Womens Running


Woot Woot for the Weekendailies (Read 19 times)


WINE o'clock somewhere!

    Can't sleep...


    Post 'em!!



    Kettle Moraine - June 2024

    Beast of Burden - August 2024

    Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

    Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



    WINE o'clock somewhere!

      Got my LW (long walk...) in yesterday.  Hit my double digits just as I wanted - 20.  It was/is a bit too close to Possums Revenge for so many miles, but I really needed the confidence booster I could do it.  Just 15 more to go after that.    It was a hot one, as will be next weekend.  At mile 12 I opted to go to the house to refill my bladder with ice and grab a slice of pizza as i was pretty hungry.  Messaged a couple of people I knew would encourage me to get back on there for the last 8, because that couch was AWFULLY comfy.  It worked!  Only a few blisters, but otherwise it went well.  Except for sleep...  I rarely can sleep after a LR/LW/long race,


      Now I have NOTHING on tap for the day.  YAY!


      Lisa, woot woot to you and being in such a better spot, with so much more positivity and joy in your life.  YAY on Loopity Loops!


      Damaris, congrats on the nice sleep last night.  Wish I was in the same boat right now.


      Lori, enjoy your long weekend.  Sorry for the rain.  I need to mow my lawn before my HOA/neighbors get mad.  Glad they cannot see the backyard!   Neat about the dandelions, I doubt I would have been brave enough to try.  And here is another vote for the mystique of you feet, it was too funny.


      Lizzie, how exciting on the dress!!!!  I would have been at the shop the second they called!!  (I have no patience.)  Nice you had a decent run mentally.  Hope your evening was fun.


      Sue, sorry about having to make an unnecessary and forced apology.  Hope the call went OK.  Glad you noticed your coffee before you left.  I often find coffee down the front of my scrub tops when I am at work.


      Karen, I hope your time at your parents is good.  Takes me back to visiting my Dad...


      Margaret, I didn't realize you were going to Peru this weekend.  Crazy, all 7!!!!  Enjoy your time there.  And good luck in the race.


      Cathy, sounded like a nice Friday night.  No, I still haven't figured out my watch.  I can get it to keep track of miles/time, so I suppose

      I figured out the most important bit.  After ALOT of struggling I did get my bluetooth headphones (which I hate and are going back) synced up.


      Diane, I hope stopping the pills helps!  One week....


      Judy, wahoo on the increased energy!!!


      Carol, awesome job on the 20.  My version of picking up the pace was attempting to run a few steps to make the light at the very end.  Grandma's right?  Need to look up when.


      Diana, nice to see you!!  Busy busy!


      HCK, nice miles and training.


      Not much else really.  I think I caught up from yesterday.  Cannot believe Possums in NEXT weekend,  It will be fun to hang with Diane.  Forecasted to be about 85-86.  Whoa.  Welcome to Texas in summer.  Or spring.



      Kettle Moraine - June 2024

      Beast of Burden - August 2024

      Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

      Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



      Cupcake Connoisseur

        5.3 for me. Heading to Core in a few.


        Eh, run was okay. Summer humidity is here! Sticky and gross and going to be in the 90's this weekend. Sigh. Better get used to it. Our warmest months are June-August. Too bad the pools aren't open yet. Run was eh because my legs just feel really fatigued. IDK whats going on. Maybe need to take a few days off. Ending at 37 miles this week.


        Baby E was so cute with Ruger last night. He kept chasing him and say "UGER UGER". SO CUTE. Ruger was side eyein' him like "GET AWAY FROM ME". LOL. I picked up Ruger and put him on my lap later in the evening and he fell asleep sitting up Wink


        Nothing on tap for this weekend and its great! I need to get the house cleaned. Having lunch with a friend of mine tomorrow. Looking forward to laying low!


        Oh, I guess the wedding is getting near because for two nights now I have had nightmares about it. Last nights was that the date changed and I forgot to tell the hair/makeup people. Ha.



        Diane - Make sure you get a picture of Chuckie ready to go! I am excited to hear how it goes!! Is it a special running harness? Hmm…you have my thinking now.


        Docket - YESSSSSSS!!!! Agree about the show being about current events. Don’t get me started. I heard some people were dressed like the handmaids in a protest!


        Lori - My aunt used to cook with flowers. I thought it was pretty good.


        Run2trail - So glad to hear from you! Happy to see you are still out there getting the miles in! Lots of your plate coming up! I am interested to hear about what your DH’s retirement plan is now..


        Run4kupakes - Nice miles! Are you getting the summer heat this weekend?


