Womens Running




    Post! And have a great day!


      Everyone is getting a later start on here this week!


      RR: Ran 5 much quicker than expected miles last night with DH. We both are trying new shoes (I'm trying the Brooks Ghost after the past 7 years of running time only wearing Asics...). It makes me nervous, but so far so good! Tonight will be an easy 3.


      NRR: Work, bleh. Two work days then the 3 day weekend can begin!


      From yesterday:

      OWR: I hope your schedule can straighten out so you can get back to your normal running schedule. Thanks about surgery. It’s been a rough road, and I’m definitely not nearly as fast as I was a year ago, but I’m getting stronger. Smile


      OJ: I hope you got to run at lunch yesterday! I’m doing a sprint tri this weekend.


      NC: I hope you had a great track workout! Your workouts are making me envious! I’m going to get back to speed work after this weekend. It sounds like you’re going to have a great weekend trip! I hope you have a great half too!


      We keep losing more people from our DIVA group Sad.


        Morning Ladies~


        Sorry I've been MIA for the past few weeks. Things have been crazy. Hope you are all well!


        RR: heading to the gym after work for 3 miles and some weights


        NRR: So, my grandmother finally passed away. Last Wednesday a little after  midnight. It was an emotional weekend for sure. I still am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I'll never see her or talk to her again. It's a strange feeling for sure. But I know she is resting peacefully.


        PO: Glad you had a good run in new shoes! Don't you love running in new shoes! I do! I just got myself a new pair of Asics Nimbus!

        MA runner girl



          rr: going for a few miles after C's morning nap.


          Nrr: last night was fun at my grandparents. C was in such a funny mood, talking and laughing. My 11 year old cousin was there and c was obsessed with him and kept crawling over to him and staring at him. Too cute! not much today, laundry and getting some work done. Only have 6 hours left for the week. Smile thennn 2 weeks left!!! So excited to have my nights and nap times back!


          po - nice work on the quick 5! Hope the shoes work out. I have the same kind of shoe, but they changed it a lot since the last version I have, so I'm nervous to actually make the switch!


          have a great day!

          PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16

          MA runner girl

            Rltw - hi lady! Big hugs coming your way. I'm sure that was a tough weekend, but you are right, at least she isn't suffering anymore. Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!

            PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16


              PO-hey there. Great job on the speedy 5 miles. I know, right. I hate that we are losing people from this group


              RLTW-so, so sorry about your grandma. Sending you lots of hugs and vibes


              MA-wooo for only 2 weeks of work left!


              RR: rest day. Might do some light ST later today but not sure


              NRR: studying all day, then going to a review session this afternoon, then have to proctor an exam tonight. Long day ahead, but after tomorrow morning I will be done with all my exams. Yay! Then I can focus on heading back up to Chicago


                RR: Resting today, maybe ST tonight.


                NRR: Decided to sleep in a few minutes and try to get some stuff done around the house this morning so I could have some QT with G before I left for work. It was nice! BUSY with work and house stuff!
                PO - I wore Brooks Ghost for awhile and really liked them. The only reason I stopped getting them is because my running store here doesn't carry them in wide, so I switched to Saucony Ride and I'm really happy with that.


                RLTW - sory to hear about your grandmother, it does take some time to get used to these changes.


                MA - enjoy your run with C! G loves older kids, too. See my note to PO above, but if you are nervous about the changes to the Ghost, then I'd suggest the Saucony Ride; I have a pair of the 5 and the 6 and they both feel great  (and like you I wear orthotics).


                Taylor - We have the same workout planned today ;-). Good luck studying!


                I'll be running my first full, the Richmond Marathon on November 16, 2013!


                MA runner girl

                  Sassy - the rides are the ones I wear. I'm still wearing the 4s though since I had a stockpile from when they were being discontinued. The 5s were different than the 4s so I just need to make that switch! I'm sure it will be fine, I'm just not good with change Wink


                  taylor - good luck with studying. Yay for being done with exams tomorrow!

                  PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16


                    Morning girls!!!!! Happy Wednesday!!


                    TriR just ran 6 miles this morning. Swimming 1.7 miles OWS in two hours. Ended up having to take yesterday off as I woke up in sweats and felt horrible. I think I had a 24 hour bug that's gone thank goodness!


