Sub-4 Marathon Group


Personal Introductions (Read 500 times)


    Hi everyone,


    I'm Wing, yes, that's my real name. I'm in my late 30's, in my 2nd year of running (my log is public). Never played any sports, skinny as a stick, but with a history of cholesterol numbers creeping up on me in recent years (which I'm putting a stop to with my running). I ran my first marathon in Feb '12 and ended up 4:07Tight lippedx. I wasn't really trained for it, but since I was so close to sub-4, I took another shot at it in Oct and barely made it in 3:59Tight lippedx. I still am not fit enough to run the marathon though I think. I have no planned race for 2013 yet. I'll try to train better and get to a more adequate fitness level where I can at least run within reasonable prediction range of running calculators before I make another attempt at the marathon. I've been "grinding" slow easy miles for the past year (I've never liked fast running - easily out of breath), another user group here was mainly responsible for that, it helped me keeping myself accountable. I look forward to this group giving me grief if I start slipping my training Smile

     Wing welcome! Join us over in the December Donuts thread for more conversation! 

    PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

      My name is Mike.  I am a lurker/refugee from RWOL, and have finally decided to get in on the conversation.  I am a newbie, so I don’t have much in the way of experience to share.  But this has been a great place to find answers on a bunch of topics as I train for my first marathon – so thanks for all the great conversations I’ve benefitted from already.  In the past, I have typically use running to get back in shape in the spring so I could tackle backpacking above 10K ft.  It was always very low weekly miles.  This year I put in some longer runs and started to actually enjoy running.

      My first marathon is at the end of January.  I am doing Pfitz 18/55 and just did my second 20 mile LR (week 11) on Sunday.  I have been very happy with the plan, even with some of the harder pace runs. 

      In the past I have done a few Mud Runs.  They were 10Ks where you have obstacles, mud pits and Marine’s spraying you with fire hoses.   So nothing to get an accurate 10K pace out of.  So I have no real races to plug into McMillen for training/goal pace.  I’ve just been figuring it out as I go.  But based on my numbers doing Pfitz, I decided that it makes sense to keep my eye on the 4:00 mark for training, and just have fun and learn on race day.



        Welcome Dark Streets!


        In fact, welcome to all new people! In this group, we keep an ongoing discussion in a monthly thread. After introducing yourself, feel free to jump in to the conversation in the most recent monthly thread. You can also start other threads for specific questions, race reports, or anything else you like.

        PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


          Hello Donuts.  My name is Seth and I am a 37 yr old Environmental Director for my company.  I have always lifted weights and been active with sports in high school, college, and rec leagues after college, but have never consistently run.  Any running more than 100 yards during this time was torture for me. I really started running consistently in 2009 and found it surprisingly refreshing and a good stress relief.  My first race in 2009 was a half marathon and it wiped me out. I had not run more than 8 miles before that and I went home and slept for hours afterward. I ran it in 2:16 and was lapped by the lead marathoners on the trip to the finish line (Yes – we all started together). Did a couple of 10ks in 2009 and then slowed down in 2010 when my son was born. After our schedules got worked out with our son, my running snowballed and I gradually picked up mileage and ran my first marathon in the spring of 2011 and ultra in the fall of 2011. By the end of 2011 I was hooked on running and that was it,  I was a runner. As strange as it was for me based on my past perception of running, I had found something other than lifting weights to ease the stresses of life. I used to scoff at distance running in school. Now, when I see that it is a great day outside, I cannot wait to get out of work to hit the trails or pavement.  2012 saw me become a triathlete and a new phase for my training was born. I really enjoy tris and plan to do both tris, century bike rides, and running races the rest of my life or as long as my body will let me. There is nothing like pushing yourself to new limits and the satisfaction when you accomplish a new goal or do something that seemed impossible years ago. I can’t wait for that first race that I get to run with my son and pass the joy of running on to him. I am just thankful for each day that I get to run, bike, or whatever and enjoy the day.

