The beautiful persons club


BP Weight Loss Thread (Read 541 times)

Oh Mighty Wing

    I eat well everything!!! haha I'm an in moderation eater so I don't deny myself anything but I try to keep it more healthy than not healthy... * I say all of this as I complete my nightly cookies and milk *

    A Saucy Wench

      Twin Cities Marathon, October 5th. You've got good mileage. How many mpw do you plan to peak at? I fell off the wagon badly this week. Work's been stressful, and I'm not getting any sleep. I ended up drinking Coke just to stay awake. Beyond wanting to look my best, run my best, I feel like crap when I eat crap. Well tomorrow I start over. What marathon are you doing?
      Portland Marathon, October 5th. I plan on peaking around 62 miles (thats the highest on my plan anyway). I like to build sloooooooooowwwwwly. I am mixing in some speedwork now which I havent done all spring and more quality work and spending a lot of time to get from 50 to 60 - I really only plan on ~ 4-5 weeks above 50 and only a few consecutive weeks. I always say I like to sneak up on higher mileage, kiss it and duck back down before it knows I was there. Back to weight - I did pretty good with food this week. My birthday was on friday, but since I had the half marathon on saturday I decided to not celebrate until saturday. I really really love this race and it is always the 2nd week in June so I have decided I will always celebrate my birthday that day. It was awesome. I ate like a total oinker (shrimp scampi - butter and wine- over a big pile of linguine & pound cake with strawberries and icecream AND whipped cream )and drank some really good wine and ate a gazillion calories and my estimate is that I broke even on the day. Woohoo! Big grin

      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

        Happy (belated) Birthday!!! And HOLY COW, great job on your half marathon. Smile


        A Saucy Wench

          Thanks Amy! OF course NOT eating the leftover birthday treats is proving challenging Tongue

          I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


          "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


            Portland Marathon, October 5th. I plan on peaking around 62 miles (thats the highest on my plan anyway). I like to build sloooooooooowwwwwly. I am mixing in some speedwork now which I havent done all spring and more quality work and spending a lot of time to get from 50 to 60 - I really only plan on ~ 4-5 weeks above 50 and only a few consecutive weeks. I always say I like to sneak up on higher mileage, kiss it and duck back down before it knows I was there. Back to weight - I did pretty good with food this week. My birthday was on friday, but since I had the half marathon on saturday I decided to not celebrate until saturday. I really really love this race and it is always the 2nd week in June so I have decided I will always celebrate my birthday that day. It was awesome. I ate like a total oinker (shrimp scampi - butter and wine- over a big pile of linguine & pound cake with strawberries and icecream AND whipped cream )and drank some really good wine and ate a gazillion calories and my estimate is that I broke even on the day. Woohoo! Big grin
            My thinking for training is similiar. I missed this race last year due to injury so I am trudging along carefully. My 17 mile runs have felt great, but I am holding myself back from running further. Plus I'm XTIng more, but very careful with that too. I'd like to get 3 20's and one 22 in. Thinking peaking 60-65 mpw. If my head needs more I'm going to aquajog my @ss off. I know if I do that it'll be a great run and probably a course PR, if not a PR. Happy Birthday. That HM time had to be a pretty awesome birthday present. That's rocket fast! Not familiar with your marathon course, but sounds like you have a marathon PR in your future.



              Maybe we should change this to the BP Training for marathon on 10/5. Smile


              A Saucy Wench

                Big grin Nah...I need to focus on the weight loss too! If there is one thing I know is that if I focus on marathon training exclusively I will justify all kinds of healthy (and not so healthy) "fuel" And in the one week since we started this thread I am down a whopping 0.6 lbs!

                I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                  And in the one week since we started this thread I am down a whopping 0.6 lbs!
                  Not bad for a birthday week - I generally go up 1 pound or 2 during those. Blush


                  Another Passion

                    Happy (later than belated, belated) Birthday, Ennay! You ROCKED your last half like a newborn's nursing mother in a rocking chair!! Shocked I really don't know where that came from... pardon me, whilst I go slap meself. Roll eyes

                    "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                    "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

                    A Saucy Wench

                      BWAHAHAHAH...I dont know where it came from but it sounds curiously Dr Phil. Or at least the SNL skit of him. Thanks Rick OH and as far as weight loss goes my scale blew up and tells me I now weigh in the 217-222 range so I am eating like crazy until my new scale comes in. Because then it is just "calibration error"

                      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


                      I've got a fever...

                        How's everyone's weight loss going? I'm doing the Running for Weight Loss Group Summer challenge 6/21~9/21. I've survived the first of my three major summer weight-loss obstacles -- 4th of July weekend. No major damage. But it only gets tougher from here. I've got a week's vacation on the gulf coast next week. Eating? Check. Drinking? Check. Running? I sure hope so. And in September, right at the end of the challenge period, I am going back to California for a Napa Valley wedding that has the potential, in a single long-weekend bender, of wiping out months worth of weight loss. Good luck to all. Run more, eat less.

                        On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                          How's everyone's weight loss going? I'm doing the Running for Weight Loss Group Summer challenge 6/21~9/21. I've survived the first of my three major summer weight-loss obstacles -- 4th of July weekend. No major damage. But it only gets tougher from here. I've got a week's vacation on the gulf coast next week. Eating? Check. Drinking? Check. Running? I sure hope so. And in September, right at the end of the challenge period, I am going back to California for a Napa Valley wedding that has the potential, in a single long-weekend bender, of wiping out months worth of weight loss. Good luck to all. Run more, eat less.
                          I am afraid to get on the scale, two weeks ago when I was brave it was 123. OK, so that's thin for most people but that's not my marathon weight. I have had a large number of camping outings and funerals, all which food seems to be a social obligation. But my clothes still fit and I'm running my tush off these days. Traveling really makes it harder to stick to goals. Luckily, I really don't drink and I hate smorees, but dam that Moose Tracks Ice Cream at the lodge was good. I did go on canoe ride today. Man that was fun, and a good little workout for the arms.


                          A Saucy Wench

                            My scale is finally starting to move in the right direction, but not going to be where I had promised myself I would be for the marathon. I'm doing fairly well, but I was on a big plateau. I'm in that core period where losing affects my runs so I think not time for a pound or so more before the race. I need to just not blow up during taper like I did last year.

                            I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                            "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                            The Greatest of All Time

                              My scale is finally starting to move in the right direction, but not going to be where I had promised myself I would be for the marathon. I'm doing fairly well, but I was on a big plateau. I'm in that core period where losing affects my runs so I think not time for a pound or so more before the race. I need to just not blow up during taper like I did last year.
                              Just remember to cut back your food intake during your taper. But if you do any carbo loading expect to weigh a bit more on race morning due to water retention. Of course, for that day a little extra water is a good thing. When is your race?
                              all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                              Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

                              A Saucy Wench

                                Just remember to cut back your food intake during your taper. But if you do any carbo loading expect to weigh a bit more on race morning due to water retention. Of course, for that day a little extra water is a good thing. When is your race?
                                October 5th. I plan on 3 days of moderate carbo-loading. That weight doesnt bother me. Last year I had a depression cycle the last few weeks of training (not from over training- external factors) and I entered my taper on a binge cycle Roll eyes I'm still working off that weight gain. I was in a good position to break 4 hours in the marathon and deliberately sabotaged it.

                                I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                                "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7
