Womens Running


Hump Day Supermoms (Read 23 times)


    Yep we do.  I have leftovers in my lunch for today...they will be soggy but still good.  I don't think I could go back to regular tots now!




    Mer- do you buy the Alexia brand sweet potato tots? They are pretty good, I can't eat regular tots because they contain wheat but the alexia ones are GF.   I hope your little mister makes his appearance soon!


    Upcoming Races: 

    Gazelle Girl 1/2 Marathon 4/13 - 1:48:46



    beskirted & manicured

      arm - how did I miss you're seeing Wicked? FAVOURITE MUSICAL EVA. I am wearing my Wicked tshirt today and I just got becky to buy me the Wicked nail polish set from Sephora that's not available in Canada.


      CA - B went through phases of bad night wakeups.


      spike - I would have been more annoyed over the cashier's comment if she hadn't been super over the top friendly nice when B and I were there earlier in the day.  I like anything in the crockpot that works with veggies that can take being in there for 8+ hours (eg nothing green).  Speaking of green, I bought a giant bunch of black kale this morning and was starving by the time I got home at 8:30 so I made chips.  Then I had the rest of the kale slaw for lunch, so toot toot!

      5K - 24:10 | 8K - 40:41  | 10K - 51:40.6 | HM - 1:51:10 | 30K - 2:44:54 | Marathon - 3:59:26


      running eh

        RR#2 - 5miles to the park, 1mile home.  Felt okay - not 100%, but okay.  My family doc called this morning.  Turns out they got billed for my appt. w. the sports doc - apparently this sports doc doesn't have all her paperwork into the gov't yet so she is not covered by provincial healthcare despite what they told me at the Sports Clinic.  I have an appt. w. my family doc on Tuesday.


        rg - exciting for your friend!  Is this her first?  Does she know what she is having?  What classes will you have to teach?  Did R walk the entire time?


        zorbs - thanks for the kick in the pants Smile.  I am a complainer and a procrastinator.  I prefer to ignore things and hope they go away.  You are right, I need to be more proactive!  Grrr about the nanny thing!  Strange that they would assume that!  What store was it?  Did you hear back from SBUX?


        cx2 - yikes on co-worker, sounds like a real winner to me!  Hope C can get used to the baths soon  Can you bathe her in the sink?


        arm - You and I both, on the early mornings.  It is so much nicer to have the run done early, but I can't get myself to do it this week either!

        I love it when kids giggle, but my kids never did it a lot either, so cute though!


        ernie - at least S is a leader and not a follower!


        becky - nice run!  and yay for Sbux.  MMMM, tacos!  Hope the speech assessment goes well.


        mer - some "stuff" is better than no stuff.  You are amazing! Hope the interviews go well and yay for DH and his dinner!


        CA - glad M liked the new daycare, sounds fun!  Hope O is feeling better soon and you can all get some rest!  MMM on the slow cooker food.  Is the recipe on your blog ?  I like using the slow cooker in the fall and winter.


        spike - your FR's always sound so yummy.  I made mac n/ cheese w. squash in it a while ago, it was great!  I hope Miss. Jody can catch that BM too, lol!  SIL lives in Alabama.  She was due yesterday w. her second.  Hopefully the baby comes soon so that MIL can be helpful to her.  They moved there about 1.5 years ago an have no family around...


        Honorary Old

          Yep we do.  I have leftovers in my lunch for today...they will be soggy but still good.  I don't think I could go back to regular tots now!



          DH generally dislikes sweet potatoes but liked the tots, so that's a winner in my book.

          2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




            zorbs- a well-deserved rest day today! I find it really hard to take a total rest day, where I don't even go for a walk or do a core workout. lol on your new ears. ha, nanny!


            Cx2- nice job on the run today- sometimes I like the familiarity and the rhythm of running loops. ugh, sorry you're having such a hard time with bath, no advice for you as I think R would spend hours and hours in the tub if I let him. wow, that's really awful about your coworker and her lazy-a$$ fiancé. I feel so badly for kids in that situation.


            reh- great job on your run today, glad the knee felt ok. this is my friend's first, and it's a girl. she's so excited. i'll be teaching bootcamp MWF mornings, and personal training her clients various times throughout the week. sorry about the stress eating- i'm the opposite. my appetite disappears when i'm stressed.


            arm- hope you're able to get back into the early running routine! are you getting exited for NY? I LOVE the laughs, it makes the bad days and temper tantrums not seem so awful. mmm, squash soup! whoop, jealous of you guys going ot see Wicked!