            I am not a lawyer. I am a father of three boys (6,7, and 9). Married my high school sweetheart, hot little Irish woman, and by hot I mean she has a temper and is a beauty : ). However, like many of you I started for health reasons. I was active as a kid (football, baseball, track, swimming, speed skating). As a former sprinter, distance was torture until i was aboutr 29-30yrs old. I quit smoking and needed to lower the blood pressure. It was all up hill from there. Broke my ankle in 2010 training for my first half. Broke my toe, worse than i thought, this year which ended my training for my first full. Love charity projects. Proudest accomplishmnets are fatherhood, marriage, personal development. My faith carries me through the hard times and gives me a place to store my thanks for the good times.


            Hometown - Suburbs of Houston

            Age - 35 - Jan of 1977

            First Name : Chris

            Siblings - One older sister

            Married June 2001

            Run - 4/5 days per week

            Travel - 30%

            Bucket list

            - see all three kids get married

            - Full marathon (sub 4)

            - Appalachian Trail

            - Renew wedding vows (15 yr) in Spain

            - Flyfish Alaska

            - skydive

            - U.S. food tour

            - Greece, Spain, China, Germany

            - retire ealry

            - play with Grandbabies

            PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




              Hey y'all!


              I'm Michelle.  I live in Atlanta, GA (born and raised there) with my husband of 17 years and our cat.  Career wise, I'm a financial controller for a large company.  Interests besides running include UGA football (and all football in general really; we are sports nuts) and travelling.  I started running about 4 years ago.  My husband and I have always been into fitness and eating healthy.  We were looking for a new challenge and in 2008 decided to run our city's Thanksgiving Day half marathon.  He finished in 2:05 and I finished in 2:15.  We both were hooked as soon as we crossed the finish line.  My husband has gone on to run several marathons, a 50K, a 24 hour race and race three half Ironman triathlons.  Me?  Well, since then, I've run multiple halves and three marathons.  Came close to the sub 4 in 2011 at the Savannah Rock n Roll, but the fierce wind got me the last 3-4 miles.  Ran Chicago this year with an injured leg in 4:19 and was happy to get it given I was gimpy.  So....the sub 4 quest continues!  Like many of you, I plan on running as long as I can and hope to use it as a way to be energetic and healthy in the golden years. 

              PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                How have I missed this one all along?!  I just caught up on everyone's life story, so here's mine:


                My real name is Ashley, I'm 27, and I'm a lawyer from Harrisburg, PA (OK--I clerk for a state appellate court judge right now, but I'm still an attorney by profession nonetheless).  I've been married for 14 months and have the sweetest Springer mix pup who makes an awesome running buddy.  You've all seen his picture by now because I'm an obsessive mother.


                I hated running long distances and ran the 100 meter hurdles in HS.  I hated that the coaches made us run a mile for warmups every day.  I was more devoted to competitive cheerleading, though.  Once I hit college, I became sedentary and shot up to 165 lbs. my freshman year, lost some of it, then gained it back at the beginning of my junior year.  I started getting more active but stuck mainly with the elliptical, was hovering around 150 through most of law school.  In the summer of 2010, I had an unremarkable beginning to my love for running... I just started because I wanted to not be a chunker anymore and the quicker the weight dropped, the more I enjoyed it.  I ran my first 5K in August 2010 in 33:00 and was wheezing by the end.  A year and a month later (Sept. 2011) I ran my first half (with painful ITBS) in 2:11.  6 months later (March 2012), I ran my first marathon in 4:28.  By Steamtown in October 2012, I shaved 37 minutes off my time and ran that marathon in 3:51:56.  My goal for next year is to BQ!  Woohoo!

                My PR's! 5K: 21:54 | 10M: 1:16:55 | HM: 1:43:40 | Full: 3:51:56

                2013: BQ or bust!


