Womens Running


Freezing Friday - PREGGOS (Read 321 times)

MA runner girl

    High of 35 today and tomorrow... Brrrrrrr. (Go ahead and laugh Canada!!)



    PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16

    MA runner girl

      RR: 3 miles last night. Had some RLP so I had to walk the last half mile, but I got it done so that's good!! Today I'm hoping for 2-3 miles after work since it will still be light.


      PGR: 23w5d. Slept good again. I'm so glad that's not a problem for me yet, I love me some sleep!! I'm working at home today so I'm hoping that I can avoid too much of the upper ab pain by staying comfy. Thank goodness for the weekend and a few days of not sitting at a desk!


      NPGR: Sooo happy for the weekend! What a long week. Hoping DH won't be home too late tonight so we can relax together. Tomorrow we are going to the Uconn Football game with a bunch of friends. It should be fun, except for the cold weather. I plan on bringing a warm thermos of something to keep warm, since I can't warm up with alcohol like everyone else Wink

      PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16


        Totally laughed when I saw that title! It's 10 F here, -12C ! 


        MA: Nice runs! Sounds like a good weekend ahead too, bring some hot chocolate and a bum pillow to keep warm! oh and a toque ( Iguess you guys call them hats!) 


        ER: REST! finally, hha. Did a 30 min yoga on the wii. 


        PR: Not much new, still having stomach ache/ pooing.. which apparently are signs of early labour, my back hurt a bit yesterday too, i'll ask the OB next week about it , havn't had any contractions or bleeding so probably nothing. (I'm at 32weeks) 


        off to work !  More food today for a b day! I made spanish bar cake (like a spice cake with raisons, and icing of course) 


          Good morning!


          MA - I'm only laughing a bit at your temperatures, but not as hard as CJ Smile  Nice work on the run, how many days a week are you still managing to run? Enjoy your day of "lounging" work.


          CJazz - hmm, -12C huh, Brrr! A day of rest means a day skipped on the dreadmill again, nice. Hopefully all is okay with the potential "practice" contractions.




          PGR - u/s appt at 1pm, DH is coming too so hopefully they will let him sit in. For some reason got anxious about it yesterday even though i am fairly certain all is okay. LO is moving a heap. 


          RR - 40min elliptical run easy yesterday and a 30min walk into town after work. Today maybe 30min elliptical and a swim after the appt to de-stress.


          NRR - DH and I are a little anxious with the pending move as word has gotten back to us that the crew over there aren't happy about the idea of a "husband/wife" team coming over plus there's a few guys over there generally who are just grumps, it's a little intimidating? But hopefully once they all meet DH things will be okay as he has a kncack for being very talented but unassuming at his job and doesn't get involved in politics...and we are reminding ourselves that this is a lifestyle move, if we don't like it we'll just jump again in 5 years...it bugs the crap out of me that these guys (some of whom I know) are whining and grumbling. Oh well, on to the weekend, hopefully picking up a second hand crib tomorrow, starting my craigslist baby shopping!


            RR - Finally getting out to go on a walk this morning. Distance not determined yet, my stomach was feeling a bit tender this morning when I got up.

            Hopefully it settles and I can do the full 3 miles.


            PGR - Hoping to be put back in place by my chiro. If I sit for long periods and get up, especially off the floor, my sciatic nerve complains. At 10 weeks! I'm hoping this is sort of a good thing, since I'm in that nebulous period between midwife appointments, I'm not starting to show, I'm not even in maternity pants yet, so I'm hoping everything's going along as it should? I think it is harder the 2nd time since the 1st time it's easier to roll with it since you don't know what to expect. 


            NPGR - I'm hoping for a quiet weekend. This week has been so busy I just want a day where I can enjoy a tidied up house for 5 minutes before my son destroys it and I don't have to be anywhere. And a nap. 


            Back for personals, gotta get DS ready to go.


              Good morning!


              RR: Had my first workout this week! Better late than never! Ended up running 4, but got some really bad RLP in the last half mile so had to slow down a lot. It felt really good up to that point, I even increased my running intervals to 12 minutes. Anyone ever notice RLP radiating around to the back? Its not like contractions or anything. The last couple times I've run when RLP has gotten really bad and I didn't stop right away I noticed that. It was really uncomfortable. Its pretty nice this morning, supposed to be nice this weekend. Nice enough that I'd like to run outside, but I think especially as I'm entering the third tri and with the RLP coming on late in runs (seems before it was always early and then worked itself out), I think I'm officially confined to the treadmill. Undecided But I'm still just glad I'm still running at all! I officially stopped around 18 weeks last time.


