Sub-4 Marathon Group

February 2013 (Read 64 times)

    Cmb- you'll come back sooner than it may seem. It's temporary.


    Cbus - channel your inner Chuck for weeks 13-15


    indi - run warrior


    docket - another one in the books. Glad the weather cooled off for you.


    josh - what all are you planting? Veggies?


    Simon - nice week


    banshee - thats boss-itis. Best treated with a run and a beer.


    ami - go for it.


    Me - quick short 4.5 miles at an easy relaxed, no agenda pace.

    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



    White Lightning


      josh - what all are you planting? Veggies?



      Just my petunia's and I started some strawberries, they won't be ready for two years.  Then I get many different veggies going March/April inside, think about 25 different things this year, and then move out to the greenhouse end of April.  My last frost is May 20 ish :-(  The goal this year is to grow enough veggies to get through next winter.  I grow lettuce/spinach and herbs all year round under lights in my kitchen.  Food is very expensive up here in Canada so it really helps me out and is much healthier.  I don't do much fruit though, just too hard up here.

      Play the Game Hard!

      Ball of Fury

        Well, poor DS woke up with croup and can barely breathe, poor thing.  I will try my best to get mintervals in but will have to see how it goes.  Some things (very few but some) are more important than running!

        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

          Jedi, those emoticons are not about 5ks being evil (though they are), they're more about how a Hansons plan progresses. Right now I'm somewhere between Sad and Cry. Looking at my schedule, week 13 and 15 are Dead. But after 15, it gets lighter.


          I'm lovin' that purchased Hanson's 20 week 40 - 60 mpw plan.  In fact, I just purchased the 20 week 60 - 80 plan with a view to using it for Chicago.  I prefer the purchased plans to what I see in the book.


          Just a reminder.  Registration is TODAY for the 2013 Chicago Marathon.  Registration opens at 1300 EST.  I have no idea how long it will take this time to sell out.  I'll be poised over my keyboard targeting the Enter key.  Smile


            RV:  Yep, he Ran the Reagan.  I'm almost glad I was still on IR so I didn't have to join him...almost!  We did Chicago last year, but are looking to try another city we haven't been to yet for a fall race.  I would definitely run it again though.


            cmb:  Good news!  Get well soon!  Thinking of you.


            amiK:  So glad you went to a sports doc.  They really are the best option since they understand our issues the best.  Hope you get to run that race.


            josh:  I've been meaning to ask you.  Are you a native Canadien?  Do you have any thoughts of moving to a warmer climate?


            I'm happy to report another successful 1 hour run this morning!  My calf didn't tighten up at all.  I'm really hoping I'm on the other side of this now.  I am a little stiff in areas that I normally am stiff/sore after racing.  Guess that's what happens when you have an extended layoff.  I'll run again on Thursday and I see the sports doc again that evening.  I hope to have 3 pain free 1 hour runs under my belt to report.

            PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


              Hey all,

              Got my first Strength workout today after work. We're getting some precipitation right now, so hopefully it won't be too slippery by the time I run.


              Mdawg, awesome on the pain free run! I too hope this means you're on the other side of it.


              RV, I like the Hansons plan too. Though I'm doing what's in the book, I'm pretty satisfied.


              Happy running everyone!

              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                Morning guys!


                Amik - sounds like your appointment went well!  Hope it takes care of it for you!  And I hope your son feels better!


                Rollcast - no agenda runs are my favorite!


                josh - the garden sounds like a great idea. I'm horrible with keeping plants alive though.


                RVDowning - glad to hear you're liking the Hansons plan. I may have to give their purchased plan a try some day.


                mdawg - an hour run without tightness sounds like good progress!


                cbus - good luck with the strength workout. I want a full report so I know what to expect when I do it next week Smile


                I have my last speedwork tonight - 3x1600 at 5k pace. Not looking forward to it but looking forward to moving onto the Strength workouts.