                Ball of Fury

                  How have I missed this one all along?!  I just caught up on everyone's life story, so here's mine:


                  My real name is Ashley, I'm 27, and I'm a lawyer from Harrisburg, PA (OK--I clerk for a state appellate court judge right now, but I'm still an attorney by profession nonetheless).  I've been married for 14 months and have the sweetest Springer mix pup who makes an awesome running buddy.  You've all seen his picture by now because I'm an obsessive mother.


                  I hated running long distances and ran the 100 meter hurdles in HS.  I hated that the coaches made us run a mile for warmups every day.  I was more devoted to competitive cheerleading, though.  Once I hit college, I became sedentary and shot up to 165 lbs. my freshman year, lost some of it, then gained it back at the beginning of my junior year.  I started getting more active but stuck mainly with the elliptical, was hovering around 150 through most of law school.  In the summer of 2010, I had an unremarkable beginning to my love for running... I just started because I wanted to not be a chunker anymore and the quicker the weight dropped, the more I enjoyed it.  I ran my first 5K in August 2010 in 33:00 and was wheezing by the end.  A year and a month later (Sept. 2011) I ran my first half (with painful ITBS) in 2:11.  6 months later (March 2012), I ran my first marathon in 4:28.  By Steamtown in October 2012, I shaved 37 minutes off my time and ran that marathon in 3:51:56.  My goal for next year is to BQ!  Woohoo!

                  I was a competitive cheerleader in high school too...I was on an all-star coed team when all-star cheerleading was first becoming popular!  It's funny, one of my teammates now owns her own gym and has a new reality show called "Cheer Perfection" debuting tonight on TLC...I am a bit embarrassed to admit I am excited to see it.

                  PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                  Run Strider Run!

                    Hi everyone!  My name is Ranju and I have a running problem.  Wait, wrong type of intro.  Smile


                    I am 38, married, and my dear wife and I have two wonderful children (daughter 10, son 8).  I had been sports-oriented from a young age and through college, but became sedentary after joining the work force.  I joined the runner fraternity in 2006 when my blood lipid result showed that I needed to improve my HDL count.  I needed to get moving after years of limited activity.  The start was rough, but the drive was strong.  I trained for a local 5 mile race (my first) and liked the competition with myself and the measurable statistics of running (engineer in me).  After a few years of basic running, I decided on my first half in 2009.  That seemed like an enormous distance to cover.  The challenge attracted me and soon I was hooked.  A work relocation took me to Mumbai, India in 2010 and after settling down I joined a running group and completed my second half in Mumbai in January 2011.  After relocating back to the US in 2011, I completed my third half in 2012 in Pittsburgh.  Suddenly I realized that a bigger challenge was ahead and I signed up for my first full in my original hometown (Columbus, OH).  I decided to follow a proper training plan and was able to complete my first full in October at 4:01:42.  While I missed the goal of sub-4, I had a wonderful experience discovering who I am and can be during all the training runs.  I am excited to experience more on the path that running takes me along.

                    PR:  47:52 (10K), 1:48:17 (HM), 4:01:42 (FM)

                    shadow runner

                    The Shirtless Wonder

                      Hey Donuts.  I'm Joe.  Ran my first marathon, Steamtown, in 2012 even though I have been running since late 1970's.  I missed my BQ by 6 mins and change.  I wasn't really trying for BQ, but it still would have been great to have gotten one.


                      Never really liked to race until I joined a local running club a few years back then suddenly doing races.  Go figure.   So basically a late bloomer when it comes to training or running marathons.  Right now still rehabbing runner's knee by running too far to early after Steamtown. Lots of books about training for but not so many about afterwards. Nevertheless, I am still planning on running another marathon this year...just have to decide on which one.  But definitely itching to start again.

                      Joe Suder

                      Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 


                        Welcome to our humble aboard...

                        PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                          Hi new folks!

                          Please introduce yourself and then join us in the January 2013 thread for our regular discussion.

