The League of Extraordinary Runners

Training (Read 5242 times)


    My parents are urging me to come home for the Fourth of July weekend.   Is anybody interested in a 16 miler Saturday morning?

      I think I can join you for some part of that on Saturday.


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        We're out.

        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


          I think I can join you for some part of that on Saturday.


          How much are you in for?

            It all depends on how my foot feels. I can do 5 almost no matter what. I can probably make 10. If it feels good I'll try to go the whole way.


              Do you want to meet at Three Notch South at 8:30 am Joe?

                "Want" is a strong word, but yes, I can agree to that. I'll plan to see you there around 8:30.


                  "Want" is a strong word, but yes, I can agree to that. I'll plan to see you there around 8:30.


                  Sounds good, but with my brothers coming to town that day, I figure its better to be back by noon to spend time with them.


                    Joe and I showed, but DR no showed this morning.


                      I'm not sure I could've stomached the Three Notch Trail South scenery for the third consecutive weekend, plus I'm afraid that that 8:39 a.m. start time for a long run would've been unacceptable on a day like today. That's the time by which I would've hoped to be finished (Joe's mind may just have been blown a bit). But I had an important task to take care of today --- so crucial that I simply had to relegate myself to the controlled setting of the treadmill, where I had a better chance of avoiding a repeat of last weekend's failure.


                        My legs were dead today.  I was aiming to do a 3 mile tempo, but we got kicked off the high school track one mile into the three mile tempo when one of the high school coaches (probably football) told us they were done with their practice so they were locking the track.  We jogged back to where we started then did a 2 more hard miles.  My legs were dead.  My aerobic system was pretty tired.  I was not strong tonight, but by the same token I didn't pump myself up for this workout at all, so it was okay.


                          Not to steal your thunder too much, Phil, but this evening I ran what may have been just about the hardest 2-miler I've ever run ... albeit on the treadmill.


                          I'm guessing Perry didn't make it to the track series this evening (I don't think Windhill, Damascus, Meadow, or Rogers are anywhere near Patuxent High School).


                            A 9:59 3000 meters is about equal to a 10:37 3200 and 10:41 two miler.  How much were you holding back in this workout.  Should we expect you to run a 9:45 next week to give Demers a scare?


                            I got my mile race next Tuesday, though I don't think my two tempos tonight of one mile and two miles a piece are all that indicative of what I will run at the mile.  I feel pretty confident I will break 5:30 and still remain hopeful that I will breka 5:20.   My legs are dead... increasing quantity and quality at the same time drains my legs.  I might do a slight taper for next Tuesday and run something like 12 on Friday, 13 on Saturday, 4 on Sunday, and 5 on Monday with the idea that Sunday and Monday being slightly easier than normal freshens my legs for Tuesday so I don't run next Tuesday on dead legs like I did tonight.

                              After reviewing my running log I've come to the strange conclusion that an argument could be made claiming the malfunction of my old watch caused the decline in my running and led to my consequential injury and prolonged recovery. Although I was not injured until October, my log stops in August. After August my training became haphazard and it's hard to tell how much an inoperable watch contributed to the randomness of my training.


                              DR's treadmill immunity to the weather is great for training. Every day is like a pleasant spring day. The controlled environment enables you to run faster and longer than if you were outdoors. How will this translate to racing outdoors next week?


                              Phil's endurance put mine to shame on Saturday, but he seems to have more cumulative fatigue as a result of all his training.


                                It's a tricky matter to translate the significance of a treadmill workout into outdoor terms. While I did the work of a very hard 2-miler last night, I wasn't supplying the momentum. Then again, while in a 3200 on the track you might fade in the 5th lap before picking it back up in the 7th lap, there can be no slacking on the treadmill (assuming you resist the temptation to press the decelerate button) because the machine forces you to constantly maintain the pace it's set to. Imagine if you were running along the road when suddenly someone in the back of a passing pickup truck lassoed you with a rope around the waist, forcing you to run along behind the truck for 2 miles whilst the vehicle traveled at an 11 mph cruise control (and meanwhile the route went from being fairly flat to continuously ascending at a gradual incline halfway through) . Your choices would be either keep up with your feet or get dragged along on your face. So indeed, last night it wasn't a matter of whether I was holding anything back; I was barely hanging on!


                                Then the issue of the air conditioned setting of the fitness center vs. the summer heat outside is another matter entirely. I've only had 4 outdoor running days over the past 2 weeks, and I struggled mightily in all of them. My summer weather acclimation is basically negligible --- which means I could be in for a humiliation if I show up to Patuxent HS next Tuesday evening (when it already appears that the temperature will be in the mid-upper 80s with stormy humidity). I should note, though, that my reliance on the treadmill is linked to me getting dedicated to the weight machines of the fitness center (after focusing on biceps and back on Monday morning, today I did the shoulder press, the pecs fly, the triceps push down, and the chest press ... then tomorrow should be a rare legs day).


                                Joe has run 5 miles since last August.