Shamrock Running Club


FORR 5k, Thursday July 23rd, Reading, Ma (Read 644 times)


    Pimping my race...


    3rd Annual FORR 5K ROAD RACE

    5K Road Race


    Friends of Reading Recreation sponsors an annual 5K road race at Memorial Park. The race is held on a Thursday evening in late July.


    The wheel-measured course is flat to gently rolling through quiet, tree-lined, suburban roads. It starts on Harrison Street and features a nice open finish on the grass at Memorial Park. Professional timing is provided by Yankee Timing.

    2009 Details:
    Date: Thursday, July 23rd
    Time: Registration starting at 5pm, race starts at 6:30
    Location: Memorial Park, Harrison Avenue, Reading
    Cost: $15 for preregistration, $20 day of race
    First 150 registrants will get a FREE commemorative T-Shirt

    Register online at:



    Runners run

      Y'all shoulda done been there, it was fun and the Shamrocks rocked it.

      One of these things is not like the others...

      Your RD, Mr Microphone



      Dan bringing home the hardware.

      And a useful piece of hardware it is, methinks Ralph will put it to good use.

      Greater Lowell Road Runners
      Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

      May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

        Nice job everyone!  Congratulations to all who raced, the pics are great.


        Apparently the Shamrocks were out in force last night!  A few of us ran the Marathon Sports 5-miler in Weston.  Chris, Jamie, Ram, Sarah, Mike B, and Andy were all there.  I don't think anyone other than Ram placed, but we were once again the last cars to leave the race  - (after drinking beer in the parking lot) That must count for something, right? 


        BTW, I arrived at the 7pm race at 6:45, after sitting in traffic for 45 minutes.  That's by far the latest I've ever arrived at a race.    The upside is that they parked me pretty close to the starting line :-) 


          Good show by the Shamrocks.  A lot of them went home with hardware.


          If they'd stuck around a while I would have gladly filled that hardware with liquid gold but I understand not wanting to stand in a field in the rain whilst we broke down and collected mile markers etc.  I think around midnight we broke down the last tent and shoved it in a guy's garage on Harrison and went home.  Good times.

          Runners run