Womens Running






      Tough day ahead of my, but trying to put on my best "I think I can" hat and go!


      RR- nothing today. 12 yesterday. I have not had a good long run yet this cycle.  Yesterday I felt slow and draggy.


      NRR- heading out to PA where I have a packed full day of meetings. Including  a few I'm really not looking forward to, oh well. Also supposed to be not great weather this morning, so hopefully I avoid the worst of it.


      Have a great day! I'll try to check back in the afternoon.


        Happy Monday!!!


        RR: Switching to a SRD today since I'm soooo tired.


        NRR: DH completely surprised me this past weekend. My parents flew in on Thursday evening, and I had no idea they were coming, and then we ran out for a bit on Saturday and I came back to about 30 people at my house yelling "Surprise!". It was a great weekend, and I definitely did not expect DH to throw me a 30th Birthday Surprise party! We got up at 4am this morning to take my parents to the airport, and I'm exhausted! It's going to be a long work day, but I'm in early, so at least I can leave early.


        OJ; I hope your day flies by! Great job on the 12 miles!!!!


          RR: 5 yesterday not sure about today.


          NRR: we decided to head to Raleigh today with DH. He has some work to do there. I will take M back to the natural muesem they have. Hence why I am not sure what mileage I will get in.


          OJ: I hear ya who te dragging I been in the same boat... Hope we get out of it soon. Still great job on the 12.


          PO: that's awesome! Sounds like a great time!


          Gotta run we are stopping at at gas station. Need some water. Smile

          MA runner girl

            Morning ladies!


            RR: 6 miles yesterday. It wasn't the best run, but not the worst either, and not bad enough to make me want to stop trying for 6 miles once a week. So I'll call that a win! Finished the week with another 15 miles. Feeling good Smile Planning on a swim after work, though not sure if I will make it. We are supposed to be getting a storm.. just a couple inches of snow, but with some ice on top of it, which will be MESSY.


            NRR: I really enjoyed my weekend, it was very relaxing. As I went to the grocery store yesterday afternoon, I realized that I hadn't left the house, other than to run, since Thursday night. LOL DH did get some work done on the nursery, I think we are ready for paint next weekend! My mom is coming over to help him. Can't wait!! My shower is the following weekend, so my plan was to have it all cleaned up and ready for after the shower so we can have a place to put everything. Looks like that will happen!


            ETA: NRR2: So DH and I finally had a productive talk about finances this weekend. Only after I found out about almost $200 he spent without telling me and I got really upset (i.e. crying.. thanks hormones!). So we talked about it and I showed him our finances, what we make and how much we should have left over... before his overtime is even accounted for... and the fact that we are coming out even without saving much at all. I think it opened his eyes. He agreed to bring his lunch to work, and try cutting back on other expenses. He didn't want to go to an "allowance" so I said that we will look at spending next Sunday and if he was reasonable then we will take it on a week by week basis for a while. If he's still out of control, then an allowance it will be. I feel better. We made our lunches together this morning, so step one: achieved! Smile


            Jewel - I hope your day is not as bad as you are thinking. Are you driving yourself down? Stay safe out there, it's supposed to be messy!


            PO - Aww that is so sweet of DH! I'm glad you had a good time, you deserve it!! I hope today isn't too bad. I'd be pooped!


            Have a great day ladies!

            PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16

            MA runner girl

              GSD - Have fun taking a road trip with DH! The museum sounds like a fun way to spend the day!

              PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16


                good morning ladies!



                RR: kind of a lax weekend. did 1. something miles on saturday and nothing yesterday. Needed a nap desperately yesterday. today, nothihng yet. M and I plan to go to the gym later and have a nice run or something.


                NRR: M started day hours today, so left the house in foggy, drippy, slippery weather to get to worthington before 8. I followed after him for work before 6.30. So I'm at work early and will head to rotary club tonight at 5 with no guilt for not working "enough hours".  Shy


                Super productive weekend tho! we got a little further with the shower. Built the last tricky panel and fastened the bottom 2x4s to the concrete floor so we know exactly where the shower outline is. Now we'll have to put the walls up and fasten them to each other next weekend. We'll probably lay the first layer of concrete grout also.  On saturday we went up and spent the day with M's parent's as it was his dad's birthday. Got home around 8pm and I worked a little on some specifications. Did the same last night while M watched the pro bowl.

                Prepping this week for a couple of work job interviews we have on wednesday and on friday. quite nervous but crossing my fingers and hoping we get both jobs...


                OJ: way to go on the 12 yesterday! good luck with the meetings!


                po: that's a great surprise! and the fact that your DH kept it under wraps! that's impressive! good luck staying awake today!


                gsd: enjoy the trip and going to the museum! sounds like fun!


                MA: yay for getting so much stuff done for the baby and also having a relaxing weekend!



                back later... kind of hoping to hear from M soon that he got to worthington safe.


                  Good morning!


                  ER: Nothing official over the weekend or today, but I'm counting NER.


