Womens Running


Hamburger and Hot Dog WEEKENDS (DAILIES) (Read 20 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Isn't that what this weekend is known for!?


    I am hoping to get some hardshell crabs tomorrow!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      6.2 for me. Heading to Core class soon!


      Planned on 5 but the music got me going and I felt good so made it 10K. Who knew that "68" would feel so good? Compared to yesterday it sure did. This ends me at 42 for the week. Right where I wanted to be. Planning on staying in the 40's for a while Smile


      Hair apt today - wish it was earlier but she squeezed me in. Traffic on 95 is not going to be fun today! My original appointment was next weekend but HCF and I will be at the beach. Anyway, after that heading back home since my brother and his family are staying the night tonight. I think they are trying to break up the trip for baby E. Getting together with my cousin tomorrow - hoping we can get our hands on some hardshell crabs!



      Karen -  I have gone to Body Pump 3x a week and then I just started hating going. 1x a week is enough for me to still look forward to going. I do Core and abs classes though which is by the same group that does Body Pump. Do they have those classes too?


      Margaret - Oh no on the cold!! Hope you feel better soon. Yes, Summer is here! Wish we had a pool or belonged to one. Memberships are $500 for the Summer! Crazy to me.


      Docket - Woohoo on your great run!



      My mom has started planning my bridal shower that will be in August. Is this really happening you guys? Its going to be Hawaiian theme! Smile


      Happy Saturday! Good luck Kathryn and Diane!!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      WINE o'clock somewhere!

        We are at the race.  Barely found parking but we did.  Supposedly there are way more than we need.  Uh.....  Nice morning,  slight breeze.  Pizza and some BBQ Turkey in my vest.  Small snack a few minutes ago.  Countdown till the start.  Happy day all...


        K (and Diane)

        Kettle Moraine - June 2024

        Beast of Burden - August 2024

        Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

        Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



          Lizzie - Hawaiian themed shower sounds so fun!!!  Yes, it is happening 😃


          Kat/Diane - Have fun and good luck!


          Margaret - Ugh, on the cold, but can’t imagjne that will hold you down Wink


          Karen - Nice job in the body pump class!


          Cathy - Hope the Colonoscopy went fine.


          14 yesterday for me....went good.  I do not know how you guys keep up with all the Marathons and mileage.  I’m getting a wee bit tired, and maybe cranky ...


          Hi to all!!!



          Anonymous Guest

            I met up with a friend to run. She wanted 6. It was hot. At 2.8 miles we ran into another friend going the opposite direction, so we turned around and ran a bit with her, so only ran 5.6. That was enough. 78 degrees and humid. We went easy, took a couple walk breaks and just chatted the entire time. Both of them asked if I was going to try another 100, and when I said I wasn't completely sure, both said I should.


            No plans today. May blow up the floaties and just lounge in the pool. Because yes, I am sore from yesterday. I may go pick up my packet for Monday's 10K later, or I may just wait until race morning. Neighbor's pool party tomorrow. Hamburgers on the grill for us tonight!


            Liz, nice mileage for the week. I'm having trouble getting back up to the 40s. Maybe next week. I know they have a ton of different classes, but I don't know which ones. I may try Pilates - mat class isn't as fun as apparatus, but it is a good core workout.


            Kathryn, hope you and Diane are having a fabulous time on the trails. And staying cool.


            Carol, you just described why I'm hesitant to sign up for another ultra. I am not so sure I want to do a bunch of long runs in the summer again.

            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

            Check out my website and youtube channel


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  My husband woke me up at 7:30am (only two hours too late to run down here) and said it's only 76F and cloudy!, so I dressed up and went out with him.  I couldn't sleep since 5am anyway.  But he lied.  Heat index was 84-87 and I ran 7 outside with the last mile stopping a lot to breathe and not die.  Finished my 8th mile on the TM.


              Having said that, it was awesome being outside!


              Liz, enjoy the crabs I can't eat!


              Kat and Diane, good luck and have fun!


              Carol, running that long makes me less cranky, so...


              Karen, nice job in this shitty weather.


              LC Runs

                Hey there!!


                5.3 this morning, I had to wait out some thunderstorms so I went about 9:30.  Humid but there was a nice breeze so not too bad.


                Not sure exactly what's going on this weekend, BF and I are going to his Dad's summer place tomorrow for the afternoon .  We may be getting more storms today but Sunday/Monday look good.


                Lizzie - have a good hair appointment!  The beach sounds nice for next weekend!  And yes...5 months until the Big Day woot woot!!


                Kat - good luck to you and Diane!!


                Carol - nice 14!!  Your Marathon is coming up quickly!!  Thanks again for the help switching the race, looking forward to seeing you next week!


                Karen - 5.6 sounds just perfect in those temps!  Pool lounging and hamburgers sounds like a perfect plan!


                Damaris - nice run!!  Glad you are feeling better and back at it!

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  Back home. No more perfect weather. 5.6 miles this morning.


                  Good luck Kat and Diane!


                  Lizzie, enjoy the crabs. I think this time of year, they aren't as plentiful from local areas. Fall is actually a better time for them.



                    Tapped out at 39 miles. Was really hoping for 100

                    Clearly I don't have what it takes. But it's all good. I will just drop to 100k at Woodstock.


                    *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                     **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Lori, it was not your day for 100 but that does not mean you don't have what it takes.  Congrats!


                      I have felt wiped out since my run.  Not sure if the Vit D deficiency or whether I just suck at these distances, but it was feels like 84-87F and 67 dewpoint so maybe not having run in these temps in a year might be it?


                        Happy weekend!


