The beautiful persons club


Marcus, Look at You! (Read 438 times)


    So you think I got bronchitis because I ran 34 mpw? Look at my log, it wasn't a crazy mile increase. Makes me wonder why the three people at the office who don't exercise got it too. And why the guy that has ran at least one mile for the last 27 years and sits right beside me didn't? It's possible I should have been taking larger cutback weeks. I felt like my legs were always feeling heavier than they should. Didn't know if the graston, which is like a deep massage was causing fatigue. I suck at taking extra days off. I'll take a day off of running and do something like yoga, and be tired from that the next day. You'd think I'd learn, but I am so addicted to exercise I bite myself in the butt everytime. My nutrition intake is OK, not living off junk food. Always making an effort for what it's worth. I eat lots of veggies, but only because it is work to keep my weight down; not an easy task. I am a big fan of egg white sandwich with cheese. I run at noon, and usually that means eating whatever for lunch; premade salad with egg. I was logging food for awhile, trying to keep an eye on protein and I was closer to 50g and knew that was not what it should be. Turns out there was not as much protein in my occassional morning latte as I thought. Sad For vitamins I end up eating some of my kid's vitamins. Hey if it's good enough for spiderman it's good enough for me. Smile But I'm willing to try harder, what I've been doing isn't working Something just feels off in my body. I know what I could do last year and this year I struggle to recover despite constantly doing less. People that were always much slower than me are passing me in miles and in speed. I was going to quit biking see if that helps. Tell me more about the Whey drink? Is it something you mix or buy premade? Details good buddy.


    The Greatest of All Time

      Tell me more about the Whey drink? Is it something you mix or buy premade? Details good buddy.
      Since I run 2x a day my two most important 'meals' are the two after each run. In the morning I need to recover so I can run in the evening and after the evening run I need to recover so I can run again in the morning or in 8 or 9 hours. Yes, that's my life during the week. Wake up, run, work, run, go to bed. Anyway, my recovery drink is very simple and it really works. Ready? After my morning run, 15grams of whey protein and 50 grams of dextrose, vitamin e, vitamin c. There are tons of companys that make whey powder and about as many flavors. I use Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard. 1/2 a scoop is close to 15 grams of protein or about 65 calories. 50 grams of dextrose is 200 calories. Dextrose is corn sugar or glucose. It's not as sweet as table sugar but it dissolves in water or milk easily. You may ask yourself, why do I drink this or what is the purpose of this recipe? Obviously after you run you need to replenish carbs, but you also need to repair your leg muscles or at least start the process. There is an argument that if you took it really easy there would be no damage to repair, ok fine. Don't drink this then (but it won't hurt). The dextrose is a very high glycemic or simple sugar. The higher the glycemic load the more insulin your body will release upon ingestion. Normally a huge surge of insulin is not good as it along with cortisol promotes fat storage. After working out, however, your muscle cells are insulin sensitive and during that time insulin promotes increased flow of amino acids into the muscle cells, thus starting the recovery process. After working out, insulin in the presence of protein is a GOOD thing. The catch is that this period of muscle sensitivity to insulin only lasts up to 45 minutes, so I drink mine within 10 minutes of finishing. Whey protein is also very quickly digested making it the perfect protein to consume at this time. Hard food, like a protein bar, can take more than an hour to digest and therefore is not the preferred protein source. Go with liquids. Now at night I change it up just a little bit. Real muscle repair occurs while sleeping. This is when muscles grow, adapt, etc. This is an all night process so ideally you want a protein source that lasts all night. Where does this come from? The answer is Casein protein. Milk is part whey, part casein. Where whey is quickly digested, casein is not. Casein takes up to 6 hours to digest, so if you drink some right before you go to bed it will be working for you while you're sleeping. So, my evening shake is typically 1/2 pack of Met-Rx in 1 cup of skim milk with 25 grams of dextrose. I also put in 1 teaspoon of glutamine and some glucosamine powder. Met-Rx or EAS Myoplex meal replacement shakes have both whey and casein along with some carbs, vitamins, etc. Met-Rx was originally formulated by a physician to give to patients that had muscle wasting illnesses, or to keep them from dropping too much weight. I swear by this stuff. I have my father living off of Met-Rx because he's too weird to eat real food (long story). Ok, I know that was long but because I attempted to lay out the 'whys' behind what I do. But the process is incredibly simple and you don't need to make it difficult. Good old chocolate milk is excellent post run nutrition, and I have used it in the past. So if you don't want to go out and buy all this crap, just get some chocolate milk and drink 8 ounces after a run. And I hear you about having heavy legs. With the exception of long runs, I don't ever plan a run out. I have 60 minutes in the morning and 30 in the evening. I can tell within 30 seconds if my legs are heavy or light. If they are heavy, I run slow. If they are light, then I play around and do some faster stuff. Simple. Trying to force yourself to do a certain workout just because it's planned on tired legs is not the way to go. In fact I think it's more counterproductive than anything else. In that case you would be better served not running at all. I also know how hard it is to take a day off. I have an almost woman-like fear of getting fat if I take one day off (hope that didn't offend). I have had border line eating disorders and have some weird eating habits besides the fact. But I have learned to trust my body because it's never lied to me, and I doubt yours has lied to you.
      all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

      Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.