              PGR: 27 weeks... third trimester starts today! The time is going so fast and so slow at the same time. I had some random swelling in my calves last night, not sure where that came from. I'm hoping it was just because I hadn't worked out all week and my circulation was off? It was after I'd been sitting about an hour and a half that I noticed it. I put an extra pillow under my legs to elevate them in bed and it seems to have gone down this morning. I don't know if I should be concerned at this point... this was swelling I could feel, and I didn't have swelling like that with A until after I gave birth. I'll try to wait until my next appointment on the 11th... don't really want to call in because that would be the third time since my last appointment, and second time this week! Anyone had something like this happen?


              NRR: I think our house has finally recovered from the bug. I actually made a real dinner last night! Looking forward to a fun weekend, holiday trolley ride and buying a new winter coat for A, we might also do some gift donating. Its been a busy week at work, but the days have been going slow, so hopefully today is fast!


                ER: Planning on doing a video at home this morning. I think Jillian's No More Trouble Zones, with my own core work instead of hers. I miss doing normal sit-ups and other abdominal intervals that she has. I think that's what I miss most in my workouts during pregnancy.


                PGR: Talked to my mom a couple days ago and she said that when she and Dad come out after the baby is born they would like to bring any additional furniture that we need. She also said that we could use the portacrib that she purchased several years ago for when my nephew was born. My sister's husband made a crib, so they don't need it. That is great, because baby stuff is so expensive. I had been looking on craigslist, but if I don't have to buy it then I am perfectly fine with that. She will also bring me a rocking chair, which I had wanted.


                NPGR: DH is turning in the last of his paperwork for graduation. He is a little scatterbrained about "practical" types of things (which is why I pay the bills every month) and nearly missed graduating. Thankfully, they have been good to him and allowed him to turn things in a bit late. But today he had to make the deadline to turn in his thesis and pay the fees for it to be bound for the University. Hopefully that is all that is left, b/c otherwise he will probably fall apart from having to do so many practical things! He still has two papers to write, but that will be no big deal compared to filling out paperwork for him. We are SO different!


                MA: Good job on the running! It's so nice that you get to work from home, which should be much more comfortable than sitting at a desk. Comfy clothes and all the coffee that you want! Stay warm at the football game! +1 to the pillow to sit on!


                Canada: Rest days are great! I've used up mine for the week if I want to get back into more regular workouts. Bummer! I feel so lazy these days. Sorry about the yucky feelings. Probably just your body being weird and not early labor signs, since you aren't bleeding or anything. I'd def call the OB if that happened. But sounds like you're probably ok. The cake sounds tasty! I love things with raisins!


                Ozzy: Good luck at the appointment today. Sounds like everything is probably ok. Your new job situation sounds a bit frustrating, especially since you know some of the people already. Glad DH can handle himself well in those kinds of situations. Hope the move is smooth and the grumpiness goes away as they see that you and DH can work together fine. People can be so stupid!


                Schmett: Enjoy your walk! I don't even have a kid yet and the state of the house already frustrates me, so I don't know what I will do when I have one! DH has books piled everywhere all the time and I don't want to get onto him about it b/c he works so hard. I just try to keep things under control, though when I work a lot it is a disaster. I was thinking that when we move to another place I would like for him to have an office, but I know he wouldn't use it. He hates working alone! What to do?


                Monk: Congrats on third tri! Wow! Time flies. Great job keeping up the runs even though they are tough. I'm super proud of everyone on here as I see them keep running for way longer than most people think is possible. SO motivating! Ugh, swelling! Maybe you could try the special maternity socks? There was a post about them on facebook yesterday. I think occasional swelling is normal with pregnancy.


                  Schmett: ugh, my hubby has like 6 more papers to write and publish, he just got his first one in Chemosphere! comes out in January. It's called The effects of sub-lethal salinity concentrations on the anti-predator responses of fathead minnows, haha, obviously I havn't made it through the whole thing, but he did thank me for being a good librarian and helping find some articles in the thank you's!


                  Anyway, here is the recipe if anyone wants it, it is modelled after this AnP cake I loved as a child that they stopped making.. probably doesn't mean anything to anyone in the USA though, ahha! http://willowbirdbaking.com/2010/03/27/ap-spanish-bar-cake/

                  MA runner girl

                    I am feeling SOOO much better working at home. Literally no pain. I don't know if it's just because there isn't any uterus stretching right now, or if its because I'm on the couch with a pillow behind my back and leaning back with the laptop on my lap. Feels so much better than sitting in a chair hunched over a desk. Sigh, why can't I do this all the time!?