            Ernie- sorry about the hot run yesterday, enjoy your ST today! hahaha on S at library time, R would be right there with her helping to hand out the scarves. that's good that the library lady was cool with it- first (and only) time I took R there were so many people in his face that he started to cry, and I got so many frozen death stares from the other moms there. I haven't been back since.


            becky- I just love your weds runs! wish we had a sbux close by. hope the speech assessment goes well today for C. I remember how hard it was last year to get therapy lined up for him. yay for normal poop.


            Mer- glad to hear that "stuff" is happening- keeping my fingers crossed it leads to a baby really soon for you! Hugs mama! I've never had sweet potato tots, but then again I don't like the regular ones . ugh, I can't believe you have to do PT conferences tonight- I hope they go well for you.


            CA- enjoy your run and ST today. glad that M enjoyed the new daycare. aww, sorry that O is still waking so much at night, that's rough! woop on the house cleaning week- hope you can get a lot done!


            spike- nice run last night! i'm sure R will enjoy the company tonight. wow- that's a big dinner for R, great job! did you switch BC's? I will teach bootcamps three mornings a week, and personal train throughout the days M-F. I used to work with her at the gym, and our teaching/training styles are very similar.

             5K: 19:15       Half: 1:29:35       Marathon: 3:13:08



              Mer: Sending labor vibes your way!  Yum.  I have been craving burgers and sweet pot. fries.  Hahahahahahaha, no.  DH is never super speedy Smile


              Zorbs:  We were all out to dinner once and the waiter asked DH if he wanted a separate check.  WTH?


              Spike:  I wouldn't worry about the ring.  It does its job well Wink  We have mastered the c/k sound but still need some practice.  He will correct himself when he is wrong.  G is coming along.  SP/SH/L are the sounds we are working on next.  In isolation he does ok, but connected speech is HORRIBLE.  You can barely understand him some days.


              CA:  At least you can blame your wake up on your teething child.  Mine was a dog who wanted to go out all night.  Thought about just leaving him out there.  Grrrrrr.


                mer - i know you have better things to think about, but off the top of your head do you have any suggestions for pre-marathon eating in downtown mke?


                  I'll message you today with a list!!


                  mer - i know you have better things to think about, but off the top of your head do you have any suggestions for pre-marathon eating in downtown mke?

                  Upcoming Races: 

                  Gazelle Girl 1/2 Marathon 4/13 - 1:48:46



                    mer - also message me the name of the hospital you might be at this weekend, thanks!


                    Bad Ass Mother Runner

                      RG - Hope you can squeeze your run in. We went for a walk in the park yesterday too, M was carrying a huge armful of leaves, sticks, etc with her.

                      zorbs - boo to the cashier! b looks to be half asian to me, so why wouldn't they assume you were the mom???

                      cx2 - I sorta agree that kids develop at their own pace, all the extra contraptions etc don't change when they actually walk etc, but agree with you that they still should interact and play w/ their kids!! I bet O will be at that point at 18 months, she's 13 months now and isn't pulling to standing yet.

                      r-eh - hope your knee held up today! I'm more of a bored eater than anything, so need to do something and not sit on my arse or I eat eat eat Smile Yep the recipe is on the blog... I'll blog on how it turned out and link to it again tomorrow probably.

                      arm - mmm on soup! Love the fall foods these days. LOVE Wicked!!!!!!!

                      ernie - running around playing with scarves sounds way more fun than sitting still listening to stories! MMMM on your FR!!!

                      becky - yay poop! Wink MMMM sbux!

                      mer - UGH tell everyone to shut the eff up! I never worked past my due date, but it would be ever so annoying. YAY dh on having dinner ready!

                      spike - ugh on the night wakeups. WOW on R's eating! My girls will gobble fruit like that. I wonder if they'd ever stop if I kept offering it. Eeek on the boobs! I popped the slow cooker meal in mostly frozen and put it on high instead of low, I'm going to turn it down to low now for the rest of the day. I'm really picky about the slow cooker also, beef is one of the things that turns out pretty good. My DH doesn't like beans much, so that wouldn't work.

                      5k - 22:56        10k - 46:13          HM - 1:45:39          FM - 3:57:03

                      Blog: http://terryruns.wordpress.com/


                        arm - It can be hard to motivate yourself to get out early and run in the dark! Good for you for getting out there like that. Ooh, I saw Wicked a few years ago and loved it!