        Kathryn - Yay Kathryn! Nice job yesterday! I always laugh when you eat pizza on your runs Smile OMG I SOOOO want to change the appointment and go try it on right now. With all that my mom is going through though with losing her dad, I wanted her to have something to “look forward” too. Maybe we have dinner together afterwords. But, yes, ITS KILLING ME. I am so so worried I won’t love it anymore. I have nothing on tap today and I LOVE IT!! Yay for race weekend coming up! Feel like yesterday we were doing GC!



        Have a good weekend!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have 4 miles tonight.


          Kat, hoping you can get some sleep soon.  Nice walk!


          Liz, nice run.  Yeah, I would do the same (dress as one) if I could, lol.




            Good morning ladies. Does anyone have an ark i can borrow? It just doesn't want to stop raining.

            10 wet and muddy miles for me


            Kats...I have faith in you. Have fun at Possum

            Damaris.... enjoy your run

            Lizzie... oh no on the nightmares.


            *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

             **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


            LC Runs

              5 miles for me, its cool and cloudy here today so really perfect running weather!  I didn't run until almost noon because I went grocery shopping first, I usually go on Fridays but was gone yesterday and with all these kids (mainly the two teenage boys), there was like no food left in the house!


              Kat - great job with the 20 miles!!  Enjoy the meet up with Diane next weekend!


              Lizzie - that is so cute about the baby and Ruger.  BF's nephew was here for Thanksgiving (he was 15 months at that time) and he loved our dogs.  Kept saying "oddie" ("doggie").  They weren't as sure of him, LOL  I'm sure you will still love your dress!!


              Damaris - have a good 4!


              Lori - ugh on all the rain, we are supposed to get storms tonight and tomorrow.


              Took DD on a college tour yesterday, 3.5 hour drive each way...like each kid's school is farther away than the last one.  I don't know if she will actually go there (Western Michigan), it's definitely a nice school but she is pretty undecided on what she wants to do, etc...  Long day in the car, though.  One of the other families said they were from Toledo and I immediately though of GC, can't believe it's already been 3 weeks!

                11.25 out on Poto this morning. Late start at 10am so we missed the rain. Met Run Bud Dave and Abhay ran with us part of loop then cut it shorter doing the 5 mile loop. Nice run followed by signature beverage in coffee mug afterwards. Abhay is out for a motorcycle ride now. I had brought capris with me so couldn't go. Need to remember to keep a pair of jeans here for those impromptu rides. Gorgeous out now! Running in the morning with Trail Sisters before the rain returns. Tonight having dinner with DD from Miami and her new boyfriend who is up for the weekend. That was a surprise! Sitting in screened porch now with lake in front and birds chirping outside and all the motorcycles riding up and down the country road... ready for summer!


                Oh... seen on today's run..Dave took the picture because I made him. I saw the pieces of clothing up in the trees over our head first, then noticed that they were undergarments. Men's compression type of boxers, some briefs and a thong. In the trees, over the trail. What happens on the trail.....none of these belonged to any of us... just in case someone is reading and gets any ideas...   


                HCK2-I had thought it was creepy too although there was absolutely nothing to be learned there since there was nothing going on .. in or outside of the marriage. LOL  Nice miles and workout yesterday.


                Diana!-Nice to see you!! Sounds like an amazing time in Utah for you! So many cool events coming up. And once again I say "these knees are bad for our running." Way to pull off finishing that one race and sticking with your new run friend. Trails do tend to create fast friendships for us. Caring for a FIL can be pretty stressful but if you can do all these running adventures there's no way logging travel miles will stop you from being happy. I'm sure that you guys will figure it out. I don't have a pic of the Harley.. it's a 2014 Harley Sportster if that helps.


                Lori-only thing with cooking with dandelions is being sure that they haven't been treated with any pesticides or fertilizers for the lawn. I grew up with dandelion salad. It is a bit bitter but good. have a fun long weekend!


                Liz-I remember reading the book A Handmaids Tale. It was pretty weird. So much fun with the wedding plans coming together!


                Carol-Awesome 20 miler for you!! Sounds like a great confidence booster!


                Judy-I'm due for color too! Great news that your energy level is back up!


                Diane-I did think that Hawk was a really good event. I am also looking at those Awesomesauce races but nothing is planned and my year is pretty full for 2019. Now that I know I enjoy the smaller loop/timed event as a more social, fun type of "race" I would do one of theirs for sure. Try to look for goofy stuff at Possum and not take it seriously.


