Sub-4 Marathon Group

December Donuts (Read 569 times)

    Good luck with the toe Rollcast.


    I find it tough to keep up with this thread, 2-3 pages every time I check in! Very enjoyable to read it all, but I am not even going to attempt to reply to all of you- hope you guys don't mind!

    Zoekat, I saw BC on the news last night, snow made a mess of traffic.


    Indi, those chickens sound good, also the pasta, salmon and spinach. Some of Dockets' sauterne or pinot grigio would go really nicely!


    I would agree from my personal experience with those who find they need less stability in their shoes as their running mechanics improve- I have done about 5,600 miles altogether over the last six years, not ready for neutral shoes yet, still like Asics 11 series and Mizuno Wave Elixir a lot. I think I am lighter on my feet now and certainly taking shorter strides at slower paces. 

    If you have noticed big changes in your running form I would be interested to know how long that took and how many miles you have done.


    My weight has been around 156-158lbs for about 3 years now, I was down to 150 my last serious training cycle. I do snack as well as eat meals usually 4 times a day, but mostly healthy stuff like nuts and dried fruit, though I have a weakness for cheese which is high in fat.


    Ran steady pace today, 10.5kms or about 6.5 miles. Windy and just above freezing.

    PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                        10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


    Trail Monster

      Welcome DS!


      Thanks for all the food advice. I usually keep a HUGE bowl of salad mixed up in the fridge and just throw some in a regular bowl, add cheese and dressing, and go to town but I've been going through the big bowl in under 3 days lately which makes it hard to eat well after Tuesday! Tonight was meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn and peas but as soon as dinner was over I went for a cookie! I also ate a huge bowl of cereal about an hour before dinner. Guess I'm going to have to start doing a mid-week shopping trip to keep stocked on fresh stuff. 


      Good luck with the toe Rollcast!

      2013 races:

      3/17 Shamrock Marathon

      4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

      7/27 Burning RIver 100M

      8/24 Baker 50M

      10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


      My Blog


      Brands I Heart:



      Altra Zero Drop


      Former Bad Ass

        My running starter is apparently broken.  2 miles and I just quit.  At least this week is an easy week.


          Rockit- spin instead for a week the go for a run.

          PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



          Rusk Runner

            Looks like treadmill running today.  My roads have some snow on them and will be slippery as they are country roads and not cared for like city roads.  Lost power for 9 hours last night during the extreme winds.  It is still quite windy out and 25 deg.


            Cbus - I will try them in the Korean restaraunt when I make a trip into Bloomington.  I have to restock my noodle supply and a stop in for a little Korean food sounds like a good plan.  I am fresh out of kim chee also, which makes my wife happy but makes egg beaters and rice boring.


            Simon - The donuts forum is dynamic, and goes from all topics running and health very quickly.  Thats another way to say this is a pretty chatty forum because there are alot of chatty people here, myself included Wink.


            Darkstreets - Welcome, and feel free to ask for pace advice here.  I would rec that you try to ask ilanarama if you get a chance also.  I have seen her post on the 3:30 thread, but I dont know where else she is posting.

            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

            Just Run!!!


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  I will try to run tonight since the weather is going to be nice.  Weather for tomorrow morning will be 45F feels like 39F.  I signed up for a 5K tomorrow morning.  I'm very happy about this weather.  I'll be freezing but happy.



                Good morning!  SRD for me.  Windy and cold in Atlanta this morning.  Glad I wasn't out running in it.  Hope all of you with winter storm issues stay warm and safe.  Last day at the office for me until the 27th.  On that note...the donuts at my office yesterday were gone in a flash.  It's amazing how professional adults lose their minds when food is involved.  I still don't think I've had a donut since before I became a part of this group!


                Banshee:  One other food note.  I can't remember if you mentioned trying to lose weight in your original post.  If so, that's difficult for many folks to do on high mileage because of the hunger beast.  I'd try to roughly match calories taken in with calories expended if that's your goal.  Also, like others have said, whole healthy foods are best.

                PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

                Ball of Fury

                  Good morning!  SRD for me.  Windy and cold in Atlanta this morning.  Glad I wasn't out running in it.  Hope all of you with winter storm issues stay warm and safe.  Last day at the office for me until the 27th.  On that note...the donuts at my office yesterday were gone in a flash.  It's amazing how professional adults lose their minds when food is involved.  I still don't think I've had a donut since before I became a part of this group!


                  Banshee:  One other food note.  I can't remember if you mentioned trying to lose weight in your original post.  If so, that's difficult for many folks to do on high mileage because of the hunger beast.  I'd try to roughly match calories taken in with calories expended if that's your goal.  Also, like others have said, whole healthy foods are best.


                  Busy day at work today so prob can't get to personals but wanted to say good morning Donuts!  I did 6 on the TM this morning as it was snowing and VERY windy.  Run felt pretty good and I did 2 miles at 9:30, 2 miles at 9:00, and 2 miles at 8:30....I have to do stuff like that or I just get too bored on that horrible machine.  Had quite a bit of discomfort in my right hip and knee but got through it.  Hope everyone has a great day....Docket, congrats on the cooler weather!  Oh, and I actually like whole wheat pasta because white pasta seems slimy to me!

