Run Walk Training


I'm at my One-Year (Read 244 times)

Beginner all over again

    After spending over a decade (...yes...) sedentary, overweight, and out of shape, I'm happy to share that I've been doing Galloway Run/Walk for 13 months now.


    I'll be entering my first Half Marathon in a couple weeks, a year after my First 5K.


    I pretty much did

    Galloway Conditioning first Walking Only  ( )


    Galloway Conditioning  again Walk/Jog


    Galloway 5K training  (


    Galloway 10K training ( scroll down


    Galloway Half Marathon training  (


    It's okay to start with Just Walking, or just 5 seconds of jogging.



      I'm 59, and I've been running slowly but persistently since I was 23. I just ran the More Half-Marathon in NYC in April, and I trained with Galloway's run/walk method. I must admit I was skeptical, but I am a convert. I did not have a time goal, but I ran right on my usual shorter race pace. Now I'm working on speed, but I'm still using run/wall/run for the long ones.