                Damaris-Hope you had more good sleep!


                Cathy-with the work challenge we did you could enter other activities and have points added. Like doing yoga or even things like cleaning the house. It was kind of dumb but I get that it was meant to reinforce activity.


                Margaret-Awesome... just awesome! Have a wonderful time!


                Karen-Sorry to hear about your dad but I am glad to hear you are working in time to visit with him.


                Sue-have a good weekend..you deserve it!


                Kat-so proud of you with your LSD yesterday! If you can do 20 on your own, with a stop at your house, and unsupported... which of course you did... then just think how much better and easier it will be at a supported event with others around you? Great job! I have a tough time sleeping after long runs too.


                Oh... DD sent me a video this morning of her riding a camel on the beach. LOL I want to be her when I grow up.



                  Lisa:  an 883 or 1200?

                    I'm worn out.  Local 5K was HOT!!! I had a sucky run, but it was good enough for third in my AG. Small crowd lol. It was my first run in the heat this year.


                    Afterwards, went to Home Depot, Petsmart, LRS and picked up lunch.  Skye was apparently upset that she was not included---she ATE part of the front door frame!!!! Sent DH a picture....I think he can just replace that one piece of trim and repaint.   She has been glued to my side all day.


                    Was nice to float in the pool a bit and finish a book that I've had for TWO years. Cleaned, sewed, now I'm trying to stay awake on the sofa and it's not even 7 pm.


                    OMG----- for years this woman named NIcki Barnes gives out my phone number and then I get 3-4 bill collectors calling each year.  I gave Petsmart my number and HER name came up!!! I have her email now--may turn it over to the hospital since she apparently frequents there and then stiffs them somehow.  What would you do??



                    Too tired for personals.  Maybe tomorrrow.  Smile


                    WINE o'clock somewhere!

                      Ahhhh, nothing to do and loving it...


                      Lizzie, you will still love the dress!!!  Sweet of you to wait for your mom.  I hope she is doing OK.  Too cute about baby E and Uger.


                      Damaris, hope you 4 was successful.


                      Lori, good job getting out there in the rain!!!


                      Laura, 3.5 hours away is a good distance for college.  Not too far, but far away enough you just can't "pop in."  My freshman year I was about 15 min from home.  I lived in the dorms though.  Both my folks went away to college and they felt strongly that dorms were part of the college experience.  Bless them for their wisdom.  (But whoa, did we party...)


                      Lisa, thanks for the nice words.  Have a good time with the Trail Sisters.  I keep hoping to do a run with them in Austin someday...  How was dinner with DD/BF?  Youngest DD is home in a few days, isn't she??  Camel rides!  Male or female thongs?  Do men have thongs, or are those just swimming banana hammocks?  Possibly belonging to the Irish Spring boys??


                      Sue, bummer the run sucked.  Crazy about that woman.  I would love to say I would be evil and spread her email about town/the internet, but I am a wimp apparently.


                      Went to REI today and spent FAR too much money, and have a few things in my "cart" to purchase shortly.  It is their anniversary sale and I have been sucked into the abyss of sale shopping...  But the Yeti wine glass (which rocks btw) is 25% off, what a good deal, I really must have it...


                      In between shopping at REI (in store and online), napping, and drinking...  Just for fun I have figured out my tentative race schedule until Feb.  Trying to keep anything new in Texas.  $$$  Guess I should get out there and run some.


                      Need to figure out my stuff to bring for Sat.  Pizza???



                      Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                      Beast of Burden - August 2024

                      Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                      Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                      Cupcake Connoisseur

                        Running rest day for me. Heading to Body Pump around 10.


                        Busy day of errands yesterday. Ended with burgers and catching up on some shows Smile Having lunch with a friend today and doing a little shopping.


                        Not too much happening over here...about to get on a roll and clean the house before I head to the gym.



                        Lori - Yuck on the rain. Nice 10, though!


                        Laura - Nice miles yesterday. Saturday and Sunday morning are probably the best times to go to the grocery. Oddly, HCF and I went around 2pm yesterday and there was no one in there. We were a little freaked out. LOL. Long day for you yesterday! Relaxing at least a little today?


                        Lisa - LOL! I am laughing at the under garments! I hope their wasn’t any poison ivy around Wink Nice run yesterday! My mom always tells me this horror story about when she got on her boyfriends motorcycle in shorts and burned her leg. I will not ride with HCF. I rode on one with my ex once, and it scared me. I am sure HCF would be a much better “driver” though. Hope you had a great time at dinner last night!


