The League of Extraordinary Runners

Race Results (Read 2297 times)

    In an ideal world, I would like to get around to a weekly schedule where during weekdays I do three to four 5 mile runs, and each weekend a long run of 15 miles. Nothing fancy, no special hills unless I really want to. I would like to maintain this indefinitely.
      Congratulations on all your races... and then some. Poorly marked courses are a real bummer, but I've come to expect one or two per year. These should make for some interesting Hospice times.

        Remember, it's Joe's objective to beat Alden and Phil's aspiration to defeat Rick. The competition should be fierce!

          I just looked through the 2008 Hospice 5k results, and sure enough there's Julie. She beat Joe by almost nine minutes!
            I never said it was my objective to beat Alden! I'll have to look up the 10k results to see what the competition will be like. I'm expecting somebody like Jesse Stump to make an appearance to provide some competition in the age group.

              The 10k was hardly competitive for our age group last year. These were the top three times in our division (not including the overall winner, who was 29). 13 2/11 575 Michael Wilhelm 20 Leonardtown MD 44:34 7:11 16 3/11 300 David Brown 29 Lexington Park M 46:26 7:29 20 4/11 416 Jamie Morganstern 22 Saint Mary's City 47:41 7:41 If the field's competitiveness doesn't increase this year, I think it's quite possible that me, Phil, and Rick could nab gold, silver, and bronze --- thought not necessarily in that order.

              Diesel Power

                I remember looking at the results last year and thinking that neither the 5K nor 10K look incredibly competitive for the age group. I double checked this a few moments ago and confirmed. The only variation from this was in 2006, when a group of guys from Oxon Hill showed up and dominated both races by several minutes. Based on the past couple of years results, I think anywhere from 19 - 23 minutes could place in the 20-29 age group for 5K, and maybe 44 - 47 minutes in the 10K. That being said, if I were to run 44:00 but get shut out of the age group, I would still leave happy.

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                  How do you find last year's results? I find that website pretty unfriendly.

                  It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                  Diesel Power

                    It was either on or

                      Just go to the CBRC website's results section and scroll down a bit.

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                        Just go to the CBRC website's results section and scroll down a bit.

                        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                          Keep Your Colon Rollin' 5k at Jefferson Patterson Park, 28 March 2009 The course was 40% muddy gravel, 40% grass, 19% road, and 1% beach. It had rained overnight, though the rain was never really present during any of the event. Conditions were very wet, which meant on the muddy gravel that you had to always be ready to slip and that the grass may be hiding a puddle beneath your foot. It slowed the times by a little bit, but I did not personally see anyone fall during the race. I began the race planning to take the first mile at a decent clip, try to beat that time in the second mile, and then cruise to the finish. This course did not want me to do that, though. The second mile had a few very mild hills, but they were enough to make me realize there was no way I could run my second mile as well as my first, which may have led to me slowing more than I should have. I ran a 7:30 first mile, 8:30 second mile, and 8:00 third mile. I finished in a time of 25:08. At about a mile into the race, I was passed by two runners who looked like they might be in my age group. The one shot ahead pretty quickly, but the other guy slowed almost right after passing me. The one guy got about a 300 meter lead by 2 miles and the other guy about a 200 meter lead. When I hit the second mile marker, I resolved to try and catch one of these guys. Thanks to there being no more real inclines, I was able to move faster and gain ground on the guy in front of me. I actually got to within 100 meters, but it was too late. I finished in 25:08 and thought I may have gotten 4th in my age group. One nice thing about this race is that you cross the leaders twice, so I got to say hello to Perry twice. Perry finished 2nd overall in a time around 19:50 (and he can correct me with an actual time). The first place finisher was named Noah something in like 19:20 and I think this is the same guy who talked to DR or Phil or somebody after maybe Chaptico last year. He was given both first overall and first in the age group. Dave Walser was second in the age group and some guy named Matt Brennan was third in the age group. The third guy's time was like 21:09, if I remember correctly, so now I'm really not sure what I finished in the age group. The course had a lot of volunteers, so nobody really got lost, but I swear I saw some people trying to get lost... or cut some distance. The awards took a little while due to some people not putting their bib numbers on their shirts. I would be glad to run the race in the future based on today. I expected to run something around 25:08, so it was kind of a meh race, but at least I know that my mind has a pretty good grasp of what my body can do.

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                            I was a bit afraid of the terrain, but I overall liked it - nice variety. I thought the waterviews esp at the beach sections were gorgeous. I lined up behind two kids (10-12 yrs maybe? boys) and at about 0.3mi (?) mile they were still with me & Noah. Our pace was something like 5:30, so I said something like 'Noah, this is too fast for me, have a good race" and started to slow some -- He responded that he'd fade later Smile Not long after that the boys dropped off. I was running with that guy Matt B through about the first mile, then I moved up a bit ahead of him, and chased Noah the rest of the race. One turnaround was kinda steep down to it, and then I was (stupidly) surprised by the steep uphill right after that (as we came right back up that) -- that kind of exhausted me. Overall I enjoyed the race. Also I got a fair amount of running in, as I did a couple runs in afterward.

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                              Perry, how do you get warmup and warmdown to show as options for run type?

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                                Perry, how do you get warmup and warmdown to show as options for run type?
                                Options (Upper right corner, just above Login or Logout) Manage My Activities Run New Workout Type (if you don't have them there)

                                It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.