                    Canada - Brrrrr no thanks to the 10 degrees!! Yikes, I hope everything is ok! Hopefully a rest day and some resting this weekend helps you feel better! Yummm cake...


                    Ozzy - I am running 3-4 days a week. The goal is 3, but the last few weeks I've added in a short 4th day and I'm liking it! I feel really good about my running these days. I hope it lasts! I'll be thinking about you in 45 min! I hope the appt goes well and all is well with babe. Let us know!


                    Schmetterling - The Chiro has seriously been my savior these last few months. I started going every week because there is always something needing to be put back into place. I hope you get fixed.


                    Monk - Weird, I had the same problem yesterday and had to walk the last half mile. Walking takes away the pain, so I think I'm ok with still running outside because I can just walk home if needed. Though I probably couldn't do that if I ran before work! Maybe you are still dehydrated a little from your sickness? I'd just up the water and see if that helps the swelling.


                    Sasha - SO nice that your mom is willing to bring you furniture you need. My parents are buying our crib and dresser. So grateful! LOL on having to do things for DH. Not that you probably think it's funny... but sometimes men are so silly. I have to pay the bills too or else nothing would be organized!

                    PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16


                      Coming back for personals at a normal time. Imagine that!

                      I did end up getting my 3 mile walk in and the chiro visit was as heavenly as getting put back together can be. Luckily my next appointment is in 3 weeks since we're going out of town right after Christmas.


                      MA - It's downright warm over here in the midwest, I think we're hoping for a high of 40 something today. Enjoy the football game! Maybe you can tuck away some hot chocolate?


                      Canada - Cake sounds good! Hope you get back to 100% though. Stomach issues are never fun.


                      Ozzy - Hoping once you do move all the grumbling will settle down and you'll get on just fine. I think people project way more about their anxiety and insecurity when something is in flux vs. when the situation is actually settled. Hoping that's the case.


                      Monk - Hooray on a real meal and getting back to your workout. I feel the same way this week. Now if only I could figure out what I want to make. In this case, having some craving would be beneficial! Enjoy the trolley and gift giving this weekend.


                      Sasha - That is great about your parents' offer. Hope your DH gets all his ducks in a row for graduation. It's always a million little things before the big day, kind of like getting married. Congrats to him!


                        MA - Jealous of your good sleep! I already have sucky sleep - but I had that even before pg, so I'm not sure why I thought that would change.  I'm glad working from home seems to equal no stomach pain for you.


                        Canada - Bummer that you're still having stomach issues - I hope they resolve soon. Oh, and I laughed at the title of your DH's paper - only in academia would you get to read about such a focused topic! Smile


                        Ozzy - Strange about the grumbling about your move...I hope things go smoothly. Good luck with the Craigslist shopping - I'm looking forward to finding out gender because there are always big lots of clothing posted on Craigslist here...


                        schmett - I hope the sciatic settles down!  My actually was all irritating right at 4-5 weeks, but then went away - I have a really retroverted uterus normally, so I'm not sure if that contributed?


                        monk - great job on the workout, although sorry on the RLP. I hope the swelling goes away - I had horrible swelling with pitting edema Thanksgiving evening - I was a bit panicky, but I haven't had it again, so I think it may have been from all the salty cheeses and olives I ate that day and not enough water...


                        sasha- Yay for parents chipping in for baby stuff! My parents are really gung ho to help out, too, and we're willing to accept their generosity, esp with twins on the way! Oh, and I'm the same way about the state of the house and wondering how it will be after baby's arrival - we have DSD, but she is old enough to pick up after herself and only here half the time, so DH and I are really to blame - I think if we can swing it in our budget we'll get cleaning help once a month or so after the babies are born.


                        PGR: 15w3d. Apparently the nausea is still lurking under the surface - got up early to do some work at home before going into the office, didn't eat right away, and had a gagfest later as I was getting ready to leave for work. Ah, fun times. Also, starving today - babies must be growing away!


                        RR: Fail. Cold has moved from my head and settled into my chest a bit, so I'm still laying low. 


                        NRR: bball practice again last night - such a fun group of girls.  We have our first tournament this weekend.  I hope they do well - I don't want to have their confidence crushed right away.  They have a ways to go skill-wise, but I think a lot of them have good potential. 