                  PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

                  Trail Monster



                    Damaris, I'm sure the easy week will have you motivated again! Sometimes we just need a break.


                    Indy, yucky weather! Thankful for treadmills as we have the same yuck in PA.


                    Mdawg, enjoy the rest day! I'm not really trying to lose weight although I'no sure I'm not at race weight either. I just want to maintain and not be miserably hungry all the time!


                    Ami, great run! I always like speed work on the TM because its more like a game than a workout!


                    walking day for me. Lots of inclines and power walking. Hoping for at least 6 miles but it will depend on if the baby naps or not.

                    2013 races:

                    3/17 Shamrock Marathon

                    4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

                    7/27 Burning RIver 100M

                    8/24 Baker 50M

                    10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


                    My Blog


                    Brands I Heart:



                    Altra Zero Drop

                    Rusk Runner

                      LOL!  I am such an idiot.  I decided, what the hell,  I will do my 6 recovery miles outside.  25 deg, wind, snow and ice on the roads.  Heart rate was about 6 bpm faster than needed I believe from the slipping and sliding.  Needless to say running economy is hard to come by when one is running on ice.  Reckon I will stick with the treadmill tomorrow and hope that the roads are clear prior to Sundays Long run.


                      Anyway, 6 miles @ 9:51 pace.  Time for a bowl of udon.

                      PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                      Just Run!!!



                        Cbus- I got a livingsocial deal to a gym- now that one of the treadmills in my building is out, its a 50/50 chance that skinnyhog will be on it. 90 min spin this morning, now, resting. 10 miles tomorrow.

                        13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


                          Hi all!


                          Ended up pushing yesterday's recovery run to early this morning, since I got involved packing up things to travel for the holidays, and decided it was more important to make sure everything was ready for that, and if I got to bed a decent time (which I did) I'd get up early and go do the run.


                          Work is slooowww today.  Not many people here.  There is a rumor that they like to let people out early the day before Christmas vacation, but I have seen no signs of this yet.  Keeping my fingers crossed that I get to go home early, but my optimism is waning.


                          I may be MIA for the next week or so - busy with family and such.  I will have computer access, but I don't know how much I'll be online.  If I'm not around, I hope everyone here has a great holiday!

                          My wildly inconsistent PRs:

                          5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

                          10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

                          HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

                          Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


                            Joshlynn: How is the Vegan Quinoa?? Have you found any that is fairly reasonably priced? I tried some at a deli the other day and it was DELICIOUS! It had some sun dried tomatoes, zucchini and broccoli florets in it. It was like $7 a pound....worrying if that is a good deal or if I should try to make my own.

                            I saw some dry at the grocery store and it seemed pretty high compared to say rice, lentils or couscous (I know those aren't exactly the same).


                            I like whole wheat pasta! ha. Must be something wrong with me...I usually eat it loaded with veggies/herbs and olive oil so maybe that's why I don't mind it.


                            Nice cold weather today! FINALLY! It's been in the 70s for about 2 weeks and I'm ready to be back in my tights and long sleeves. Today it was 42 with some stiff wind for my recovery run after yesterday's speed work. I wore shorts and my legs were a bit numb after the run Wink Stung a bit in the shower!! I know that's still relative warm for some of you those slipping and sliding in the snow and ice, LOL. Thank full I rarely have to resort to the TM!!!


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Now you are talking about one of my favorite grains, quinoa.  I love it every way you can make it.  I have a nice recipe of a Greek quinoa but it's not vegan as it has feta cheese.


                              White Lightning

                                Joshlynn: How is the Vegan Quinoa?? 



                                I'm making my own.  Just using Quinoa flour, arrowroot flour and chia seed gel.  The Vegetarian version is great, instead of the chia seed just using eggs, but i'm still trying to figure how much chia to add to replace the eggs, do i grind it or do it whole, etc...  Couple more tries and I may have it down.  Making it yourself is pretty cheap.  Up here in Canada we have a store called Bulk Barn that I buy my dry ingredients from.  A 350 calorie portion of homemade quinoa pasta costs me maybe 50 cents or so.  One thing to keep in mid when eating store bought pasta, pasta is only 2-3 ingredients.  Flour, Eggs and sometimes Olive Oil.  Give the box a read and see if you can even pronounce some of those ingredients.


                                Simon - Yeah, very hard to keep up to the group


                                Banshee - I call myself the king of the big salads.  Every day for lunch I fill a gigantic stainless steel mixing bowl of lettuce (I grow my own, even in the winter in Canada) then i'm probably at the store 3-4 times a week to buy fruit and produce.  I used to go once a week and always started off good in the beginning but by the end of the week, i'm craving hamburgers, tacos, french fries, etc....


                                Amik - nice progression on the TM.  I agree, the easy runs are BORING!!!  I enjoy the faster stuff


                                -8F when I woke up this morning, still only 0F right now.  Guess its back on the treadmill for me this afternoon.  If it wasn't windy i'd give it a shot outside because the sun is out and its beautiful, windchill just too cold to make running fun though.

                                Play the Game Hard!