Ultra Runners


Lovin the Hills (Read 873 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

    50k, first Saturday in February, Louisville.  Anybody doing this one?




    Rematch this weekend.





      Good Bad & The Monkey

        Somebody, please remind me that the best way to finish a tough ultra is simply not to listen to the voices telling you to quit.

          Quitting is not an option and haven't you learned to ignore the voices in your head yet?


          Also, when the voices are telling me to quit I tell them to stop being f*cking pussies. It kinda works.

          It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. ~ Jimmy Dugan

          You'll ruin your knees!

            All you have to do is get the voices in your head to start arguing with each other... then just sit back and watch the fight... if there is a lull, just toss in a "wuss", "lightweight", "HTFU/wwDBd?/GOOTIS" comment in and watch it fire back up. 

            ""...the truth that someday, you will go for your last run. But not today—today you got to run." - Matt Crownover (after Western States)


              Just so I have this straight, writing "pussy" is ok, but "fucking" is not.


              South Park and network censors would agree.  SP reruns now broadcast 2x a day in Seattle... I've been catching up.  It's rather odd to hear pussy and asshole on regular 6p broadcast TV.  It's been fun trying to figure out what will/won't get bleeped.



              Good Bad & The Monkey

                I thought of you idiots today.  A lot.




                That was HARD.

                  Nice Trent.


                  A few locals have run that course over the years and I've heard about them hills. Good training.


                  Good Bad & The Monkey

                    Yeah, that was tough.  And the voices were loud.  I just added this to my log:


                    This was one of those runs wehre the voices were very loud.  You know the voices.  The ones that tell you to stop.  That you have done enough.  That you don't need to go on.  And as I kept going, the conditions kept getting worse and muddier and my body was more and more worn out.  And so the voices got louder, but the finish closer (until at mile 30 I learned that it was 2 1/2 miles off, egad).  "What are you trying to prove?" "Can you really log a pace like that?"  "You are going to get hurt." And on and on and on.  But girding my loins and with encouragement from the crazy fellow I ran with, plus the knowledge that loads of friends were looking for a finish from me after last year's DNF, I got it done.


                    Good Bad & The Monkey

                      If the trails are in good shape, it will be a good day.  Last year, the trails were in great shape, and I enjoyed it.  I've heard horror stories about the race when the trails are bad.


                         girding my loins


                        I don't want to hear about your loins.  And congrats.

                        I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart


                          Beware, batbear...


                            2014 Goal -- Run 5X per week, pain-free (relatively) by end of summer.