                          PG: I'm wearing my first official maternity pants....lol.  Black leggings from old navy and a tunic style top with flat boots.  I think its going to be my PG uniform for winter :-)  I'll just change it up with different color scarfs.


                          RR: rest today.  But walking around the marathon expo for packet up counts, right?  I'm running 7 mile leg of a marathon relay on sunday.  I'm hoping I feel as good as I did last week. Its going to be raining.  Running in the rain I can handle but hoping I dont have to take any walk breaks.  Walking in the rain no bueno :-(


                          MA: good job on 3 miles


                          Canada: Spanish bar cake sounds delish!!!  I want some!


                          Oz: hope everything goes well with your u/s. 


                          Schm: good luck with your walk. 


                          Monk: yeah for 3rd tri and still running!!  Even its only the TM.  Good job


                          Sash: I've been planking, on my forearms and sides for core work.  I feel that its a good subsitute for crunches/ab exercises.


                            Hi all,

                            Just sneaking in from work...


                            MA - enjoy having your husband back! Good work on the running.

                            Canada - hope things get sorted with your stomach Sad

                            Ozzy - hope it went well today. Thanks for the response on the midwife being able to feel the position of the baby - that was me asking!

                            Schmett - glad the chiro helped.

                            Monk - So glad you're feeling up to working out again! Hope you continue to feel better...

                            Sasha- good luck with the PhD apps. DH and I both did PhDs - mine is political science and his is sociology. We both opted for non-academic careers in the end. I taught at a liberal arts college for 3 years, but it was so hard for us to find two academic jobs and we didn't want to stay in the town where the school was forever. Anyway, we are both happy with our jobs now, but it is a tough road! (I did enjoy the grad school part...just not so much the job searching afterwards part...the market sucks.)

                            TN - sorry about the nausea. Hope it disappears soon.

                            Mannluna- good luck with the race tomorrow!


                            RR - yesterday ended up being an off day. This AM ran to bootcamp + bootcamp. With my bootcamp runs and regular runs, have run 4 of last 5 days, 3 miles twice and 4.5 miles twice. Suprised my plantar fasciitis hasn't fired up. Maybe pregnancy fixed me!


                            PGR - 22w6d. Almost 23. I feel huge. I think I am carrying really high. I know it's fine, but I feel like the lower bumps are a lot cuter! I've gained about 12lbs, which is in the normal range, but still feel ick. Also feel like it takes forever to digest/not feel like I'm going explode after eating. Yet, so hungry all the time...ugh. I've had it pretty easy so far with my pregnancy, but honestly can't imagine doing it again. One at a time, I guess.


                            NPGR - my mom is coming to visit tomorrow. Probably partly why I'm feeling sensitive about my size, since we've always had issues around this. She's hyper conscious of what she eats/weight and it kind of drives me crazy. But hopefully it won't be an issue...fingers crossed.


                              MA: Sorry about the RLP. Mine doesn't always go away with walking, so that stinks. And weirdly, sometimes its bad with walking and better with running. Go figure. Glad you're not having the ab pain today.


                              canada: Stomach ache and pooing could be a sign of anything in pregnancy! I hope you're not too uncomfortable. Its was 10F here earlier this week... I'm not ready for those temps to come and actually stay! Its actually supposed to get up to the 60s this weekend and Monday... in December!


                              ozzy: Not sure what time zone you're in but you must be doing to ultrasound here soon... hope its good! Sorry about the anxiety about the move. Hopefully those rumors aren't true.


                              schmett: I love the feeling of being put back together after the chiro but it seems I always manage to undo the adjustment quickly after its done. I hope you get that quiet weekend.


                              sashanna: Thats so nice of your parents to get you furniture. I hope your DH is all set for graduation now.


                              TN: I was drinking a lot of gatorade after I was sick along with all the non-normal foods of thanksgiving, so hopefully that swelling was a one-time incident. Sorry about your cold! Hope the bball tournament goes well.


                              mann: Yay for maternity pants. They really aren't so bad, I think its just kind of shocking to wear them at first. I hated almost all my mat clothes last time. With what I have now... I understand why lots of women like wearing mat pants long after giving birth. Have fun with the marathon relay! I ran one in CA with a group of Mamas I met on the forums when I was preggo with A. It was so much fun!


                                Hey liz! I'm jealous of all your running! I wish I could still run that much... I'm coming to terms with the fact that I won't reach my mileage goal of 800 this year after all... I had modified it from my original goal of 900. Oh well. I hope you have a good visit with you mom!
