Sub-4 Marathon Group

June 2013 (Read 44 times)


    Dark streets - 3:48? Very nice. Congrats. Will you be writing a RR?


    Docket - Congrats on another one.  I might have missed it but what time did you run?


    Indi - keep us posted on the MRI results. I hope it's good news.


    MA runner - nice 6 miler!  I used Hansons last spring and liked it (well I liked the results anyway).  It's definitely nice not having to do those 3+ hour runs but at the same time it's a very tiring plan.


    I'm feeling a little more optimistic about handling my paces this summer. We've had a few humid days here and I was still able to manage 8:40-8:50 for the last few runs without it feeling hard so I'm hoping this means I can handle the LR pace of 8:53.  46 miles for my first week post vacation and I'm back to feeling pretty normal so hopefully can do a little more this week.

      You will rock it.  And I think the paces are conservative but I think it might be what you need after a couple of tough months earlier this year (or late last year).  Good luck!


      I will probably try Hanson for next years' PR attempt.


      You could always give it a try for Chicago.  (I want company in my misery.)


      This purchased 20 week 60 - 80 mpw plan has four 20 milers and four 18 milers.  I can feel it already and I'm not even into the meat of the plan yet.  Sigh.....


        Hey all,

        I've got 6 recovery miles on tap today, probably this evening. I've been trying to teach Son #1 how to ride a bike, and it is taking a toll on my lower back--all that hunching over.


        Onemile and DR, I'm flattered you guys think 3:55 is conservative. I hope you are both right. But I think it's probably just right, and maybe even a little aggressive--I guess we will see!


        Indi, crossing my fingers that you get some answers with the MRI.


        Onemile, awesome mileage! And I have no doubt that you will cover those paces.


        Darkstreets and DR, congrats on SF!!! I'd love to run that city one day. When you get a chance (like now), post your results on the Big Board thread.


        Big Board, it's all updated. There are still some delinquents. I don't want to mention any names, but let's just call them, Bakalei, Trinkles, and Mick Mear Metroit. So please post your results on the Big Board thread, so that I can put you in the grid.

        PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


          Good morning!  4 easy TM miles, abs, and stretching at the gym this morning.  That was the start of Hansons week two.  So far so good!  Back to reality at work today.  I'm always grateful that I love my job, but it's still hard coming back from vacation every time.


          Congrats Docket and Dark Street!  I echo onemile...we need RRs!


          Indy:  Good luck with the MRI.  Keep us posted.

          PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

          Rusk Runner

            Soooooo.......MRI results were negative for damage on calf or below calf.  Doc recs sports doc or physical therapy.  I am going to go with physical therepy for now which probably means saston (graston) etc.. and me trying to gradually introduce running back into my life without pain.  Hopefully the physical therapy and smart cross-training will get me there.

            Again, I really appreciate all of the support you folks have given me.  I will keep up the posts as I know we all are just as interested in how we all recover from injuries as well as how we do on training and racing.


            Recovery bike ride tomorrow morning on my schedule.  I will probably transport the bike to the base and do 15 or so miles slow and easy.

            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

            Just Run!!!



              Soooooo.......MRI results were negative for damage on calf or below calf.  Doc recs sports doc or physical therapy.  I am going to go with physical therepy for now which probably means saston (graston) etc.. and me trying to gradually introduce running back into my life without pain.  Hopefully the physical therapy and smart cross-training will get me there.

              Again, I really appreciate all of the support you folks have given me.  I will keep up the posts as I know we all are just as interested in how we all recover from injuries as well as how we do on training and racing.


              Recovery bike ride tomorrow morning on my schedule.  I will probably transport the bike to the base and do 15 or so miles slow and easy.


              This sounds exactly like what I went through last summer.  I was able to introduce running very slowly (literally about this exact time last year) and was in shape for a fall marathon.  I too did biking (spin b/c I don't own my own bike) and then did a novice plan.  So glad to hear you are feeling ok.


              Docket and Darkstreets: CONGRATS on some awesome races.

              13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


                So the MRI didn't really show anything at all?  Completely clean?  Graston really helped me when I injured my calf.


                Soooooo.......MRI results were negative for damage on calf or below calf.  Doc recs sports doc or physical therapy.  I am going to go with physical therepy for now which probably means saston (graston) etc.. and me trying to gradually introduce running back into my life without pain.  Hopefully the physical therapy and smart cross-training will get me there.

                Again, I really appreciate all of the support you folks have given me.  I will keep up the posts as I know we all are just as interested in how we all recover from injuries as well as how we do on training and racing.



                  +1 to the Graston.

                  In some ways, a clean MRI is more frustrating, since you can't pin down the injury to any one thing. But now that you know it's clean, more than likely it's a fascia restriction/adhesion. Graston or Saston that sucker out and get back on the roads!


