Ultra Runners

Pb Stupidity (Read 1042 times)


Self anointed title

    Raining a bit?



    The King of Beasts

      Raining a bit?


      The bike race made it with no rain, I climbed hope on saturday from 4-7 pm with no rain. Sunday afternoon it rained where I was.


      I would be ready for rain / t storms in the afternoon, usually they last 60-90 min.

      "As a dreamer of dreams and a travelin' man I have chalked up many a mile. Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks, And I've learned much from both of their styles." ~ Jimmy Buffett


      "I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."”



        Went for a shower at the Hostel after our hike - they had room for 3 nights - I stayed dry last night. Big grin 


        Did one more run today - Easy 6 on the Blvd.  I'm done.  Maybe a few strolls but otherwise, time to heal up.


        BTW - the fruit guy one he 10k.  A lot of fist pumping.


        • Black Canyon 100k
        • RRR
        • Zane Grey 100k
        • High Lonesome 100
        • Wyoming Range 100 (?)
        • The Bear 100
        • Javelina Jundred (?)

        Self anointed title

          I am a fucking ball of nerves.




            I am a fucking ball of nerves.


            Deep breaths.  Tons of this race are super runnable, and Hope and powerline are just hiking.  Sure, the altitude is a bitch, but otherwise the course isn't all that difficult.  (I swear).

            I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart


            You'll ruin your knees!

              I am a fucking ball of nerves.

               You're ready!  Right foot, left foot, repeat until someone suggests you stop.  Best of luck to you... start forming your report now!  Write it in your head as you move through the course.  When you are at a low point, just think of how the rest of us will delight in reading of your misery. 


              My very best from Texas to all of you RA'ers, would love to be there with you!


              Lynn B

              ""...the truth that someday, you will go for your last run. But not today—today you got to run." - Matt Crownover (after Western States)

                I'm planning to arrive in Pb sometime on Friday.  I work all night Thur night/Friday morning, and will head up after that.  It would be great to hook up w/ people... if anyone is interested, email me at  chris<at>chrisgerber<dot>com and I'll try to find you.


                  When are scovill and obsessor showing up? Is Anda coming along? I have wanted to meet her for a while.

                  I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart



                  Self anointed title

                    Obsessor will most likely be with us Thu evening, maybe with his son. Will def be there for race brief Fri am. Anda sadly not coming.





                      Tons of this race are super runnable


                      And this is the reason many people fail imo - runnable, yes but run easy I would say.  Hard not to run fast when the first 2 miles are gradual downhill then the next 11 miles are flat.  A splash of adrenaline and a pinch of ego and voila - you are running the Winfield 50 (knock on wood).


                      • Black Canyon 100k
                      • RRR
                      • Zane Grey 100k
                      • High Lonesome 100
                      • Wyoming Range 100 (?)
                      • The Bear 100
                      • Javelina Jundred (?)

                      Self anointed title

                        Wise words mate. I think the key will be to be in a position to be able to run at least "some" of the runnable sections..... on the way back.



                        You'll ruin your knees!

                          Runnable? Perhaps, but the biggest challenge is (as mentioned) not running those sections too hard and later on, convincing your body that a given section is runnable...


                          Remember to walk early and to run late! 

                          ""...the truth that someday, you will go for your last run. But not today—today you got to run." - Matt Crownover (after Western States)



                            A lot of people already around here with funny accents. 


                            • Black Canyon 100k
                            • RRR
                            • Zane Grey 100k
                            • High Lonesome 100
                            • Wyoming Range 100 (?)
                            • The Bear 100
                            • Javelina Jundred (?)


                              So based on people leaving and all that stuff, the thought is doing the beer mile on sunday evening makes the most sense.  I will harass you all about this tomorrow.

                              I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart


                                Good luck to all the leadville runners this weekend!!! Kick some ass!


                                Anyone know the best website for tracking runners?