                  NER: We got SOOOOO much done this weekend. Saturday we got our new stove... its so nice! Actually made dinner for the first time in awhile and I also baked a birthday cake for DH and so far I'm satisfied and love my new toy! Saturday afternoon I finally made some progress on cleaning our bedroom... I've had various clothes laying around for months, maternity clothes that were too big and too small, regular clothes that were too small, etc... I cleaned out the closet and dresser and go three trash bags' worth of stuff to take to goodwill. I also started washing some baby clothes... I can't believe I"ll have a baby that small again soon! Yesterday I finished putting A's dresser together and DH and I rearranged our bedroom and A's room to make room for new beds and the dresser. The main task was to move the couch out of A's room and there was a lot of work involved in that. As we were working on that I vacuumed all the bedroom carpets, even under stuff in A's room that won't be moved. One of the things we moved was DH's tall dresser that the TV sat on, instead its now on my shorter dresser. So now DH is thinking about buying a new, bigger TV... he wants to today. This week might be a good week for it though since there are always TV sales the week of the super bowl. I feel kind of bad about all the new stuff we've been getting, but we're leaving money in savings and we've gone a long time without getting some of this stuff and this will be something new for him when most of the other stuff we've gotten has been for me and P. Anyway, once we finally got the rooms arranged (though not all the way, still have a good amount of stuff to find a spot for in our room), I moved A's clothes into the new dresser and put P's newly washed clothes in the new dresser. I am still exhausted... I feel like coming to work today was a break! The good news is that I feel a lot more ready for P... there aren't too many more things that MUST get done for him, and then just some more organizing and donating and such.


                    Good morning, ladies!


                    RR: Nothing since last Thursday and I'm starting to go crazy. I slept a lot this weekend and am feeling better, so hopefully this cold/cough will be under control so I can run tomorrow morning?  Yoga tonight, hopefully.


                    NRR: Not too mcuh..working from home again today. I have stuff I can do from here so why bother going in when I feel less than stellar.


                    PO - How sweet of your DH!!


                    Jewel - I feel like you were just in PA. How often are you going there?


                    MA - I'm glad you had a productive talk with DH. Looks like it really opened his eyes - I hope he can stick with it.


                    GSD - Have fun in Raleigh today!


                    Lizo - Did you have to put in new plumbing stuff for your shower?


                      monk: way to be so productive this weekend!! wow. you guys rock!


                      outwest: fortunately not. there used to be an old shower there so all the plumbing and drainage is in place already. we're just building around all the old... glad you're feeling better! make sure you keep listening to your body!


                        Hi Ladies!


                        No chance for personals today, but I wanted to check in.


                        RR: will head to the gym after work today. hoping for 3 miles on the TM and then some light weights.


                        NRR: Today is my first day back to work since my surgery! It is SO GOOD to be back! My studentes practically tackled me this morning when they saw me! Smile So cute!


                        I was successful in getting my 8 hours of sleep last night. I did wake up a few times during the night thought. I think I was a bit anxious about oversleeping or something. Smile


                        My SIL is due to have my niece any time now! She's due today, but so far, she's not having contractions or anything. My brother said that on Saturday night, she woke up with some pain, but so far, nothing!


                        Gotta run, ladies! Have a happy Monday!


                          Super quick check-in for me...


                          Happy 30th PO!  So sweet of your DH to plan a surprise party for you, love it!


                          rltw - glad you are enjoying your first day back to work and that the students were just as excited, I'm sure you're a great teacher!


                          RR:  mostly dog walking this weekend (they were crazy after a rainy week), planning on a short run/walk and then I'll warm up with the volleyball team (no playing)


                          NRR:  DH and I have been working on babymoon plans, we purchased plane tickets, but now I'm feeling like nothing is certain until we have the ultrasound and talk to my doctor on Friday.  Downton Abbey was good last night, but the worst thing for a pregnant woman to watch.   Otherwise, I got my closet cleaned this weekend, we had dinner with friends, and looking forward to a productive week at work - I've got to get a draft of a presentation to my boss by the end of the week, but then I should be able to kick back and relax this weekend!


                          Make it great day ladies!




                            RR-Chowin' down on some cereal getting ready for 2 - 3 miles. Probably on the dreadmill, but such is life.


                            NRR-Had a productive weekend as far stuff to do for home. I was very Martha Stewart! I made conditioner, body scrub (thanks to Librarian's recipe), almond milk, date bars and dinner on Saturday and Sunday.  Have to get to campus early all this week for student activity meetings and such. We're hosting the regional CE student competitions/conference next year, so I'm helping with that.  Hopefully, I'll get involved with steel bridge again too.




                            Dr T-A babymoon sounds wonderful. I hope you and DH get to go. Whenever I think of pregnant women flying, it reminds me of Maya Rudolph in  "Away We Go." So cute.


                            PO-That's super sweet of DH to throw you such a wonderful surprise! Glad you enjoyed time with the parents and friends.


                            MA-Glad your conversation with DH was productive. Finance discussions are always tough to have.


                            GSD-Have fun in Raleigh! The trails at Umstead are pretty nice and wide enough for a stroller. I know there's access to the park from the Art Museum if you're interested in getting  walk or run with M there.


                            Sassy-Your video of G was too adorable for words! Such a happy boy!


                            Jewel-Hope today is productive for you. Great job on your 12 this weekend.


                              GSD - Too bad I have to work today!!! The natural history museum is AWESOME. I loved it when we went last year (I was still preggo) and I cant' wait to take G sometime. Have fun!


                              I'll be running my first full, the Richmond Marathon on November 16, 2013!



                                Morning ladies!


                                RR. I ran 3.75 yesterday! It felt amazing and I didn't want to stop, but I know I need to ease back into it... Today is rest, with ab stuff and lots of calf stretching and massaging as it still feels tight. But I think I'm good to be back to training, but just very light at first.


                                NRR. DH and I both felt like we were fighting off colds this weekend, so we were super mellow. Took L for a lot of walks, and just lazed around the house. I read an entire book (thanks Blu!) The Art of Racing in the Rain, which was super sweet.

                                Today, I need to go grocery shopping, make some food stuff for the week, fill out a job application for an interview I have Thurs (the fitness center one) and do a little house cleaning.

                                Humboldt Redwoods Half Marathon 10.20.2013 

                                Tiburon by the Bay Half Marathon 11.3.2013 (My Birthday!) 

                                Napa Valley Full Marathon 3.2.2013



                                Half: 1:48

                                Full: 4:34

