Ultra Runners


August 2020 Ultra Training Thread (Read 26 times)

a smith

king of the non-sequitur

    Hi all,

    Skim are you still planning a ss 100? curious how you prep/logistics


    84.1M week plus maybe a walk tonight. got passed in the rat/bat/gnat thing by someone who saved her best for last! thought of a new goal. how about 3650 miles in a year? i have 1351 to go. 70M behind a 10M/day pace. i can do it depending on health but is there a point? should i ask this question?


    getting more speed in some of my runs. i really think the dizzies are from wearing the mask while running (and maybe other factors). i put it on and feel dizzy, i take it off it goes away. this weekend was great and got some runs in on a private trail on an island! nobody there = no mask!!!


    CT scan tomorrow unrelated to the dizzies. watched the meteor shower last 2 nights and really hoping for good news so that my running obsession may continue


    Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

    Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

    Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

    Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


    Cobra Commander Keen

      81.5 miles last week. Had a bad workout Friday due to heat/humidity, and it came back to bite me during my LR the next day. Was good for the first 11 miles, then crashed HARD. This week should be cooler, which I'm certainly looking forward to.

      5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


      Upcoming Races:


      June 28 - Twilight 5000?

      July 4  - Firecracker 5k


        Funky, good luck on the CT scan today!


        Keen, sKim, hope your training issues were momentarily blips.


        Weird weather here over the weekend. Hot, humid, with thunderstorms.  Not normal for us at all in the coast. Fortunately the fog rolled in last night. Love our natural AC.


        Nothing much going on with me. 33 miles last week. Meh.

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


          44 miles for me last week, which is a high for the year! I guess I haven't really needed any big weeks since I haven't had any big races.


          I'm 100km into my FANS 24 non-consecutive hour virtual run. I'm hoping to finish this by Sunday. I'm doing all the mileage at Snelling Lake on the actual FANS course, which is nice although it's getting a bit dull doing all these loops (29 so far) without the fun of the other racers. I'm doing about 3 hours at a time, which should give me around 100 mi by the end of this effort. I thought about doing longer durations at once to try to get in another ultra for the year, but decided to go for the 100 mi in 24 hours goal instead -- it'll be my only chance to get 100 mi at FANS, haha. The joys of being a slow runner.


            Pretty down summer, only 40 miles last week. I'm building a 10 x 12 x 8 garden shed, and it's turning out to be more time consuming than I thought. I get my runs in on the weekend, and then work on that until I'm tired and ready for a beer. Not using a nail gun which saves a lot of time, but I'm old school.


            I'm slightly holding out hope that Wild Duluth will still occur, I'd do the 100k, but the way we are half-measuring our virus steps here it's not likely.


            6 years since I did the Pikes Peak marathon Facebook tells me, it seems like a lot longer. Now that was a freaking hard race, but I'd do it again.

            Istria 110k 4-6-2024

            WS100 6-29-2024

            UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

            MCM 10-27-2024





            Are we there, yet?

              I haven't posted here since I started the thread, so some catching up.  I finished GVRAT on the 9th with a 13.2 mile run to bring me to 634.9 miles just squeaking over the finish of 634.84.  Got my buckle in the mail today.  By the time I finished they were out of medals, but I was going to opt for a buckle anyway.  It's probably the only opportunity I'll have to earn one since I have no intentions of ever running a 100 mile race.


              Mileage-wise it been about average, ranging from 35.1 to 45.2 miles for a week.  Watching as more races get cancelled though a few are finally being held.  With Maryland still being on the travel restriction list for NJ, NY, and CT, I'm leading heavily toward not driving down to run Endless Summer 6-Hour even though it's not on PA's restricted list.  It's also entirely self-supported, which I have very little experience with.  Having support and fully stocked aid stations is one of the primary attractions of races for me, one of the reasons I prefer fixed time races with short loops.  With that decision, I'm hoping to go for an official sub-7:00 50K at 3DATF.  I still have hopes that Piedmont-8 will be run.  After that several of my options for November have already been cancelled, so my Nov-Dec calendar is a big blank.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





              Running to eat

                Skim are you still planning a ss 100? curious how you prep/logistics




                Yes, probably the first weekend of October in Michigan on a flat trail.  My wife and her sister's family are eager(?) to run/bike with me a bit and also provide support.  My leg feels pretty normal now, so I'm ramping up the mileage again (though trying to remember to run some slower paces, so that the calf issue doesn't reappear).  In the next 7 weeks or so before the 100-mile attempt, I'm planning to do two 20-milers, two 30-milers and one 50-miler.  Again, as long as I don't try to run those long runs too fast, I think they'll be good preparation.  So as far as training, I don't think there's anything different than what I was planning for the Hennepin 100.


                But for logistics, I haven't finalized them yet.  When I come up with a plan, I'll write in to get everyone's feedback/suggestions.  The nice thing about doing my own 100 miler is that I can start anytime I want (and choose any route I want), but that's also the bad thing since I can change my mind anytime I want, too.

