Womens Running


Wonderful Wednesday- Supermoms (Read 365 times)


    RR - Had a great run last night! I did tempo for the first time since April. I was sort of worried about it but felt really good. I did 2x800 to start. I just wanted to see how my old, injury prone body likes that. SRD today. 


    BR - cute as heck but so very crazy!


    KR - did much better with his chewy yesterday. His teacher said it worked great and he just put it in his pocket at PE. 


    I'm pretty lame today. 


      Jen - elf on the shelf - basically you name your elf and it watches you and reports to santa every night and then when you wake up it is in a new spot watching you. kinda creepy, but if it keeps the kids in line then I am all for it! DD seems to "get" it, but DS is too young and has no clue so J would probably be too young yet.


      leela - I love just running and not taking the watch, I run with it so rarely that I sometimes forget to put it on for a race.


      shelby - I bet he will walk in time for DH to see it, once they get close it doest take long for them to figure it out and take off.


      zorbs - hey, been way too long since i posted! sorry for DH been a poop this AM, hope you feel better!


      CA - a calendar is a great idea, I might have to do one for DD, she keeps asking when it is christmas.


      leelee - glad the chewy is working for DS!


        Will come back for personals at lunch.  Quick question...which would you rather have as a gift....a fashion scarf or a lanyard from Vera Bradley?  I can't decide...

        Upcoming Races: 

        Gazelle Girl 1/2 Marathon 4/13 - 1:48:46



          Runnergirl - I hope the check up goes well. We never even had check-ups at 15 months so no shots for us.


          jen - I know, J does the same thing. She will cry and fuss for me for an hour but as soon as DH or MIL comes home she is happy as a clam. It's hard not to take it personally.


          CMG - took me a second to figure out who you were. Fingers cross that the head is down!!


          Honorary Old

            RR: Nope. Lungs are all crapped up and I got winded wrestling R into his coat this morning.


            BR: Stringing together words- usually "Hi!",  "No!", "Down!"  plus "Mama," "Daddy," "Dog." Has been waking up too d@mn early- like 5:30 am- daycare says he's only napping once a day there and he can hardly keep his eyes open at 7 pm. He still naps 2x a day for me at home. Got him a haircut last night and when I set him down to get my wallet out to pay the barber he got down and crawled across the floor- yuck! Has been pretty screamy/tantrumy lately- toddlerdom is going to be really long, which is bad news since I'm already tired of this crap LOL.


            FR: pressure cooker pot roast last night, something with ground turkey tonight.


            NRR: Its only Wednesday? *Sigh.....*

            2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




              ER - Stroller walk + dogs last night.  Em fell asleep in the stroller at some point.  Such a cutie.


              NRR/TR - yesterday I was having a preggo hormone induced moment.  Dropped Em off at daycare and she wouldn't stop crying, but I left anyway since she's usually fine by the time I get to the parking lot.  Got to work and I just couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to be with her.  I chatted with DH about it and he recommended I feign sick, go get her, and work from home.  So I did.  When I got back to daycare 2 hrs later they told me that she hadn't stopped crying the entire time!  Poor baby.  She was beside herself, but when she realized I was taking her home she gave me a BIG hug around the neck, then smiled and started clapping.  She was passed out in the carseat on the way home and continued sleeping when I transferred her to her crib at home.  Best decision ever.  And I got to work in my sweats the rest of the day.  I'm back to the grind today and feel so much better.  Em didn't cry at drop-off today which was nice.


              TR - Picture day at school.  Em is wearing an adorable Christmas dress and tights.  She's so cute.  I hope one of the pictures turns out nice. 


              PGR - down 4 lbs from last week (up a total of 6lbs as of today ~17+ weeks).  So now I feel much better about overall weight gain and rate of gain.  I must've retained water or something when I was sick since I sure as heck wasn't eating anything.  Have our next appointment on Monday - finally!  Just want to hear the HB and be reassured that everything is ok. 


              Honorary Old

                QOTD- has anyone done portraits at Sears or Walmart? I'm thinking about taking R in for some photos as Christmas presents? I have been using an awesome photographer in my town, but she's pretty expensive and is all booked up. Just want some cheapie pictures for gifts for Xmas.


                Question for LeahMuriel- Ok, so I've been putting R on the potty a few times a day and its going really well. He's gone poop and pee on the potty every morning, and pee in the evening- I'm praising him like crazy. How long did it take before your kids would let you know that they want to use the potty? I think R is holding it when he wakes up to use the potty instead of going in his diaper already- he woke at 5:30 am but I didn't go in and put him on the potty until sometime between 6-6:15.


                runnergirl- I have no motivation for xmas shopping this year. I have no good ideas. So far the only people I have done are Reid & FIL. I have DH mostly done, MIL mostly done (she really wants me to make another pinecone elf ornament like i made for her a couple years ago, so I have to find time to get crafty..). Still need to do something for Boss's kids, Mom, niece/nephew, sister, dad/stepmom. I'm being really lazy and just putting up this 2' tall fiberoptic tree MIL gave me instead of a real tree this year. R is into everything and I just don't care to decorate at this point.