                        Not much going on here. Spent morning with dd, hair cuts, chiropractor then I spent most of day checking out apartments since I may be moving. Then doing some purging of stuff in the basement. Didn't work out other than doing all of that.  Will be getting out early with trail sisters for a run in the morning followed by "brunch" then drinks with a college room-mate followed by feather bowling. I'll explain it after I actually do it. LOL Monday I hope to get out for another run.


                        Liz-how exciting about the bridal shower planning!


                        Kat-so proud of you!


                        Carol-nice miles!


                        Karen-yeah for burgers on the grill!


                        Damaris-good thinking to finish on the TM.


                        Laura-weather is goofy!


                        HCK2-so sad...on imperfect weather.


                        Lori-congrats on the 39! So funny .. what exactly are you supposed to have in order to take it? And what is "it.?"  Run long? Newsflash... 39 miles is long. There's nothing wrong with doing 100k at Woodstock. LOL that's a huge distance!



                          Had a hamburger last night, yum.  No hot dogs planned.  I'm still stuffed up from my cold but it doesn't seem to be getting worse and hasn't moved into my chest, so I did an easy 4.5 mile run today.  Kettlebells plus a few more miles tomorrow.


                          Lizzie, awww a bridal showers... sh*t's getting real!    Good luck on finding the crab.  It's salmon season here, no crabs.


                          Kat, Dhuff -- how'd it go today?!


                          Carol, nice mileage for you!  When I start feeling cranky, I dial it back a bit.  For me, that's a sign of over-training. Remind me, are you doing Grandma's Marathon?


                          Karen, so it sounds we're not the only enablers when it comes to that 100 you're going to do?  


                          Damaris, takes a lot of conditioning to get used to that hellacious heat and humidity.  If you haven't been doing it for a while, it's no wonder you're feeling wiped.


                          LC, what are you running next weekend?  Hope the thunderstorms go away.


                          HCK, the perfect weather never lasts...


                          Lori, I haven't run anything farther than a 55k so far this year.  I'm not worried about having what it takes for Woodstock.  Plenty of time to prep, whatever distance you decide to do.


                          Lisa, sounds like a productive weekend for you, but bummer that you might be moving... such a pain...


                          Good night all!

                          5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                            Damarias - ugh, those temps!  Don’t know how you do it!


                            lisa - Feather bowling...I’m intrigued.  Sounds like a busy weekend for you!


                            Laura - Nice Run!  The half course is just a double loop of the 10k, you will be happy you switched Lol...


                            Margaret - thanks on the advice on the “crankies”, kind of thought that was  going on, it isn’t a ton of miles, but for me it it is.  Hope your stuffiness goes away.


                            Lori - 39 miles is huge, don’t discount your effort!!!  Nothing wrong with doing 100k at Woodstock...it is about 95k more than most people will ever do!


                            Spending some time at our “summer place”...26 ft trailer in a campground “up north”...lol.  Kayaking today.  It is beautiful right now so may head out for a run...may just sit and drink coffee....




                            Cupcake Connoisseur

                              Running rest day for me. I am heading to a Body Pump class around 10.


                              Had a good day yesterday with hair apt + brothers family here...BUT...guess who had a work emergency?! Yup, me. Funny, my asset manager told me something always happens on holiday weekends and he hoped I didn't get called. Well..one of the bank branches I manage CAUGHT FIRE. Like, legit - building is condemned. They had to call another manager to go over there and handle it (2 hours away from me) and I am glad they did because I would NOT have known what to do. This would be my first fire situation. Anyway, I was all on first response calls ALL night and have to be on them most of the day today. Fun times! This apparently is very rare - of course. May have to postpone crab feast.



                              Carol - Nice job on the 14! You are doing great this training cycle Smile


                              Karen - Nice run yesterday! UGGHHH. That weather sounds awful. That could be a big reason that you haven’t been able to get into the 40’s! I think we all know you are going and SHOULD attempt the 100 again Smile But completely understand not wanting to train in the TX heat.


                              Docket - LOL. Nice run yesterday. Glad you didnt die!


                              Laura - Nice run yesterday! Hope you had fun at BFs dad’s. Does that mean you don’t have plans for Sunday or Monday??? That is so rare for you! Smile


                              Run4kupcakes - Crabs in general have gotten so expensive! I remember when we used to get them for $50 for half bushel.


                              Lori. -Aw, Lori! You SO have what it takes! Damaris is right - today just wasn’t your dad. You should be proud of those 39 miles!! Congrats!


                              Lisa - You have a fun weekend ahead! Moving??? Is this something you want to do? Haha. I guess moving in with Abhay is out of the question?? Had to ask Smile


                              Margaret - I wish that cold would go away!! Nice job on the miles! Enjoy those kettlebells today. I would LOVE to be out there during salmon season. YUM!



                              Have a good day everyone!



                              October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                              November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                              March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



                                Thanks ladies

                                After months of cold wet weather it was the hottest day of the year.  Full on sun. Some wind constantly in my face.  Pancake flat HIGHWAY shoulder running. Spent most of The Soul Crusher segment avoiding trucks and cars.  Ran (mostly walked) first 17 miles with Ingrid. We couldn't keep up with either of the two group's ahead  of us.  Totally walked from mile 20 on.  Was walking ok but was totally solo by mile 27 and was lonely out there. My feet hurt really bad due to the flatness. I think I like hills. I'm so very sunburned.  Apparently nobody finished. Most made it to mile53. I'm most disappointed that I didn't make it to 53 but finished with 39. The leader of these shenanigans made it to mile 66 before calling it. He's running Volstate this year.. I've some soul searching in the next while to do. I'm just not fast enough.


                                *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                                 **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**

