Womens Running


Biting Cold Wednesday (Over 40) (Read 41 times)


Mighty Mouse

    11°!   OOO!

    Post as you thaw. Wink

    Where is the "any" key?   




    Mighty Mouse

      I’m getting back into the swing of things.

      Friday I went to the track and did 45 minutes running. There were mobs of newbies there! It was a good, hard run. By 7pm I was very tired so after a little light reading I went to bed. I’ve been keeping up my hand weights workouts. It really helps when I have to scrape the car windows.

      Saturday was SDO.

      Sunday I did a cardio dvd for 60 minutes with upper body weights.

      Monday was a 45 minute track run.

      Tuesday I decided to do the 60 minute cardio dvd again. It has a strength part using a firm band during the last segment.

      Back to work today. I plan a track run with some oldie songs from my high school days. THAT is OLD! Big grin

      Happy runs, All! :::HUGS:::

      Where is the "any" key?   




      Run to live; live to run

        I did 10.8 miles this am.  The people behind us dog was barking since 350am and would not shut up.  So I watched the news and the dog was still at it so just went to run.


        Hi Camille and everyone else


        Judy not cold here it was in the 60's when I ran thsis am but will be much colder tomorrow


        Karen poor doggie and the cone of shame  Hope he is better soon


        Tessa gl to ds and getting the hang of his bike.