                    NtriR volunteering tonight and doing some job stuff. Helping a friend right now with her business so I have to tackle a few things for her as well.


                    Back om on a second for personals!


                      Good morning, ladies!


                      RR: Got in a zippy 9 road this morning. My legs wanted to gallop after the two days off! I changed up my greenbelt route to get more quality miles (i.e., straight aways), although my way back home is through downtown with lights at every block. I think so long as I'm heading back early, I can bust most of them. ST was awesome last night, too. I love supersets!


                      NRR: Working from home today. I've been really distracted at work, so hopefully I can get on the stick here. Also looking at a new place around noon, and most likely putting in an application. It's not in my 100% ideal location (which is where my apartment building is), but it is a stand-alone house with a little yard. I also picked out the fabric for Fay's bed. I hope to have that finished by the end of the weekend.


                      PO - I'm in Brooks and I love them! I hate that anticipation, though..what if you don't like them..what if you get injured..can you return them, etc.  Agreed we're losing people..also not getting new people, either.


                      RLTW - Sorry to hear about your grandmother, but you're right..she's at rest now.


                      MA - Have you been taking C in the stroller with you?


                      Taylor - Woohoo for test proctoring! :P Those always made for long days.


                      Sassy - How is the new house stuff coming along? Everything finalized or...?


                        PO I'm an ASICS girl! And I like the new hoka one one. Have a great race this weekend! Any news on your dads MRI result?


                        MA is C crawling already???


                        sassy, are you doing your 20 Miler this weekend??


                        Jewel glad your legs are getting back t normal Post marathon.


                        RLTW hugs dear.


                        taylor enjoy your rest day!


                          Hey girls!


                          I noticed we are losing people too and not getting any new ones! Should we think about moving back to RW where we are more visible for new people to join in?


                          PO- I wore Ghosts for YEARS, loved them! Switched to Kinvara for the 4mm heel-toe drop last year and love them too. I love speed work, I never thought I would. But I can really feel it making me faster!


                          Sassy- Enjoy your rest day! How are things going with the house purchase?


                          RLTW- I'm so sorry about your grandmother, at least she's not suffering. So sad to say goodbye to those we love. ((hugs))


                          Taylor- How was Chicago last weekend? Good luck with your study-day, today.


                          MA- that's so cute about C, seems like such a great, happy baby!


                          OWR- Nice work on the 9 miles, you're rocking the running and weight training like a BA!



                          RR. Had a good track workout- did more then expected, because it was a larger then normal group and I got a little competitive, oops! Did 1 mile warm up, 1600, 1200, 800, 400, 1 mile cool down. Last real workout before the half.


                          NRR. Seeing two clients today! Since I've moved into my new place, my schedule has been much more full then before. Really happy about that!

                          Humboldt Redwoods Half Marathon 10.20.2013 

                          Tiburon by the Bay Half Marathon 11.3.2013 (My Birthday!) 

                          Napa Valley Full Marathon 3.2.2013



                          Half: 1:48

                          Full: 4:34



                            Morning! Happy hump day!! With all the talk of losing posters I wanted to pop in. The reason I haven't been posting as much is that I only have my ipad in the morning now since CRH has taken over the laptop. It is sooooo freaking annoying posting from the ipad because of all the autocorrects! One thing wanted to mention is that I think the Supermoms group has a private FB group that they post in daily. Maybe we could think of doing something like that in our FB group, getting a chat going daily so more people can post? I know we have "old" members who don't post here but who read and post on FB. It might be more easily accessible to people during the day and it's more private so people might feel more comfortable? Just a thought!!


                              I'm up for whatever gets more chatter going. I know a lot of us have changed jobs or have increased responsibilities these days (e.g. all the cute babies out there now), which explains part of the decrease.

                              MA runner girl

                                Meli - yes, he started crawling last week.


                                outwest - yes I have to take the stroller, or all my miles would be on the tm. Yuck!


                                lucy - I like that idea! I oost in another group that used to be on RA and moved to FB and is much more active now. It's so much easier to throw a quick comment in fb. And yeah, I'm ion the iPad too... It sucks!

                                PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16
