Team Heartosaurus


Marathon training (Read 64 times)



    I'm new to this forum idea, but thanks to Benjamin for starting it!

    I'm starting my base building for NYC. Given that it is 9 months away, I am planning to work with 3 approximately three month cycles, I'll end the first one with a half marathon - May, then the second with a half in September, followed by some sharpening races to get ready for Nov 4 .

    Given that I have an extremely sore arthritic toe, the base building now is slow running on soft surfaces where possible, and accompanied by weights to strengthen my legs against imbalances due to the sore foot.

    What are the rest of you planning?




      I'm still base building and experimenting with the long runs. I recall George Sheehan suggesting "older" marathoners run 10 miles every other day, as we need more recovery time.  Then there is Canadian world record holder at 80+years, Ed Whitlock, who runs an easy 2 hours/day. My training is somewhere in  between - I have been doing 2.5 hour runs, not every day or even every other day, but at least once a week. With several additional runs of an hour, I'll try to get to 7 or 8 hours a week.