The League of Extraordinary Runners

Upcoming Races (Read 1665 times)


    I suppose I'm doing the mile for competition (even if I'm not competitive). I think with my previous two races at the mile distance I was not committed enough to either the race or my training and compromised too much of both. This time I'm going to focus on training through. The 5:17 at the start of the series was with pretty good rest.


    Here's what bothers me, though. I say to myself, "Oh, it won't matter if I run 5:17 or 5:10 this year, because next year I'll be sub-5:00." When I do a reality check, though, the ambition of that strikes me as pretty unfounded. I ran 5:2x last year and this year I've improved by like just 10 seconds. Considering diminishing returns on improving at a distance like that, my predicted mile time for next year isn't very good. All of my predictions say I should be capable of 5:12 right now, but it just hasn't happened. I didn't do enough during my Boston Marathon training to maintain a tolerance for things like intervals and hard tempos. I'll keep that in mind for this fall.


    Joe went on to run 5:09 the next night.

      Not to overly self-deprecate, because usually people just want to roll their eyes when a person starts talking badly about him/herself, but I had two significant things help me last year. 1) I trained specifically for the mile. 2) I had just returned from a great week of running while on vacation. Neither of those are true this year.


        I don't have much confidence going into tonight's race.  My mileage since June 9th when I reinjured the hamstring as been abymsally.  I think my last completed speed work was June 5th.


        I am going to go out hard and hopefully keep the pace honest.  However, I kind of feel I am more setting up Perry to run a season best than running a smart tactical race as my instinct is that after hitting the 809 mark in something respectable (like 2:34), I'll struggle mightly the second half of the race and something like 2:49 to finish at 5:23.  I just don't have the fitness now to be competitive.  That said if I could go back in time and race this June 9th instead of Crofton, I really believe I would break 5:10 and have a legitimate shot at 5:05.


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          I just ate something silly like half a pound of carrots, so I hope those make you fast.

          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

            All that fiber may give you the runs fast. Does that help?


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               runs fast


              Yes, I think this is the idea.

              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


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                Stone Mill decision time is upon us all.


                Registration opens at midnight tonight (Aug 1). Please go to our race
                website to register:

                It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                  I signed up for the Philadelphia Marathon.  I think it will be fun to do a bigger marathon and I am hoping to break 3:10.


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                    Who would like to come out and help or race if we do an informal track meet next Tuesday? I figure, let's have a mile race -- people like that distance.


                    We would like to try putting hip numbers on the runners and trying to take splits with the Time Machine, because we never tried that.


                    At Patuxent HS, b/c we don't know when the students come flooding into the college, but I saw some athletes there tonight, so they may be showing up soon.

                    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                      Sounds like you all just can't quit the Tuesday evenings at Patuxent habit! Well, while I like the sense of finality that came with the 5000m summer track series conclusion, I bet Joe and Phil would be thrilled to have one more shot at the mile --- and a rematch from last week, when Phil foiled Joe by 4 seconds.


                        Assuming there is a decent field I am  set on running 5:13 in the mile.  That would beat my best time from last year.  I would really urge DR to run the mile.    I am not in shape to beat him, so hes safe on that front, but I can probably stay close enough to give him a push.


                        The last two weeks were kind of meh.  I ran a poor tactical race in the mile and ran a smart tactical result in the 5K, it was just disappointing that a smart tactical race only got me a 18:44.  


                          Week of 8/5 - 8/11

                          During Week: Camp Calvert Rd hills workout

                          Weekend: 14-mile progressive tempo with opening 9 miles at steady state pace and final 5 miles at hard tempo pace (try to improve significantly upon previous attempt at this workout from 5/25)


                             So with DR now firmly committed to the Tuesday night mile run the question becomes is Joe going to race it?

                              I'll likely see how work goes on Tuesday to determine when I should leave and then if I do show up I'll only jump in if I feel decent. I have no goals or ambitions for it.


                              In other upcoming race news, I do believe I am now registered for the Philadelphia Marathon. The very next thing I thought about was that this meant I'd have to start considering hotel arrangements. Argh.


                                I thought for sure that Joe would see this track series bonus as in irresistible opportunity to harness his recent renaissance of running resolve --- and to settle the one-mile score with Phil and perhaps Perry, too.