                        becky - I assume if you can get him into the speech therapy at school it will be free? Sounds like he is making good progress so far! Yum, taco night sounds great!


                        mer - Toddlers are all monsters when we're trying to use the phone! Ugh, I can't believe you have to do a PT conference tonight. Maybe you can fake some contractions and scare all the parents out of there so you can go home early Wink Better yet, I'm sending labour vibes for you to go before the conference!


                        CA - Great that M likes the dayhome so much! It is a different one than where she went before O was born, right? Sorry about all the wake ups. They are tougher on mommy than they are on baby! If she doesn't seem in pain at all, it might just be a developmental stage. S tends to sleep horribly for a couple weeks before learning a new skill. You might have a pulling up, walking baby on your hands soon!


                        zorbs - B could definitely handle a hike through the woods! I take S out for little hikes all the time. Excellent way to tire them out! Yes! That is the most ridiculous part of the cashier's comment - B is CLEARLY your child!


                        spike - How often do you have to get your allergy shots? Wow, that is impressive fruit eating by R. Definitely hope you get to skip that diaper change! I think the ring is over 99% effective, so you're probably just fine, but I guess it never hurts to POAS for peace of mind.


                        rg - That's really too bad about all the moms at your library program! Sounds like they are taking that class WAY too seriously. Toddlers learn through play, so the purpose of any class at that age should be to have fun.

                        5k - 20:46          10k - 41:27         10 mile - 1:15:32          Half marathon - 1:39:15      


                        Honorary Old

                          Ernie- I get 2 shots weekly. I used to be able to spread them out to every 3-4 weeks once I was on my maintenance dose, but somehow after my regular doctor left and I had to start going to the allergist's office for my shots, they got my serums messed up so that once I reach the maintenance dose on one, I have to start a new vial on the other which is really annoying. I might talk to them about trying to get them synched up again.

                          2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07





                            Hi Zorbs!


                            RR: Well, I ran on Sunday and today. I think I'm OK, but super paranoid about everything. I can't tell if I'm sore or paranoid but I'll wait until Saturday before attempting another run.  I'm doing a walk/run/walk/run approach right now.


                            TR: Crazy crazy child. Trying to push my limits. She is really good about listening to DH but she always laughs when I try to be stern with her (which makes me want to laugh, but I don't!) I saw the uh oh conversation yesterday. She says uh oh for everything. It is TOO freaking cute. She is also in major dog mode. She follows them around endlessly, rolls on their dog beds, grabs their tails...I'm not sure they are loving it but she thinks they are best buds so they'll have to get used to it.


                            FR: Chicken something or other.


                            NRR: My office building smells terrible today. Like sour chemical ass.


                            Honorary Old

                              nola- yay for running! It sucks coming back slow, but you'll get there soon enough. My kid likes to bounce on the dog, poor old girl.

                              2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                                RR: track session - just a little sharpener pre-sat's race. Started with plyo and strides which was a mile in total. Then 2miles of ins and outs - running hard for 100m and jogging bends. Then 4x150s which started at mile race pace and increased to all out. It was good and feel more ready for sat's race than I have ever felt in my whole entire life for anything. Started thinking about next goal and I think I might stick with 5ks for now. Did recovery jog yesterday and have tomorrow as a srd. And I have this visualisation work to do which is basically you write down the race in the past tense as you want it to happen and then read it aloud to yourself so your subconscious thinks it has happened and then apparently it plays out just like that. ha ha. This is going to be hilarious. And a bit different from the last 5k I raced - the gay 5k running under the rainbows and bubble machine. it is really interesting to hear a professional athlete tell you what they do to prepare for a race - as in, be at the venue, parked 1 hour before the start. I was thinking about being in my bed then. I just nodded and absorbed.


                                NRR: just gave myself the sloppiest pedicure ever. It is sexy dark navy but it is really unforgiving and is half on the skin around my toes. Sigh. Am completely in love with these leggings i got from athleta. They are my favourite item of clothing right now. Getting mirena inserted during next AF. All covered on insurance. Whoo hoo.


                                TR: Is sick. That explains the 1.5 hours to go to bed for the past 4 nights. I have just been as patient as possible and lay with him, nursed and cuddled him etc until he falls asleep but when I get out at 10.30 I feel trapped.


                                FR: right now I am eating romaine lettuce, egg whites, quinoa and sweet potato.

                                5K 21.12   10K 50:12   HM 2:07   FM 3:50:31