                  Just my petunia's and I started some strawberries, they won't be ready for two years.  Then I get many different veggies going March/April inside, think about 25 different things this year, and then move out to the greenhouse end of April.  My last frost is May 20 ish :-(  The goal this year is to grow enough veggies to get through next winter.  I grow lettuce/spinach and herbs all year round under lights in my kitchen.  Food is very expensive up here in Canada so it really helps me out and is much healthier.  I don't do much fruit though, just too hard up here.


                  we live in a tropical sweat, I mean state. We plan a garden of more substantial rewards when we move this summer (hopefully). Here are some of the "fruits" of our labor from last summer, and their care takers. There are also bell peepers, green beams, cucumbers (oh lord the production on those things), tomato, and strawberry.



                  PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                  White Lightning

                    Rollcast - I'm tempted to move down to your area.  My brother is in Ft. Worth now and looks like he's staying put.  And your pictures pretty much sum it up, same thing i'm shooting for.  I can do it here but you have to put up with 6 months of cold but our summers are absolutely amazing. And don't get me wrong, its not necessarily the cold that sucks, its the lack of longer days in the winter


                    mdawg - I'm originally from Montgomery but my mom and I moved to Canada when I was 8.  I'm a dual citizen so I can hop back down tomorrow and start working if I wanted to.  However, that means back to the rat race and a "real" job which I have no interest for.  If I play my cards right I can save enough money to come back down in a few years and pay cash for a decent property on a few acres then I don't have to go get a "real" job.


                    Or, just go buy a sailboat and go.....

                    Play the Game Hard!


                      Roll, that's a darn good looking watermelon. But how did you grow a human boy in your garden?

                      PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                        Roll, that's a darn good looking watermelon. But how did you grow a human boy in your garden?


                        ha. "be fruitful and multiply"  + "All seed bearing plants and herbs are yours"

                        PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                          RV:  Yep, he Ran the Reagan.  I'm almost glad I was still on IR so I didn't have to join him...almost!  We did Chicago last year, but are looking to try another city we haven't been to yet for a fall race.  I would definitely run it again though.


                          I've done the Silver Comet half a couple of times and last year they started a full on the same date. (For 2013 it is Oct 26th.)  It is 13 days after Chicago.  I'm thinking of doing it.  That is where I'm doing my long runs anyway.  Last year it only had 33 people (capped at 250).  Average time was 4:28:39.  It might be fun just to run it as a long run.  (Hell, with so few people I could win my age group. Joking)  Any chance you guys might be interested?


                          Former Bad Ass

                            RVD, it took me an hour and 21 minutes, but I'm in for Chicago.


                              Josh and Roll, cost of housing in Texas seems really reasonable compared with Canada. (My son is looking for a condo on the subway line in Toronto, one bedroom, 650-700sq ft, seems like $400,000 is the price range.)


                              Arizona also seems very reasonable, nice houses, brand new, for less than $200,000, though I suppose the heat in summer would not suit everyone. As I am hoping to retire in a few years and don't have much saved up I find the prices attractive.


                              Have purchased Daniels book, looks complicated at first glance with all the letter codes, and he asks you to run 7 days a week, but the text is very clear and it seems the plans are actually quite flexible. I now have enough books on running to have become completely confused!

                              Good runs, everyone!

                              PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                                  10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


                              White Lightning

                                Simon - Yeah Calgary is starting to creep up there too, at least you can get a tiny 1500 sq ft house for that money.  I was in Vegas for 5 years and didn't really like the weather.  I really like living in the humidity, just feel and breathe better.  I lived in Missouri for two years and loved the weather.  Its tough being single wanting the lifestyle I want, not many people are looking for that up here.


                                9 very cold miles with 5 @ lactate, stayed dead on 8:00's.  I slowed it down a tad from the last tempo since going into the unknown from 4 to 5 miles in distance but could have easily run 7:50's, will try to hit those on the next one.  Legs were a bit tired to start but loosened up a bit by the end.  No soreness at all from ITB or hips, getting much better.  That's about as cold as I've been all winter.  At least I got the workout in before the snow storm that's coming this afternoon.


                                BTW - I'm typing this from my hot tub trying to thaw out

                                Play the Game Hard!