The beautiful persons club

Knee update (Read 367 times)

The Greatest of All Time

    I totally remember when John Lennon got shot. One of the few times I ever saw my father cry. I can get somewhat teary eyed if I think too much about that. I was a kid when the Iran thing happened. The news busted in on my Saturday am cartoons and I was pissed.
    all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

    Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

    I've got a fever...

      I totally remember when John Lennon got shot. One of the few times I ever saw my father cry. I can get somewhat teary eyed if I think too much about that. I was a kid when the Iran thing happened. The news busted in on my Saturday am cartoons and I was pissed.
      I remember my dad being pretty broken up about Lennon. It wasn't until I became a fan later that I understood what huge loss his murder was to our dads, the rest of the world, and even myself. I just remember the Iran thing going on and on forever (444 days). I remember hating Khoemeni, but not really understanding why. The thing I remember most about it was Pres. Carter coming on TV to announce the crash of the helicopters involved in the rescue mission. Crushing. I was born in '70. Nixon was president when I was born, and left office in '74, but I have no memory of him. The first president I can remember is Ford. I can remember the Ford-Carter election in '76. In '80, I "campaigned" in our school "election" for Carter. (Now that I've revealed myself to be a pinko commie bastard, you can join me in Left Wingnuts, if you are so inclined. (And if not, that's cool too.) It's the very quiet little politics group I started, but have had little energy for, lately.)

      On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

      Oh Mighty Wing

        oh yeah the internet... I also when we first got the internet and AOL. I find it funny that my students are weirded out that I know LOL, BRB, and crap like that.... I then remind them that i've been using the internet almost as long as they've been alive and certainly before they could read. I had a webpage when I was 12/13...

        The Greatest of All Time

          I can pretty much ditto that entire post Jeff. Same, same on not realizing the entire Lennon thing when it happened. I once asked my step-mom what a hippy was. And she answered "anyone who listens to John Lennon." Being only about 8 at the time I assumed she meant John's music, not his political ideologies. Confused Remember hating anything Iranian and not knowing why. I remember the bumper stickers that read Fu*k Iran. But I was that way with Russians too. They were just the bad guys but no one ever told us why, other than that they were communists which was pretty evil. And my mom worked on Jimmy Carter's campaign. That I remember. I always thought it was cool that for a few years we got a Christmas card from the White House.
          all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

          Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

          A Saucy Wench

            I remember my dad being pretty broken up about Lennon. It wasn't until I became a fan later that I understood what huge loss his murder was to our dads, the rest of the world, and even myself. I just remember the Iran thing going on and on forever (444 days). I remember hating Khoemeni, but not really understanding why. The thing I remember most about it was Pres. Carter coming on TV to announce the crash of the helicopters involved in the rescue mission. Crushing. I was born in '70. Nixon was president when I was born, and left office in '74, but I have no memory of him. The first president I can remember is Ford. I can remember the Ford-Carter election in '76. In '80, I "campaigned" in our school "election" for Carter. (Now that I've revealed myself to be a pinko commie bastard, you can join me in Left Wingnuts, if you are so inclined. (And if not, that's cool too.) It's the very quiet little politics group I started, but have had little energy for, lately.)
            I could have written that...except for starting the forum

            I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


            "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7