Ultra Runners

May 2018 Ultramarathon thread (Read 35 times)


Are we there, yet?

    WC, sounds like a tough day out there, with mother nature throwing all sorts of annoying stuff at you.  Seems like the heat would really radiate when you're running on a track.  Rain would have been a nice respite (and it probably didn't even get muddy).  Is the heel issue something new or an ongoing thing?  Way to gut it out.


    The heel has been an ongoing issue since late last year. It's one of the reasons my mileage has been about half what I wanted. I do think my decision on my training to run only 3-4 times a week but get as much out of those runs as I could helped with the preparation. While I didn't get in any really long runs, I was able to get in enough runs in the 1:30 - 2:00 range that fatigue under these conditions with mostly walking wasn't a factor. The big battle was trying to stay positive and determined to finish despite the sore heel. That's what was keeping me slow. Late in the race, somewhere around mile 25, I found myself walking and talking with Ray K, and with that distraction my pace improved from 5:15 a lap to 4:35 a lap for 3 miles.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




    T Hound

    Slower but happier

      WC.  Good job sounds brutal.  Ignore my other post in your rr because u answred my question above.  Hope the heel can heal now.


      Great Gatsby! Nice race


      Berto. Hope it went well. Look forward to RR


      Berly.  Happy belated. Birthday.  What a run.


      Fnky.  I have a little saying to myself on hills now to go softly down them increase cadence lean forward and kinda hover instead of pound.  Its slower but it protects my itb.


      my week.  53 miles.  Got nice 12 mile and 18 mile single track runs in.  Only one face plant. 4 days running. One day of incline intervals walking.  2  days off.  One more higher mileage week then 2 weeks taper.  I was pretty wiped after running 3+ hours today, hard to imagine adding 12 more to that for the race.  Didnt need to eat anything during it because 3 plates at mothers day brunch prior to the run.  Would not rec that fueling approach though

      2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block




        WC way to go on the tough 50k.  I have a heel spur on my right foot and nothing has helped so I ignore it mostly.


        Nice job Gatsby.  Sounds beautiful.

        Pain is my friend

          I have been is a low since my 100 miler in March.  I have been running but not as much as I would like.  I have been training for a half marathon and a 50 miler.  The speed work has been going great for the half but not enough Vert for the 50 miler.  I ran  the Dino half marathon this last weekend.  Finished in 1:21 and 4th over all.  Which was much better than I thought I could do with the training I got in.  Hopefully I can stay on this mental high and  crack out some great training for Squaw peak in 3 weeks.

          ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

          Bear 100 22:08 2021 

          Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


          Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

          Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

          Ute 100 Aug

          24 hour loop race?



          I lost my rama

            beryl - Sorry to hear about that bonk.  It usually hits me by surprise and sometimes I still don't know why.  Hope things are back on track.


            wc - Hope things are improving.


            Gatsby - Nice race!  I can see you as the type of runner who effortlessly blows by me on hills.  What's next for you?


            fnkyhd - Sorry to hear the continuing struggles.  But it's nice to see you've got some speedy in you.  Maybe changing things up will help.


            TH - Nice week.  And I guess that's good only one face plant?  Looking forward to your race.


            Krash - Damn you're fast!  Nice race and it's an awesome feeling to exceed your expectations!



            I posted the RR for Montour 24 in the Trailer Trash forum.  The short is I dropped at 17+ hours and 58 miles.  Cold rainy weather and a deteriorating trail were the main factors.  I could have finished the 24 hours, but other factors were also at play.  It's funny how I feel disappointed in myself, since this is my second ultra (first was a 50K last December).  But I don't think non-runners get it because 58 is just an unfathomable number to them and they think I'm some super-human, when I know I'm not.  I just put in the time and work.  In any case, I need to look past not meeting the goal and focus on lessons learned from this race to be better prepared for the next one.

            3/17 - NYC Half

            4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

            6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

            8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



              Nice RR Berto....not ideal conditions but like you said that's what makes them memorable.  58 miles is pretty cool to me.


              I lost my rama

                Nice RR Berto....not ideal conditions but like you said that's what makes them memorable.  58 miles is pretty cool to me.


                Thanks!  I keep having to remind myself that it's about time and effort.  Distance is the byproduct. 

                3/17 - NYC Half

                4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                  Bert-o, I think that's one of the unique challenges of a timed event. Stopping early feels like quitting. In my own case, I not only stopped very early on but I also failed to achieve even the most basic milestones (a distance personal best or an unofficial 50K personal best), so it just felt like a failure overall. I will get sweet revenge this year though! That's a great result in crappy weather - it's funny how, if you'd run a 58 mile race with a finish line and all that, it probably would have felt great! I guess as runners we need closure.


                  Gatsby, nice result! I wonder why so few women ran the race. It's a great time (esp. for a training run) regardless of the quantity of ladies racing.