        Marcus, wow, are you OCD? Just kidding. I ran 7+ miles tongiht, stopped and store and while walking out took a big swig of chocolate milk. SOUR MILK YUCK. It was expired, of all the rotten luck. Funny, I 'd forgotten until your post, I use to drink chocolate milk for recovery but stopped because it is so addicting. I love the stuff. For now I will try the milk, but will keep your post incase I decide to take it to the next level. (My life is complicated enough, simple is good.) I also popped a Vitamin C after the run, I bought them a time ago, my as well use them. Your double workouts are amazing. I was doing doubles with the XTing but I would do one workout at lunch and the other in the evening, but that got a little crazy. Not enough recovery. I am guessing you have a nutrition plan for before your workout too? I liked the Tae Kwon Doe picture. Sad


        The Greatest of All Time

          Marcus, Your double workouts are amazing. I was doing doubles with the XTing but I would do one workout at lunch and the other in the evening, but that got a little crazy. Not enough recovery. I am guessing you have a nutrition plan for before your workout too? I liked the Tae Kwon Doe picture. Sad
          Tae Kwon Do??? Not!! That was taken in Japan. Tae Kwon Do is Korean. I did study TKD for 2 years though. Wink Nutrition plan before workout doesn't really exist. My first run is at 5:30 am and the only thing I have before that is a stiff cup of coffee right when I roll out of bed. But you know during the day I nibble. When I get to work at 8:30 I eat an apple, and a 100 calorie English Muffin (8 grams of fiber) with sugar free jelly. At 11:30 I have a pack of sugar free oatmeal with a serving of grape nuts thrown in (yet more fiber) and 380 calories. My lunch at 1:00 is a banana and then what I call a "Samitto". Part sandwich, part burrito. I use 80 calorie, whole grain tortillas (14 grams of fiber), 3 ounces of some lunch meat, and a piece of cheese (usually muenster). I also eat a 100 calorie snack pack of some kind of chips, and a small protein bar or Kashi bar (even more fiber). My lunch is no more than 600 calories, and calorie wise is my biggest meal of the day. At 3:00 I eat a Kashi, Clif, South Beach Diet, or Powerbar depending on what's in my desk. I leave work at 5:00, ride the train, walk in the door at home around 6:30. Change, grab a handful of almonds or peanuts, and then go run. Obviously I am big into fiber and usually consume 50-60 grams per day. I avoid large amounts of sugar as much as possible except for right after I run, as previously described. Unfortunately, there is some junk food in our office, like animal crackers (which are not too bad), Jelly Bellys, and miniature Hershey bars. And I do have a little bit of that from time to time, but nothing excessive. And of course, post evening run is another liquid meal and maybe some cheese and crakers or more nuts an hour later, but never anything heavy. In fact, I never eat heavy meals. I can't stand feeling full. I don't even eat before long runs. I know that's more than you cared to know, so sorry!
          all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

          Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

          The Greatest of All Time

            I was doing doubles with the XTing but I would do one workout at lunch and the other in the evening, but that got a little crazy. Not enough recovery.
            That brings back memories of Ironman training. During the week I never did anything in the morning because I had classes. My first workout was during lunch and it was either an hour swim or an hour run. Second workout was around 5:30 and it was either an hour run or a two hour bike ride. That shit got old. Texas in the summer is stupid hot. The hottest time of day is around 5:00 and during that summer almost every evening run or ride I did was in temperatures of at least 95. But I did cherish my 2:30 nap at the lab.
            all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

            Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.


              Marcus, No veggies? I tend to eat lots of veggies but have to plan them CAREFULLY with the running, especially LRs else I get sick. Sucks. Do you think a latte is as good as chocolate milk? After today's 12.5 LR I had a 16 oz dark mocha, decaf with skim. Didn't know what size I should have had. How are you feeling? Ran into several of my ironman friends, they've had bronchitis too; crap is going around bad here.


              The Greatest of All Time

                Marcus, No veggies? I tend to eat lots of veggies but have to plan them CAREFULLY with the running, especially LRs else I get sick. Sucks. Do you think a latte is as good as chocolate milk? After today's 12.5 LR I had a 16 oz dark mocha, decaf with skim. Didn't know what size I should have had. How are you feeling? Ran into several of my ironman friends, they've had bronchitis too; crap is going around bad here.
                Yep, I am definitely not a big vegetable person. Guilty as charged. I was forced to eat them as a child. There are a number of them that I do like, but I just don't go out of my way to eat them. In other words, I never crave them like I do oats or meat, etc. As far as the latte goes, the protein from the milk is good, but it's probably lacking in sugar. You need carbs after a long run hon. I am feeling great! Thanks for asking. My chest cold or whatever it was is officially gone, thank God. Once I came down with it I tightened up my supplementation and all is well.
                all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

                One day at a time

                  Marcus, I like your longhorn tattoo! Appropriate for a beautiful person, I think.


