Shamrock Running Club


April Fools Injury Update (Read 897 times)

    How is everyone that is currently injured/sidelined doing? I saw the podiatrist today. Bad news - I need another two weeks off from running. Good news -- I think it's getting better. Also, he's putting me on a short course of prednisone (oral steriods) to try to reduce the inflammation further. So -- I'm looking forward to being able to lift alot more weigh the gym!! Now you go....
      Hi Linda, I started running Monday, a whole 1/4 of a mile! I increased to 1/2 a mile today and get to do 3/4 on Friday. I'm feeling better and should be able to start back training (slowly) the week after next. Sorry to hear you've got to wait 2 more weeks. Hopefully you'll get the go ahead to start back up soon.
        Hey Linda. Don't start this topic on the main board. It'll never end. And undoubtedly would invite much Swamp trolling. Then again, that would be entertaining. But for me, my MRI Monday showed a stress reaction in my right tibia - the preceding stage to a stress fracture. So, no running yet. I have another call and appointment with the ortho to see what's next. I'll likely need more time off, possibly some PT and custom orthotics. For now, just keeping with the lifting and cycling and sprint intervals on the cross ramp. Trying to build that beach body, ya know?Roll eyes


          Hey Linda. Don't start this topic on the main board. It'll never end. And undoubtedly would invite much Swamp trolling. Then again, that would be entertaining. But for me, my MRI Monday showed a stress reaction in my right tibia - the preceding stage to a stress fracture. So, no running yet. I have another call and appointment with the ortho to see what's next. I'll likely need more time off, possibly some PT and custom orthotics. For now, just keeping with the lifting and cycling and sprint intervals on the cross ramp. Trying to build that beach body, ya know?Roll eyes
          Yay! I can run again! Ortho specialist gave me green light yesterday. Hard to believe it's been 3 freakin' months. Gotta take it real easy for a while - run by time, not miles - but man I can't wait to run the Battle Road trail. I'm so happy I could just... nevermind.Big grin


            Great news George, take it easy and stay off the bench. Happy running!

            Greater Lowell Road Runners
            Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

            May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

              Great news George, take it easy and stay off the bench. Happy running!
              Thanks. 3 nice easy miles this morning through the lovely streets of Woburn. What a beautiful Spring morning. Man did that feel good. No races planned or anything so I can progress nice and slow.



                The only injury I have to report is a gaping hole in the ball of my right foot where a blister used to be (from Boston.) The self surgury was a huge success and provided instant releif once the sucker was drained and the dead skin cut away but it will be a while before the skin in that area is back to normal and I don't "know something's gone on down there" when I'm running. The skin there was like leather and it will take a few thousand miles to get it back to the way it was. Today I did a workout in the same flats that cause the blister in the first place. Probably not my brightest move but things seemed to go okay. I could feel it, but it was mostly okay. Until I got home and took my shoes off anyway...

                Runners run

                  The only injury I have to report is a gaping hole in the ball of my right foot where a blister used to be (from Boston.) The self surgury was a huge success and provided instant releif once the sucker was drained and the dead skin cut away but it will be a while before the skin in that area is back to normal and I don't "know something's gone on down there" when I'm running. The skin there was like leather and it will take a few thousand miles to get it back to the way it was. Today I did a workout in the same flats that cause the blister in the first place. Probably not my brightest move but things seemed to go okay. I could feel it, but it was mostly okay. Until I got home and took my shoes off anyway...
                  Thanks for sharing. BTW, maybe you should think about updating your avatar. I think you may be jinxing the poor guy. Maybe try this one:



                    Who is that Van Every? Yeah, I was thinking about the start of the season I was torn between Youk and Ortiz, I had Ortiz all last year so I went back to him. I don't want to mess with Youk's mojo that he's got going now so I'll stay away from him. I think I'll stick with Papi a little longer and see if he breaks out of it. I don't want to give up on him just yet--sends the wrong message. As a veteran he deserves that, he's coming of wrist surgery after all.

                    Runners run

                      I think I'll stick with Papi a little longer and see if he breaks out of it. I don't want to give up on him just yet--sends the wrong message. As a veteran he deserves that, he's coming of wrist surgery after all.
                      I'm pulling for him if for no other reason that to shut Gerry Callahan the hell up.