well!


                      bagopux - the lack of flexibility is one thing I don't like about Hansons - because everything has to pretty much stay in order so you can recover for the next workout. There's not much room to move things around.


                      Cbus - good luck!!  I am looking forward to hearing how it goes!


                      mdawg/RVD - Hansons Advanced may not do the 20 milers but the weekly volume is pretty close to Pfitz 18/70. It's just distributed a little more evenly throughout the week.  I found it the mid-week 15-16 milers to be a little much.  And yeah, the other Hansons plans have more volume AND a lot of 20 milers.

                      Ball of Fury

                        Morning Donuts!  Thank you all so much for the advice and encouragement regarding the ITBS.  I am going to stick with Graston at least twice a week and do my stretching/strengthening, while getting in as many miles as I can comfortably tolerate.  I think that's about the best I can do right now.  The PT analyzed my gait, etc...and couldn't find anything that might be contributing other than overuse and maybe some hip weakness.  I ended up taking an URD today, just because it's still pretty sore, even to walk.  I have the 5k tomorrow, which I will do if my warm-up feels oks, otherwise, I guess I will DNS.  I am actually really looking forward to racing it except that the winds are supposed to be 20 mph or so and that's just yucky!!


                        Indy:  I hope you find someone cheaper to do Graston for you!  As far as plans, I am by no means an expert, but I do really enjoy the Hanson plan.  It's easy to follow and you always know what you are getting into.  Plus, I actually like that the long runs are a bit on the faster side.


                        Roll:  Ugh...hope you feel better!


                        Sprinkles:  I hope you enjoy your trip!  I like St. Louis a lot.  Actually, I just like the midwest in general.  There are still some bigger cities, but people tend to be pretty nice!


                        CBus:  I hope your race goes well this are running on my birthday so I will eat a donut for you, ok?


                        Damaris:  I hope your 5K goes well....I really wish the weather didn't mess with our races so damn much!


                        Onemile:  Enjoy your easy 8!  Does Carmel have runner tracking?


                        MDawg:  That massage sounds wonderful!  I hope you have a great weekend of running.


                        RV:  Holy cow that's a lot of long runs!

                        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                          Roll:  Allergies maybe?  Pollen is ridiculous in Atlanta.  How about there?  Is it already over with in Houston?



                          No, Fever and crouchy. I am not an allergy sufferer, thank the Lord. Feeling better today so i will try and fit in my 7 miles if i can manage to not cough the whole time. Late season flu maybe.


                          Sprinkles - If you like the mid west you'll love the south. We yell, but its across a field to let you know the beer is cold or dinner is ready.

                          PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                          Ball of Fury


                            No, Fever and crouchy. I am not an allergy sufferer, thank the Lord. Feeling better today so i will try and fit in my 7 miles if i can manage to not cough the whole time. Late season flu maybe.


                            Sprinkles - If you like the mid west you'll love the south. We yell, but its across a field to let you know the beer is cold or dinner is ready.


                            I was raised in the south and I will say that people down there are nicer than anywhere else I have ever encountered!!

                            PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                            Former Bad Ass

                              onemile, thanks!  The weather sounds horrible to me too, bahaha.  We've had a very mild Spring, so I cannot complain.  OK, I can and I will!


                              Sprinkles, hope the course change is for the better.  What was the reason for the change?  Construction?  Weather?


                              mdawg, nice workouts.


                              bagopux, I hate the TM so doing at least one workout a week to train on hills sounds horrible.  Not sure if my bridges would be a good substitute, though.


                              Cbus, I'm sure is all the yelling.  Good luck!


                              AmiK, hope the ITB is feeling better.


                              Roll, hello!



                                Roll, hello!


                                <Joey from Friends voice> "how you doin'....."


                                Good luck on your 5K.

                                PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27