                  Soooooo.......MRI results were negative for damage on calf or below calf.  Doc recs sports doc or physical therapy.  I am going to go with physical therepy for now which probably means saston (graston) etc.. and me trying to gradually introduce running back into my life without pain.  Hopefully the physical therapy and smart cross-training will get me there.

                  Again, I really appreciate all of the support you folks have given me.  I will keep up the posts as I know we all are just as interested in how we all recover from injuries as well as how we do on training and racing.


                  Recovery bike ride tomorrow morning on my schedule.  I will probably transport the bike to the base and do 15 or so miles slow and easy.

                  PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Not sure but I want to.

                    I will have marathons every weekend and I am contemplating a Lake Tahoe race with triple marathons in one weekend.


                    Good luck with the MRI.


                    Congrats Darkstreets and Docket!  Are you attempting another ultra next year, Docket?  If so, that will probably make two of us.  I have decided I may well do an ultra on the bike also, as suggested by amik.


                    SRD for me today.  Possible chiro (hopefully).  Hopefully MRI results.



                    Former Bad Ass

                      RVD, I already have a plan from my coach.


                      onemile, 5:17, nothing fast but faster than LA and that says a Lot.  I took pics, videos, and stopped

                      a lot and even then I came in faster so I am happy.



                      You could always give it a try for Chicago.  (I want company in my misery.)


                      This purchased 20 week 60 - 80 mpw plan has four 20 milers and four 18 milers.  I can feel it already and I'm not even into the meat of the plan yet.  Sigh.....



                      Former Bad Ass

                        Indi, ugh at not getting an answer.

                        Sounds like Graston is a good idea.


                        Today is travel day.  No RR until sometime this week.



                          Docket and darkstreets - congratulations - would love to see where in SF you ran in - all districts? and I still want to know if they make you run up the crooked hill..  Race review ? Smile


                          Me - WEEK 18 starts NOW ......... I guess I need to wait though for the WEATHER SIRENS to stop blaring before going out - LOL. Fast moving storm - hopefully short rain delay - funny that its perfectly sunny out now too !


                          Oh one other thing - I know its not funny, but I never saw this before - I was reviewing race pics from my 10K this past weekend and checked out the start of the 5K and there was a major wipe out between an adult and a kid. The photographer kept clicking in order to capture all the runners but you can see it frame for frame. If you click below - it appears to me someone had a dog on the sidelines and it scared a little girl who was running near the curb which caused her to veer into some adult (maybe her parent). Both go crashing down and you can see the guy holding is knee and the little girl crying that she made the guy fall. Ironically it was a fathers day run.  Anyway, click below and then keep clicking next for the frame by frame ! have you ever encountered a wipe out ?



                          PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

                          Running Blog


                            Docket and Darkstreets - congrats on SF!


                            Having a (hopefully) minor IT band setback on my end.  Ran my longest run to date on Saturday (~2.8 miles in run/walk segments), and then Sunday I was on the elliptical of all things and felt an unwelcome but familiar sore spot develop very suddenly on my problematic right IT band.  Considering where I'm at in my recovery right now, I'm just going to not run this week and see how the leg does.  I think I need to step up the strengthening exercises, because my support muscles are still weaker than I realize.


                            Assuming the leg cooperates, I think I'm going to focus my energies on doing a sprint tri at the end of the summer, with no other goal than finishing.  That will give me some kind of structure which I feel like I need right now, but it will inherently restrict my running which is good to keep me uninjured.

                            My wildly inconsistent PRs:

                            5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

                            10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

                            HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

                            Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


                            Three Martini Lunch

                              Hi all.  Quick driveby for me today.


                              Docket and Dark Streets: Congrats on SF!


                              Indy: Clean MRI is a bit frustrating, but agree that it is probably facial adhesion.


                              cmb: sorry too hear that you had an ITB flare.  But the sprint tri sounds like a fun goal.


                              onemile:  I'm having the same feeling about paces.  I was really scuffling for the first two weeks back, where I'd have a good run and then have a terrible one the next day, take a day off, and have a good run followed by a poor one.  But I think I turned a corner this weekend, too (and I think it is also that I am starting to get acclimated to the summer as well).


                              Me:  6.7 easy @ 8:36.  I have my first Hansons interval workout tomorrow morning, so we'll see how that goes.

                              M: 3:31:56

                              HM: 1:37:33


                                cmb - sorry your ITB is acting up now after all you've dealt with with the stress fracture. I think a goal sprint tri sounds like a great way to get back into things without putting on a lot of pressure to build back up too fast.


                                Flinders - glad to know I'm not the only one. I always have a little adjustment period when it warms up but I've never worried too much about it but Hansons focuses so much on paces that I was starting to get nervous. But hopefully I'll be able to pull it off.