                          PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                            Hi Everyone,


                            Happy New Year!  I'm Andrew, 37 and been running with some sort of schedule for a year and a half now.  I grew up in Atlanta and some degree of the south for my first 28 years until my wife helped transplant me to S. California.  Growing up, I hated running and remember vividly throwing up my orange juice in high school after a 1.5 mile run...on multiple occasions.  The running bug bit my wife first in the early 2000's, but then it left her for a while.  I've just been running casually (0-10 miles/week) for a couple years to pretend I don't lead a completely sedentary lifestyle.  Ran my first half marathon in Oct 2011 (2:01), first marathon Feb 2012 (4:02), second half in May 2012 (1:42), and just made my first attempt at a sub 4 in November.  I got a little too ambitious and cramped up at mile 18 (up to that point I was in front of the 3:45 pacer) and limped in at 4:12.  My next attempt is in 4 1/2 weeks and I hope to run a smarter race and have stepped up my training a bit.  Personally, married for 9 years, no kids.  Small animal veterinarian by day.


                              Hi all,

                              I'm Dave, recent RWOL emigre.

                              I am 47 and have only been running a few years. I have had asthma since childhood; got doctors' notes to excuse me from running the mile in gym class, all the way up through high school. Started running a little bit in my late 20's, then started having a lot of back problems. Diagnosed with a degenerative disc, was told to avoid high-impact activities & to never run again. I was pretty sedentary from then till I hit 40, and decided I better get some kind of cardio fitness since men from both sides of my family like to get heart attacks when they reach a certain age. Also started to do yoga 2-3x/wk for flexibility & core strength, to help my back. Kept the cardio to 30 min of elliptical for quite some time, eventually decided to risk it & move to the treadmill as it seemed like a better workout, then after a while started running outside. Then I was hooked & the mileage began to increase.


                              I ran my first HM in June 2012 (Ann Arbor), 2:01. Exhausted at the finish, could not imagine doing double that. Kept increasing my LR's however, and ran a full in October (Grand Rapids). I had been increasing my pace as well; I did 20 right before the taper at 2:55 & felt like I could keep going; should have allowed me to slow down considerably & break 4:00. Unfortunately on race day I seriously bonked; I was still on about a 4:00 pace through 20, but legs totally seized up. Shuffled the final 6.2 at an 11:30 pace, to finish at 4:16. Determined to improve my training for next time; started picking up a lot of good info from RWOL forums, unfortunately not till way too late. I was also having asthma problems during a large portion of the race, which did not help matters,


                              Unfortunately I will be quiet for a while, just injured my foot. Does not seem severe enough to be a stress fracture, but I will probably try 1-2 weeks off. I was looking at an April 13 marathon, but will have to see how the resumption of training goes.




                                Hi, I'm Billy. I was a usual poster in sub4:00 thread back on RWOL when I was still going for that goal at that time. Never was a runner until about 3+ years ago. I wanted to get in better shape, but was not really sure how i wanted to do it.  Lost about 30lb at the time eating better after being seperated from family due to new job in PA. Moved family and wanted to get in better shape. neighbor suggested to run MCM with him in 2010. I thought it was crazy talk at first, but more I thought about it more I liked the idea. Dragged out the TM out of the garage and started a run/walk program and have not stopped since. Ran my first HM 3 months later in March 2010 in 2:14 and MCM later that year in 4:12.


                                Marathon distance has been hit or miss since then for me, but still having fun with it and still have that drive to get that BQ. Recently ran Harrisburg in 3:47 for a PR and had some trouble with some blisters Mile 17. Think socks or shoes not broken in enough. Live and learn. Taking a sabbatical from marathoning this spring and focusing on shorter distances to improve my speed. My 2 PW marathons have come in the last 2 springs and felt time was right for a break from the distance. Training with the Daniels 5k-15k plan to train for 2 half marathons before jumping back in marathon pool again this fall. The Daniels plan is a step up from anything I've done before and hopefully the kick in the ass I need to have that break-thru marathon I'm looking for.

                                PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


                                Up Next:

