The League of Extraordinary Runners

Banter (Read 1523 times)


    Ah, the Norwegian dream life!


      Today is not my day.  I working on a case with 12 defendants.  I have to make copies for the court, our office, and the 12 defendants.  I have been at the copier machine for the last 2 hours straight and I am only three quarters done!

        I'm having a weird day, too, but at least I'm not doing the same thing over and over again. I'm having a weird day, too, but at least I'm not doing the same thing over and over again.


          I'm having a weird day, too, but at least I'm not doing the same thing over and over again. I'm having a weird day, too, but at least I'm not doing the same thing over and over again.


          I must be going insane from reading this forum!


          Fortunately for Phil, running is an indispensable stress reliever --- but unfortunately, it doesn't help much when there's no time to run due to all the stress-causing situations (Rick must be an authority on that matter). 


            I just discovered that this year, for perhaps the first time ever, Hospice and the Tiki Bar opening will not conflict. Hospice is on 4/14, but the TBO isn't until 4/20. So while no post-Hospice Tiki celebrations will be possible, an opening day Friday trip would not be impeded by any "I have to race the next day" guilt.


              This is going to sound anti social of me, but even absent a race I am not that enthusiastic about going to Tiki bar opening night.  Its really crowded and there are people who have drunk themselves stupid all over the place.  Even the second day it has calmed down some.  

                I enjoy the Tiki Bar opening during the day a lot more. People are far less stupid.


                In other news I will be unable to attend the Hospice race this year. Plans set in motion a long time ago counted on Hospice and the Tiki Bar opening being the same day.


                  Wha ... ? I would've assumed that Hospice and Tiki being separated would've made any and all associated plans far more convenient/less conflicting.

                    I'm booked to be out of town most weekends in April except for that weekend.


                      What was the last race, Perry, DR, Joe, and I were all in?  I know Hospice 2010 had all four of us in the 5K.  I believe Civisita 2010 also had all four of us.  Then I think Jingle Bell 2010 also had all four of us in it.  But I think its been about 16 months since we have all been in the same race.  Now there were opportunities.  Like if Joe did this Hospice or if DR had done the track series 5K last year, but it just hasn't come to fruition.


                        The big question is, where was Phil at Jingle Bell 2011 (a race that me, Joe, Perry, and Crystal were all in)? Suffering from a devastating Listerine injury? I'd say that Phil's Hospice 5k age group award chances have now improved greatly. In fact, I plan to do everything in my power to ensure that the M20-29 1AG medal is available for Phil. Yet if I fail at my ambition, I'll probably have to reluctantly take that prize from Phil while he takes 2AG instead.


                          There may still be some competition in the age group especially if Shane and Noah run.


                          I am shooting to break 18:30 at Hospice which puts me safely behind Shane.  I am honestly am not sure what Noah can run a road 5K in.  He may be in the 18:30 range himself.


                            The big question is, where was Phil at Jingle Bell 2011 (a race that me, Joe, Perry, and Crystal were all in)? Suffering from a devastating Listerine injury? 


                            I was completely out of shape by that point.  I probably averaged less than 10 miles a week in the two months leading up to Jingle Bell.  I had no desire to run a 20:30.


                              I've still had no indication that Shane is back to his fall 2011 speed --- and if he's been training primarily for the marathon, he probably hasn't focused much on 5k intensity.


                              Say, I actually had a reason to pay attention to my car's odometer today, and sure enough, my morning commute is just about exactly a marathon! I hit 49,721 miles as I was exiting my neighborhood, and came to 49,747 miles upon pulling into the parking lot at work. So if I ever had to run to work, it wouldn't be a distance that I hadn't run before. Ugh, but if you do the math you'll get the picture that my commute is approximately 250 miles a week, 1000 miles a month, 12,000 a year. I think that Phil's commute to work is barely more than a 1600.


                                Now I think I know why Shane deleted his Facebook.




                                In Maryland, job seekers applying to the state's Department of Corrections have been asked during interviews to log into their accounts and let an interviewer watch while the potential employee clicks through wall posts, friends, photos and anything else that might be found behind the privacy wall.