                        Susan - Wow, nice job on the AG placement yesterday! I can imagine it was hot. Yuck. So Huckles eats computer cords and Skye eats door frames? Wink


                        Kathryn - Totally agree with your parents on the dorms. When I went to school, I lived in an apartment off campus with my now ex. I wish I would have stayed in the dorms for the experience! Someone on Facebook posted they had a Yeti dog bowl Smile 




                        Happy Sunday!



                        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


                        WINE o'clock somewhere!

                          $50 for a Yeti dog bowl...


                          Public Service Announcemennt...


                          I will repeat next week so you ladies can think about it - cause I know some of you are gone this weekend.  And Rocky has been thrown around.  Feb 1st is the 100mile/100K, Feb 8th is the 50mile/50K.  Rocky is flat and runnable with some roots.  That is with no rain.  I'm planning  to do the 50k.


                          Tejas Trails is opening registration for their Winter races on June 15th.  This includes Bandera AND Rocky.  Why is this important?  They offer DISCOUNTS on the races on the 15th.  Karen, Margaret, Lisa...  Anyone else???


                          Happy Sunday all.



                          Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                          Beast of Burden - August 2024

                          Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                          Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Morning!  There is a problem with RA and the text box does not open up for many people.  If you are reading this and are having a tough time posting, open an incognito window and you can post all you want.  Some people have been able to clear their history and cookies and successfully seen the text box back so try that as well.


                            I have 7 miles. Last night's 4 were tough but mostly because I couldn't breathe from allergies.


                            So, my Vitamin D test came back.  I thought it was red because I was higher than normal.  Nope, I am below normal but two points above what's needed for taking the supplement.  Since I come from the land of high Vitamin D, hubby still wants to give me the supplement.  Vitamin D deficiency has most of the symptoms I'm having including depression, so we shall see if getting some extra will help.




                              Thanks for the tip Damaris. Incognito works

                              I bailed on my run today. Wasn't feeling very well but was able to walk 5 miles with hubby. And then I mowed the dandelion farm that we call our front yard before the rain starts again. Tonight I'm heading over to DD2 to watch the grand finale of Game of Thrones. So sad. first Big Bang Theory ends and now GoT. I'm going to need therapy from withdrawal symptoms.


                              Kat....I will keep Rocky in mind but February is tough for me because hubby and I try to go south for a week. But it definitely interests me.


                              Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.


                              *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                               **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


                              Anonymous Guest

                                Greetings from the land of family (middle of nowhere Illinois)! My half marathon yesterday was pretty miserable. Mostly it was just too soon after the marathon. I went out too hard, it was hot (70 degrees at the start and humid - it stormed all afternoon), and they rerouted the second half of the course. It used to be hilly going over the bridge and back, slight uphill, slight downhill, then a flat out and back along the river. But the river was flooded the last couple weeks, so instead of that last out and back, we turned back inland. Which mean another huge hill and then rolling hills. I was just done by mile 9. I ended up with a 1:53:46, which is a slower pace than I ran the marathon. Normally wouldn't matter, as in the history of this race, I'm about the only person over 40 that's run under 2 hours. And in my current age group, the winner has always been 2 hours or more. Until yesterday, when some 53-year-old chick started behind me, then caught me at the finish. I finished maybe a second or two ahead of her but she corrected out 30 seconds ahead (apparently she was in the second wave of the start and I was in the first). So she ended up seventh overall and first in my age group, and I was eighth overall and second in my age group. Oh well.


                                A couple of my parents friends asked me in church this morning how I did, and I said not that great, and they said well, you still won your age group at least though, right? I had to tell them no, there was a faster old lady out there yesterday.


                                Visit home is good. I got to see my nephew's little league game Friday night and have dinner with him and my brother and see their new house. Mostly just hung out with the parents yesterday, did a little shopping with my mom, sister and niece. This afternoon everyone is coming to my parent's house for pizza and games. Then back home again tomorrow. My dad is doing pretty good. He has a great attitude. He's been golfing a few times - it apparently takes three tanks of oxygen to golf 18 holes. He gets out quite a bit considering he can only go about 10 steps and be out of breath.


                                Just going to post about me and run pretty much. I will probably not run Rocky but would be up for crewing others. It's about an hour drive from my house. But timing wise, I will probably have switched my focus to the road for Myrtle Beach and Boston. I could possibly do the 50k, but could definitely hang out and be there for support since it's a couple weeks after my group runs Houston so our official training will be over.

                                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                                Check out my website and youtube channel
