Sub-4 Marathon Group

March 2013 (Read 56 times)


    Flinders - nice race - that time is incredible !


    Ami- nice long run at MP !


    Indy - i hear you on the weather. Here in MI we are 10 degrees below where we should be. I'm anxious to train for my May HM. The course is on dirt road and mountain bike trails. So we got another 2 inches of snow yesterday. The entire HM course now is either covered in snow (not designed for running at a decent pace for me) and the dirt trails that go up and down are covered with ice in the trail valleys with 2-3 inches of water underneath it. I miss the warner winter we had last year. Last year at this time i had already run the HM course 2x by now (weather was in the 40's & 50;s) ugghh


    good luck to the racers this weekend - anyone running St Patrick's Day events ? coloring any pony tails green ? lol Smile

    PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

    Running Blog



      Indy- Hay is in the barn! Cancel the last 20 miler.  You are faster than me, but I only ran one 18 mile run before my marathon, no 20 milers, and I was fine - you've already done two.  Skip it, rest it, and chillax. Take up to a week koff if you have to - your leg sounds like mine did when it forced me out of Wineglass last September.


      AmiK- I did long sleeves and Capris.  It was freezing.  Hungover running = slow running.  I have to pace a half at 10:20 and I'm thinking about some vino the night before.


      Flinders- You can definitely do it on that- isn't Hansons maxing out at 16 anyway- worst case you can run one 20 miler and just cruise on that.  I'm aggressive too, so I like your approach.


      Mdawg: 1:40 damn! Dream pace.


      DTF: no green here!  All blue all the way for my team.



      Me: 1:45:22 at the half this morning.  Pretty much not my ideal weather- it was freezing and I was still freezing at the end of the race and coughing from the cold the entire time.  Also, my stomach was not right the whole time - not since Friday actually (maybe something I ate then).  BUT, despite that, I held it together and put it all on the table.  I don't think I could have run a better race at this point in my training and for my fitness level.  THe course was hilly for the first few miles, and I didn't run a negative split- I went out fast and held on as long as I can to a 7:30-8:05 pace range, and then fell a bit below when I had to stop to take a gu (gu froze…not easy to consume…ended up spitting it out).  It felt great to just rock it though.  I'm tempted to step down to the half at Wineglass in October and see if I can break 1:40, since that is a much easier course.

      13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

      Rusk Runner

        mdawg - pass on a big congrats to DH


        Sprinkles - Congrats to you too!  You rocked it, Girl!  Pacing at 10:20?  I was trying to run 10:00 yesterday on the street and 9:40 was about all I could muster without it disturbing my leg too much.  I have to hit the treadmill or be resting from intervals to run that pace.


        cbus - Graston for me is an expensive "out of pocket" trip.  I will have to entrust myself to the  self healing, self help approach.  A little rest and icing usually does the trick for me, so hopefully that will hold true this time as well.

        PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

        Just Run!!!

        Ball of Fury

          Awesome job Sprinkles!!  But, the frozen Gu thing made me nauseated just to think about....yuck!  It's bad enough unfrozen!  I think you should stick with the full for wineglass and go for the BQ Big grin

          PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


            Woah, super race Sprinkles! That is a great time. Way to get it done!!!!


            Three Martini Lunch

              Fantastic time, Sprinkles!!

              M: 3:31:56

              HM: 1:37:33


                Donuts Sprinkles!!! Milk n Cookies to celebrate?

                PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                  Congrats Sprinkles!


                  Quick note, ran the Shamrock Half today in VA Beach. Cold amd windy but still managed a 1:43:11 for a new half PR. More whenI get to a real computer Smile

                  Ball of Fury

                    Awesome job...congrats!


                    Congrats Sprinkles!


                    Quick note, ran the Shamrock Half today in VA Beach. Cold amd windy but still managed a 1:43:11 for a new half PR. More whenI get to a real computer Smile

                    PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15



                      AmiK- right now my predicted marathon time is down to 3:39.  Shocked  Terrified to say the least.  I think I may need another year to BQ, but I'll see how Poconos goes, you never know. There's a reason the Gu didn't end up making it into my stomach - I wasn't risking a repeat of puking on Constitution Avenue last year.


                      Indiana- no clue how the pacing is going to work for me- we'll see.  I'm gonna stare at my watch a lot I think.


                      Onemile and Flinders- Thanks!  One day maybe I can join you in the speed demon club!


                      Cbus- right now its headache medicine and coffee to celebrate.  I always get a headache when I can't hydrate.  That happens when your water freezes. Ack.  My teammates are totally out getting wasted right now.  I'm' still at the "I think I hit LT pace a few times, and I kind of feel sick" threshold.


                      I also PR'ed in the 10k.  Finally broke 50 minutes.  My prior 10k time was 56.  Yes, my 10k pace is slower than my marathon pace...I really hate that lungs-exploding feeling.

                      13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

                      White Lightning

                        Sprinkles - Fantastic Job!!  Frozen gu does not sound fun


                        Dream - Fantastic Job


                        A lot of great races around here.  Motivating me to to head out in the blizzard to get my run in, just trying to figure how to layer for -9 wind chill, hhmmm......

                        Play the Game Hard!


                          Dreamn, donuts!


                          Sprink. Take it easy--you earned it.


                          Ran 3.14 @ 10:39 pace to give me 25 for the week. I'm gonna pick up the plan at Week 16 next week (even though it's week 15) because it's slightly less rigorous, and i still want to tread cautiously.

                          PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                          Rusk Runner

                            Way to go Dreamn!

                            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                            Just Run!!!

                            Ball of Fury

                              Sprinkles:  I was looking at Daniel's calculators earlier today (very slow day at work) and he said I could run a 3:35 off my 10K....I literally laughed out loud in here all by myself and then thought, "I must be crazy!"  And I am with you on the sick feeling....I pretty much always feel sick after a tough run or race!

                              PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15



                                Congrats Sprinkles!


                                Quick note, ran the Shamrock Half today in VA Beach. Cold amd windy but still managed a 1:43:11 for a new half PR. More whenI get to a real computer Smile



                                13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55