                    Marcus, According to their website it was 225 calories, 3g fat, 43g carb, and 9g protein. Seems it was short on protein not carb. I would gladly eat a chocolate chip cookie with it but seems a scoop of protein powder would be wiser. What do you think? I have to say thank you for your recommendation, I feel much better today and I credit taking something for recovery. You got me taking vitamins after my run. I can't bust this cough though. Sad Glad you're feeling better. Being sick is no fun.


                    The Greatest of All Time

                      Marcus, I like your longhorn tattoo! Appropriate for a beautiful person, I think.
                      Thanks! I thought you would.
                      all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                      Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.

                      The Greatest of All Time

                        Marcus, According to their website it was 225 calories, 3g fat, 43g carb, and 9g protein. Seems it was short on protein not carb. I would gladly eat a chocolate chip cookie with it but seems a scoop of protein powder would be wiser. What do you think? I have to say thank you for your recommendation, I feel much better today and I credit taking something for recovery. You got me taking vitamins after my run. I can't bust this cough though. Sad Glad you're feeling better. Being sick is no fun.
                        Slightly low on protein but not by much. The optimum to shoot for is a 4:1 carb to protein ratio (which yours is close). I go for about 50g of carbs and 15g of protein on a normal day. But if I do a really long run >15 miles, or run really hard and tear up some muscle I take in more. For example after today's run I mixed this: 50 grams of dextrose (carbs) 24 grams of whey 1 cup skim milk Total calories: 400 Fat: 1g Carbs: 65g Protein: 33g Here is a rule I live by, the harder I tear my legs up the more protein I consume that day and I always eat some red meat because I absolutely crave it. But I don't get carried away. For instance tonight I had 4 ounces of very lean steak. It was just enough to cure the craving. Glad you feel better today. And always remember to eat to recover. I am sitting her tonight after that run this morning and I have zero soreness in my legs. Walking around I can tell I ran long today, but I am not hurting nor am I stiff. I attribute this almost entirely to my recovery nutrition and the rest of the food I have consumed today. And you know, you can have the cookie if you want!
                        all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                        Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.


                          I admire your scientific ways. I used to be more like that, followed the zone diet, measured everything I ate, but it just got too controlling. I enjoy the latte which is basically chocolate milk and like the idea of drinking it after a run without the guilt. I think I will get some protein powder to add to it since my runs are going to get longer. I ran 2 miles today and no soreness. Will be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow because sometimes it takes two days for the soreness to come. If you cured my heavy legs, well start making a wish list, I will owe you big time.


                          The Greatest of All Time

                            I admire your scientific ways. I used to be more like that, followed the zone diet, measured everything I ate, but it just got too controlling. I enjoy the latte which is basically chocolate milk and like the idea of drinking it after a run without the guilt. I think I will get some protein powder to add to it since my runs are going to get longer. I ran 2 miles today and no soreness. Will be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow because sometimes it takes two days for the soreness to come. If you cured my heavy legs, well start making a wish list, I will owe you big time.
                            I am the same way. Following a race or a long run, it's always 2 days later that I feel it. This morning I felt the 22 from Saturday, but it wasn't that bad. I was still able to run easy at 7:30 pace and my heart rate was right where it should be. Heavy legs come and go for various reasons, but when the heart rate is considerably elevated at comparable paces, it's time to back off.
                            all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                            Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.


                              BTW Marcus, I think you are an extraordinary runner. Very talented indeed. 7:30 easy pace, yikes.


                              The Greatest of All Time

                                BTW Marcus, I think you are an extraordinary runner. Very talented indeed. 7:30 easy pace, yikes.
                                That's very sweet hon. But it's all relative. Talented? I think not. Determined and hard headed, definitely. 7:30 pace is almost walking pace for an elite athlete. Being in the military taught me that from a physical standpoint, I could accomplish almost anything (within reason) I set my mind to. But we all have that power. Some of us just recognize it and use it. Others sort of stumble upon it without realizing it. Some claim it's a higher power. Whatever you believe, we are all capable of pretty extraordinary feats On Saturday morning when I woke up I was just sitting on the edge of the bed looking out the window. My wife woke up and asked me what I was doing. "Visualizing my run this morning" was my answer. I could do all the physical and nutritional prep I wanted, but without the mental prep I wouldn't be able to do 22 on a treadmill. I have to tell and convince myself that I can do something before I do it. This is true in all aspects of my life. Before I go into court I am visualizing what's going to happen, preparing for questions and counter-arguments. It's all in the prep work. I am sure you're equally amazing in some ways. But I appreciate your compliment, and will say 'thank you.'
                                all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be

                                Obesity is a disease. Yes, a disease where nothing tastes bad...except salads.