Sub-4 Marathon Group

March 2013 (Read 56 times)



    Cbus - I would race both and just not do much in between.  I think a lot depends on how Poconos shakes out.  If I look like I could be in BQ shape by then, I might go for it , otherwise, I might go for a sub-1:40 at Wineglass and try to PR at Steamtown as well...both courses are not hilly, which plays to me not wrecking my calves, which are my weak spot.  We'll see.  I originaly really wanted to do Steamtown, but then a friend said her wedding was going to be that weekend, and then she moved the date.  WG is a great half course...the full might be kind of boring, so idk.

    13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


      Good morning!  SRD for me.  Wow...based on some of those temps y'all are dealing with, I'll take my high of 60 today.  I don't know how y'all do it.  Guess you're used to it maybe?  Just out of curiousity, do any of you have plans to move to a warmer climate someday? 


      I get used to it, but it doesn't make it any less annoying Joking


      I doubt we will move to a warmer climate.  My husband has a very stable job at a big Fortune 500 science company here, that has lots of room for career growth and likes people to stick around for their whole career.  So, the odds of moving for work are pretty slim.


      If we did move, it would probably be somewhat warmer, but not warm.  Like, his parents are in Ohio and mine are in NJ, so we'd probably end up more on the East Coast (we lived in PA before moving here), which gets a lot less snow and less frigid temps, but is by no means a warm climate.

      My wildly inconsistent PRs:

      5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

      10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

      HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

      Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


      Former Bad Ass

        LOL at the Cbus and onemile banter.  Love it.


        onemile, I'll be watching you!!!!!!!



        Former Bad Ass

          Trust me, warmer climates are not all that good either.  Have I mentioned my ultra this weekend has weather of 80-87F DURING my race?  Without shade?  And Miami humid?



          I get used to it, but it doesn't make it any less annoying Joking


          I doubt we will move to a warmer climate.  My husband has a very stable job at a big Fortune 500 science company here, that has lots of room for career growth and likes people to stick around for their whole career.  So, the odds of moving for work are pretty slim.


          If we did move, it would probably be somewhat warmer, but not warm.  Like, his parents are in Ohio and mine are in NJ, so we'd probably end up more on the East Coast (we lived in PA before moving here), which gets a lot less snow and less frigid temps, but is by no means a warm climate.


          White Lightning

            I'd like to live on a white sandy beach with 90 degree crystal clear waters but I want the air temp to be 80F max and get down to 50F at night so I never need a heater or air conditioner.  But this beach needs to be at the foot of some Rocky Mountain style mountains with half covered in snow for skiing and half for hiking, camping and running.  And the wind needs to never blow when I run but have plenty of ocean breeze to keep things cool and to go sailing when I want to.  Ideally there's also a rainbow with a pot of gold that lands right at my house.  Am I forgetting anything?

            Play the Game Hard!



              Jenny - sounds like a good goal.

              Thanks. My plan is to aim for 7:50 pace and see what happens.  I'd be happy with a 1:43Tight lippedx



              Afternoon Donuts! late post for me with offsite mtg and just swamped at work lately. Decided to take a RD today after runnign another 4m last nite for 15m for day and wind howling like the dickens staying bed an extra hour sounded like the better plan. Tempo run tomorrow.


              Nice runnign all!

              PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


              Up Next:



                I'd like to live on a white sandy beach with 90 degree crystal clear waters but I want the air temp to be 80F max and get down to 50F at night so I never need a heater or air conditioner.  But this beach needs to be at the foot of some Rocky Mountain style mountains with half covered in snow for skiing and half for hiking, camping and running.  And the wind needs to never blow when I run but have plenty of ocean breeze to keep things cool and to go sailing when I want to.  Ideally there's also a rainbow with a pot of gold that lands right at my house.  Am I forgetting anything?


                Love it!  Gee, you're not asking for much are you?  Actually, taking out the beach part, this sounds similar to Arizona.  We love Scottsdale for its mild weather.  Then add in Sedona and Flagstaff (which aren't that far away) for cooler temps and hiking/skiing.  However, the air temp can get ripping hot in Scottsdale during the summer.

                PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                  Thanks guys. I don't think 7:50 is unreasonable based on my 15k and how my legs have been feeling lately (stronger).  But we'll see.  I'm hoping to run a time that makes me feel good about going for 3:45 at Carmel.



                    Thanks guys. I don't think 7:50 is unreasonable based on my 15k and how my legs have been feeling lately (stronger).  But we'll see.  I'm hoping to run a time that makes me feel good about going for 3:45 at Carmel.


                    It's totally not unreasonable based on your race times and goals.  Like I said, you are overall a bit faster than i am, and if I can post an avg pace of 8:00, you can definitely pull 7:50s!!!

                    13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


                      Thanks. I think your PRs are actually a little faster than mine right now though!



                      It's totally not unreasonable based on your race times and goals.  Like I said, you are overall a bit faster than i am, and if I can post an avg pace of 8:00, you can definitely pull 7:50s!!!

                        Onemile - you've got this.


                        Josh - me too!


                        sprinklez - A Steamboat PR sounds right.


                        jedi - RDs do a body good, sometimes


                        me - the great eight this evening.









                        PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                          Rollcast - thanks. Nice splits!


                          I ran 3 just now and I don't know WTF is going on. My splits were 9:14, 8:49, 8:42.  I never run easy runs in the 8's.  And, after my strength workout yesterday?? And my highest week ever last week?



                            Onemile- I just assumed based on your training paces that you were faster! I think I train fairly slow to be honest- and sporadically lately. In any event, you can beat 1:45 for sure, as long as your Gu doesn't freeze and you don't spend 20 seconds trying to open it!


                            Where I'd move: Austria, so I could hike in the alps and train in the altitude and chill in Vienna.  Either that or maybe someplace like Charlotte- I have visited there and it seems like a good climate with nice housing (and housing prices), but overall, I like NYC.


                            Rollcast: As I sit here icing my calves 3 days after the NYC Half, I'm beginning to question whether I can execute a half PR one week ahead of a full PR, so I'm holding off on any decisions!


                            Me: Like I said, icing and Graston tomorrow- that's going to be painful.  I can feel two giant knots in my achilles. One on each side of my leg.  Its the kind of pain that tells me that nothing's injured but that I need to take it easy, ice and run slow and flat for the rest of the week, likely doing at least part of my LR on a treadmill.  Gah.

                            13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

                            Rusk Runner

                              Hi all.  No running for me since I cancelled my 20 on Sunday.  I plan to start my first run of taper before the funeral tomorrow and then a 16 on Sunday the day after I get to Pensacola.  All recovery or easy pace.  Hopefully I will be good to go come race day.


                              Good Luck with your race one mile.  And you should be able to run 7:50s IMO.

                              PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                              Just Run!!!


                                Good morning!  Ran 7.5 TM miles at 9:40 pace this morning followed by stretching.  Had a cool thing happen at the gym this morning.  This gal got on the TM beside me and was doing some incline work.  She stayed on about 35-40 minutes and when she was done she said "Thanks for pushing me."  I said "No problem.  Glad to help."  Not sure exactly what I did but I took it as a compliment.


                                Indi:  This rest will do you good.  You'll be ready.  Continued good thoughts for your family.


                                Sprinkles:  Ugh...hope the Graston isn't too painful.  Take it easy on those calves.

                                PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)