                Marathon PR: 2:52 (2006 Chicago)

                Ultra #1: DNF at The North Face Thailand 100K (Feb 4, 2017)

                Ultra #2: Finished in 6:53:03 at the Des Plaines River Trail Races 50M (Oct 14, 2017)

                Ultra #3: Finished in 12:55:04 at The North Face Thailand 100k (Feb 1, 2020)

                Ultra #4: Finished self-organized 100-miler in 19:28:53 (Oct 3, 2020)


                  I haven't been around much lately. Didn't do any runs last week (except for finishing the run I started on Saturday on Monday night). I ran 200km with 2 friends last weekend. We had a pacer for one night section. Slept just over 3 hours during the run, and even took a shower. Probably why it took 60 hours. It wasn't really a race since we were all running together, and could only go as fast as the slowest runner. The 2 I ran with were supposed to run Fatdog 120 mile, what we did was less vert, but was only semi supported, with 4 aid stations that friends set up for us.





                  Club Fat Ass New Years Day 50k - Jan 1 - 6h13m

                   First Half HM (road) - Feb. 9

                  Chuckanut 50k - Mar. 21

                  Sun Run 10k - Apr. 19

                  BMO Vancouver Marathon - May 3

                   Vancouver 100k (Club Fat Ass) - 32h07m 2 runs, pacing 100 miler friends

                   Whistler Alpine Meadows 100 miler - September 25

                  Running Problem

                  Problem Child


                    The Flume Trail is notorious for having mountain bikers that think they own it. Also, the course had you going on the Flume trail "backwards", so you probably ran into a lot of bikes. Out of everywhere in this area I run, that's been the worst for trail etiquette. It also has the most out of towners.


                    Sounds about how I expected. I wish I could have been there.




                    The time of day I was on the Flume trail also did nothing to help keep it clear. Maybe if I’d been there around 10am less people would be there. It just made it easier to walk those miles and accept bad things as normal. Just the ‘I’ve been out here for like 5 hours and you can’t even stop to let me walk by?’ thought/attitude was persistent.

                    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                    VDOT 53.37 

                    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                    Running to eat

                      Finished a 100-mile week in Iowa with 20 miles yesterday and 30 miles today.

                      Marathon PR: 2:52 (2006 Chicago)

                      Ultra #1: DNF at The North Face Thailand 100K (Feb 4, 2017)

                      Ultra #2: Finished in 6:53:03 at the Des Plaines River Trail Races 50M (Oct 14, 2017)

                      Ultra #3: Finished in 12:55:04 at The North Face Thailand 100k (Feb 1, 2020)

                      Ultra #4: Finished self-organized 100-miler in 19:28:53 (Oct 3, 2020)

                      Pain is my friend

                        Finished the week with 79 miles and 10,780 ft vert.  Big fun week.  No speed work and lots of trail time. Climbed Kings peak 13,528 highest peak in Utah. 25 miles and 4,500 ft vert.


                        ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                        Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                        Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                        Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                        Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                        Ute 100 Aug

                        24 hour loop race?


                        a smith

                        king of the non-sequitur

                          nice running all

                          Gatsby, thanks scan results look good! it was something hanging over my head for almost a year. relief just starting to sink in

                          WCR congrats on the buckle! i dont think i will do the world thing

                          Nooky, i love building stuff. it's bureaucracy and permits and stuff like that keeps me down! ive only used a nail gun for flooring

                          Drock great job on the very long run! do you think it being less pressure and just for friends made it easier?


                          101.6 mile week for me so far (in 22h20m). used all my gears but mostly slow and lots of walking but i did get a couple prog workouts in but now my hip is bugging me more but gut is getting better. one more week of this gvrat thing. just want to finish strong


                          Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                          Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                          Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                          Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


                          Cobra Commander Keen

                            74 miles last week, with half of a LR. Bailed super-early on a workout this morning. I've been quite tired for a solid week or so due to too little sleep and what I had was low quality. As such, I'm taking a big cut-back in mileage this week to recuperate. Might run a road 5k on Saturday depending on how I feel by then.

                            5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                            Upcoming Races:


                            June 28 - Twilight 5000?

                            July 4  - Firecracker 5k



                              Signed up for the Wild Duluth 50k/Half Marathon in October. One of the few races still on this fall near me in northern MN, but it's usually a pretty one.

                              Istria 110k 4-6-2024

                              WS100 6-29-2024

                              UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

                              MCM 10-27-2024




                              a smith

                              king of the non-sequitur

                                looking at maybe a 120M week depending what happens today. maybe 116 a lot of it was a struggle with gut issues and poor absorption but also some breakout progressions and fartleky stuff. two days left in the RATBATCATGNAT thing. about 40M from Knoxville dont think ill make it there but currently in 161st place.

                                so much for my contrarian thoughts about zone 1 type training but adding some speed back in has brought the joy back and probably injuries to follow.

                                they waived the requirements for the inagural Cocodona 250 next year and my Cousin suggested i try it. i saw Seamax yesterday (he finished the GNAT!) getting his thoughts on the sleep monster. i think that for that price i should get better than a fist come first serve shared stinky tent. if i could figure out a way to get enough rest i think i could do 50M/day for 5 days but not with the sleep monster drag. i wouldn't make it 2 days!


                                Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                                Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                                Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                                Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 