                Jen- sorry you're flying solo- I know how you feel. DH is on nights right now so he gets home right as I'm leaving to take R to daycare and leaves before I get off work, so its like being alone except that laundry and dirty dishes manifest themselves all over the house and I have to pack his lunch on my break.  R is being so screetchy and tantrumy, its driving me crazy. I just have to set him down and walk away from him because if I try to help him with anything it makes it 10x worse. Is J talking much? I guess I'm lucky that R can kind of communicate his biggest needs (eat, down, night night), so it makes it easy to give him what he needs to shut the hell up. I'm having a hard time getting R to eat vegetables unless they are mixed into something.


                cmgroff- you're so close! lol at the tutu. I remember my mom made us tutus when we were kids and I insisted on wearing mine on my head a lot.


                cx2- R liked tofu too. Good luck at the dentist. How old is C now? R didn't even sit up until 8 mos, crawled on his birthday, and just started walking 2 weeks ago. Kids will do things at their own pace, don't stress if she doesn't hit the general milestones at the "time" they say they are supposed to. Just trust your instincts, I could tell that R's issue was mostly his personality and big head so I tried not to worry about it.


                mer- I missed what happened to your foot- I hope you're ok! Good job on the 100 mile month! The best I've done since R was born was in the 80's, before I got pregnant with him I did over 1000 miles by the time I hit November that year. I would rather have the fashion scarf I think. I like Vera Bradley stuff but I think they lanyards are too stiff.


                Beckykay- Good job being on top of stuff!


                MZM- LOL at your DH. I've had that happen too- he talks and does weird stuff in his sleep.


                Moxie- Did you try rubbing it a little for him? Or maybe a heating pad? Poor Guy Sad  R loves having his back scratched/rubbed.


                On to page 2!

                2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                  CA – Wow…no idea how you push 2 kids.  I can’t stand pushing just J more than a couple of times.  You and runnergirl are my heros.


                  Zorbs – I found a kid friendly recipe for broccoli bites…just broccoli, 3 eggs, cheese, a and bread crumbs.  Mix it all together and make small patties and bake.  I like them more than J does.


                  Leelee – Yay for a great run and cute baby girl.  What is a chewy?  I must have missed that on FB.  Glad you can relate to me on the whiney baby.  Seriously, DH facetimed with us this morning and as soon as J saw him he smiled…looked at me and started crying again.  L


                  Mer – Hmmm…tough one. I think I would use both but probably the lanyard more.  I wish I had one now for my school keys.


                  Spike – Sorry about the lungs.  R sounds like J with daycare.  He is up at 5:30 a.m., only takes 1 nap and it is progressively getting shorter.  He is exhausted at night and in bed early.  Last night was a 6:30 p.m. bedtime.  Yep, I put J down too and he throws a tantrum but holding him doesn’t work either.  He is talking a little…but only mama, dada, bye bye, hi, ducky.  He won’t do baby sign language either even though we have been teaching him since he was 10 months.  Daycare does it too but he won’t use it.  He started saying All done too.  I think he cries but doesn’t know why…lol


                  Rocky – Any idea what was up with Em yesterday that made her cry so much?  Teething possibly and needing to have mommy there.  At least your child likes you…I feel as though mine hates me these days.  I hope Ems pictures are great.  We had J’s school pics in November and I dressed him cute and they didn’t fix his hair before pics so he has cute pictures but his hair is messy and it makes me angry.  I still bought some though…I am a sucker for a cute babyJ


                  Honorary Old

                    Leela- Are you a Runner's World refugee too? Just trying to get a feel for who everyone is since some of our names changed slightly. Is the tomato sauce kind of a relish or more like a marinara? It sounds really good. I'm kind of a neatnik, my house is small so I try to do some bit of cleaning every day so that it stays fairly presentable. If I have a house showing (house is for sale) or someone coming over, I can usually get everything pretty well squared away in 30-60 mins.


                    shelbyjo- sorry about the money stress.  That's one of the reasons I don't really like Christmas.


                    zorbs- sorry about the headache. LOL my DH assumes the opposite and likes to put R in daycare at every opportunity. On Monday I went home sick and at 4:40 I said "ok, its time to go pick up R" and he replied "No, we still have 5 minutes". Nice.


                    CA- is the car in the shop? I somtimes "Run" errands with R. Pushing the chariot up the steep hill when its loaded with groceries kinda sucks though LOL. Try just moving the cursor down with the arrow to separate


                    Leah- Hi! I hate it when I do that.


                    Ok, page 3. Yeah it would be nice to show more posts per page. But I like that the reply box is at the top of the page.