                  I've been running just over 40 miles/week since CM 50K. Nothing remarkable except a 5K PR that I'm not fully getting credit for. It's reporting gun time instead of chip time and there's about a 20-30 second discrepancy. I am annoyed! For no reason other than We Have The Technology to get it right.


                  One of my friends is interested in running a 50K (his longest run ever is 17 miles). This would be great except that he seems to want to put in minimal effort. He wants to run 3 days a week and then cross train. I should stay in my own lane here but it really chaps my a$$ that if he does actually follow through with this, then he'll finish faster than me, even with this lazy training. I enjoy talking about running with runners of all speeds and am usually pretty good at running my own race, but it really drives me bonkers when I'm putting in the work and someone who barely even cares about running can go out and beat me handily - and then wants to chat about it!

                  T Hound

                  Slower but happier

                    Berto. Nice job under not so fun conditions.

                    Good RR.


                    Krash.  Thats an impressive half. Way to go.

                    2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                      Mid-week check in. 8 miles yesterday, 5 today. Taking it easier this week then I have a couple bigger weeks coming up.


                      Krash, that was a speedy HM, hope your momentum continues for your 50.


                      TM hound, three plates of brunch before a LR is an interesting fueling strategy.  None of it came back up?  


                      Bert-o, I’ve got Pinelands 50k at the end of the month then Bishop High Sierra 50k in June 2nd.  You sign up for anything else yet?  You’re past the 48-hour rule* so its okay to go back on to UltraSignup  

                      * a rule invented by a friend to avoid hasty, sometimes (but not necessarily) ill advised race sign-ups while still rebounding from a prior race.


                      Funky, how’s the recovery going?


                      RWD, only 21 people signed up for my marathon last weekend over half were female, but only 11 finishers. Probably some DNS but probably also some drops to the HM since it was a 2-loop course and way too easy to pull the plug early.  Many more (>130) HM finishers.  What a PITA that your 5k PR isn’t being recognized. Well, I recognize it!


                      Hi to everyone else!

                      6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                      T Hound

                      Slower but happier

                        Gatsby.  Both eating 3 plates of food and running like that after demonstrate i clearly have no restraint.   The run felt fine but, The next day i felt really unwell so it caught up with me.


                        I ripped an eyelet out on my TIMP shoes overzealously tyeing them.  I was planning on using them in the upcoming race.  Bummers.  I wanted to start branching out and trying new shoes but now im faced with this dilemma.  #firstworld problems.

                        2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                        a smith

                        king of the non-sequitur

                          Bert-O thanks for the report, sounds like a good experience I guess. would you try it again? wasn't part of the reasoning you could try for 24HR is that you could bail at any time? 58M sounds as good a place as any. sorry to hear about DW's Dad & your Mom. I know all about that kind of stuff lately. it sucks


                          Dani, thanks for the thoughts. I had a pretty good week last week and was feeling pretty good but this week not so much and I am getting bummed because I cant do all the things I'd like and need to do. I sat down and wrote up day to day what I have done running wise and I really have been holding back a lot but I don't know if it's the running or all the other things ive been doing that make me sore where the surgery was. the thing that seems to irritate it the most is driving my car and just being at work. maybe I can figure out how to quit both of those things!


                          changed from Yoda to badger. I think the badger is more apropos lately


                          Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                          Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                          Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                          Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


                            Superior 25K in the books. Goal achieved: sub-4 hours (3:49:45)! I was so pumped. Race report here. Afterward, my husband and I went on a couple additional short (but challenging) hikes, so I got in additional mileage on my poor tired legs. Including 176 stairs at one point, arggggh. But I powered through all 176 at once!

                            a smith

                            king of the non-sequitur

                              RWD, nice to see your perseverance pay off, congrats!


                              my week was 36.7 miles. hurting worse than last week. no sign of hernia returning but just really sore and acting like a baby but i took it super easy all week with no running thursday or friday, which made me feel sick. ya i get sick when i cant run. i get pre-diabetic and too acidic...but yesterday and today were better. today i let myself get up to dream hmp but just for short 800's and mp for some miles but only with total recovery between (maybe 1 min walking). just getting away with what i can. trying to be patient...and i did discover that if being a big baby is what i need to do in order to be careful then so be it.


                              Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                              Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                              Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                              Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 

                              T Hound

                              Slower but happier

                                • Rwd. Nice job on the race/post race activities.


                                My week.  Hit 60 mpw first time 2018!  Now 2 weeks taper until 100k. Doing shorter taper because i heard Masters loose fitness faster so that can work.


                                I did 10x 110 ft of stairs followed by 8 mile trail which really left my calves sore yesterday but was able to get a nice 20 mi long run today @9:23 avg pace on a rolling crushed gravel trail.  Stairs are pretty much the only thing that aggravates my calves.  Also got a nice 12 mi single track in. So good variety.  Coyote, deer and snakes were out.

                                2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block