                    2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                    Honorary Old

                      Lee- With your germaphobe ways- how are you cleaning the chewy? Dishwasher?


                      Rocky- you have no idea how jealous I am that you can work from home. Haha, I gained like 9 lbs the first tri and then my doctor was up my ass about weight gain the rest of my pregnancy. I wish they did pictures at R's daycare, but its a teeny in home place.


                      jen- daycare has been trying to teach R sign language too but he just uses words instead. I guess that's a good thing? Sometimes I just have to ask him a series of questions to find out what's wrong since he understands more than he can articulate. If I ask him if he wants to eat, and he does, he will walk to his highchair. If he's in his highchair and I ask him if he's done, and if he is he will hand me his sippy to go back in the fridge. If he's being a pain in the but and wants me to play with him I ask him if he wants mama to play on the floor with him, he will climb off my lap and grab my hand.

                      2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                        Jen - no idea what was up with her.  On our photographer sheets there was a comments section.  I'm sure the photographer is going to think I'm one of those crazy hyper moms.  I was VERY specific.  Like "take her shoes off - they don't match her outfit", "comb her hair to the right and out of her eyes" "wipe her nose and mouth before photos".  Seriously, half the time they don't and it ticks me off!  Then I have a note to the teachers to change her out of her dress AND tights and to put on the jeans, t-shirt and socks that I brought so she doesn't play on the playground or do crafts in her dress.  Ok - maybe I am a crazy mom. 


                        Spike - I haven't done photos at one of those places, but have friends who have done them and they turn out pretty good.  I say go for it. 

                        simone the cat

                          Hi all!  Everybody has different pictures now, it's freaking me out!


                          RR: 5.5 this morning, felt great and could have gone longer if not for time.  It's hard to get out the door when it's cold though, and I have to remind myself that I actually like running in the cold.



                          KR/TR: Rough morning for them - lots of crying and fighting before 8 am.  But then when they said goodbye to each other at preschool, it appeared all was forgiven.



                          NRR: We have an ipod with like 7,000 songs on it that is on its last legs (it is literally busted open, with wires spilling out), and no idea where or if the songs are saved to a computer somewhere (dh is a software developer - we just have computers littering our house, like some people toys or whatnot).  Thankfully, I was able to upload most of them to the Amazon cloud - it only took overnight.  



                          I'm lame, I'll try for some personals later!  Have a great day!


                          Honorary Old

                            I made an appointment with the WalMart photo studio. I think Sears is probably better but that is an hour drive each way vs 25 minutes to the Walmart in the next town. My sister said she has done pics there before and they turn out pretty good, can just buy the poses you like. They had a coupon for  39 prints (1 8x10, 2 5x7s, 4 3.5x5s, 16 wallets and 16 keepsakes) for $9.99. I just want to get some prints for all the Grandmas/godmothers/Aunties. If I can get even one good shot, its worth it. R is a ham for the camera so hopefully he will be in an OK mood at 5 pm on Friday. I'll just have to make sure he has a full belly.

                            2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                              It took me forever to figure out how to post!  


                              RR - 6 miles this morning.  Had a weird pain in my foot after a couple miles but then it went away and then I had a weird pain in my knee toward the end.  I ran in my old shoes so I'm thinking that was it.


                              BR - a teething mess.  molars coming in!


                              FR - leftover french dips.  All turkey is gone, yay!


                              NRR - thinking about making an offer on a different house.  We really love it but the idea of trying to sell this house and actually move stresses me out so I'm not sure we will actually do anything.  But just in case I am trying to get rid of a lot of the clutter and clean this place up!


                              hope to be back later for personals


                                lee - How did the first day at the new school go? 


                                spike - J wakes up around 5:15 every morning, but usually falls back asleep.  I am  in the habit of turning off my alarm early so it doesn't wake him up...it is going to come back and bite me at some point, but is worth it to keep J sleeping.  


                                rocky - Wow with the weight.  I think I was up 6 lbs before my 8 week appointment.  If we had a #2, I would definitely try to not gain the 40 lbs. I did!  Glad you had a good day at home with Em.  Sometimes i wish my job was more flexible and I could work from home.  


                                spike & Jen - Thanks for the feedback...still deadlocked!  Ha!


                                spike - (And everyone else) - Not sure what happened.  Starting hurting a week and half ago when running.  Thought it was the shoes.  Weird on Monday when running with RP had to stop twice to adjust.  Was fine Wednesday, Thursday I had a great race, Saturday ran 8 miles.  After 5 I knew something was wrong, but did 3 more.  Haven't run since.  Can feel twinges in what i think are the tendons.  It is better today than yesterday, but definitely not right.  Oh, the joys.  

                                Upcoming Races: 

                                Gazelle Girl 1/2 Marathon 4/13 - 1:48:46

